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Venus was HER Name LUCY Fur Rising the Big BANG CRASH

Venus was HER Name LUCY Fur Rising the Big BANG CRASH

WE are at the Pas SAge Venus on the whales Tail Tell Tale and Jupiter on the Bulls eye.. Mutual reception THis VideO covers the Crashes on New Moon 29th and 31st My site for Readings PatreON here Alchemy Accordance News Letter Mid Air Mid L FIXED cross Crash over as Mutable Cardinal become one Mercury in Capricorn and Sun Capricorn ruled by Saturn and Jupiter in home of Venus taurus square collision to Saturn in Aquarius.. Venus Lucifer takes over Marianne Faithfull Lucifer rising died Images i forgot to share here Chat G Ginger CAT TP 20/16 is 216 6x6x6 Summer Solstice Galactic GAP .. ORANGE Red/Air Yellow/Fire Masculine AXIS runway 33 RR Ronald Regan Romulus Remus Rolls Royce RR 18/18 360...33 runway North West South East feminine black white axis fliped to masculine red yellow 33 Blocked flip flop to 33 Vertabrae NE SW 55/64 55/EE/MM/13/13 B to B department is Meuse is N:E and 64 B 🐝a Ritz is South West Masculine axis 55/ Romulus Remus of the mutable cross X Sagitarius ♐️N.E 9th house Jupiter and Gemini ♊️3rd house Mercury that's 93/63 369 across France...55/10 Say Ten 10 two hands 55 direction of the torsO field Torus wheel Chi RhO cairO Line/Nile PAS SAGE two sides of the Brian Life of BRIAN only 55 kms between Canada Russia CR Chi Rho make singular how Wow 👀 50 👁 Bulls eye VENUS and Mercury Venus/LIBRA/TAURUS Mercury VirgO/Gemini, Jupiter Pisces/Sagittarius ... VENUS Is the ruler of the NEW SUMMER SOLSTICE Taurus/Venus 216 6x6x6 she is Inanna But she will be moved as the QUEEN OF HEAVEN On the DC aka LIbra/VirgO Venus/Mercury Whore of BABYLON.. Jupiter rules the Winter solstice still and the Spring equinox and Mercury still rules the fall equinox now BatMan/Jupiter/JACK Mick Jagger Mercury/Jupiter, Mercury Robin Romulus Remus Have Marie Anne, Rose, Cat Woman the She Wolf Le LOUVRE Whore MonALisa too Venus is her name.. .. BAN ANNA RAMA BAN INANNA/ RAMA do you remember David Talbott: Symbols of an Alien Sky and the VENUS PROJECT??? Lucifer literally means “light bringer” in Latin. It's in his name. It is also a name for the planet Venus, which is also known as the morning star or Day Star. Goddess on the mountain top Burning like a silver flame The summit of beauty and love And Venus was her name [Chorus] She's got it Yeah, baby, she's got it I'm your Venus, I'm your fire At your desire Well, I'm your Venus, I'm your fire At your desire [Verse 2] Her weapons were her crystal eyes Making every man mad Black as the dark night she was Got what no one else had Wow!


the Gnome Gnosis is the Trump is the Rumple Trump Trunk stiltskin is the BRAIN/BRIAN STEM.. Trump life of Brian is being groomed into a HerO and he will be taken away.. the rug pulled from under your feet, then all hell will let lose TOULOSE TO LOSE the TRACK TRECK promises made and then Boom all gone, Harry in USA st ANDREWS Cross falls.. New Empire of the Black SUN Toulouse-Lautrec L'OR Trec head the brain stem Trump card is taken away.. Mayhem sets in then the real New Order comes in and then it's Life on MARS.. Noah hide law, Planet of the AP'B's Appi Abbi Pierre FORGOT TO COVER THIS POST IN VIDEO.. The GNOME the TORCH Rumpelstiltskin is the Angry Black Dwarf Gate Keeper to your Higher SELF.. Luckily I met him in 2016 216 2/B/b/6 16/P/9 69/BP ☯️ Black PRINCE British Pride.. and got PAST HIM.. Grand Unique BES dieu égyptien de la joie, accouchement, fertilité, sexualité & humour- The medulla oblongata is the connection between the brainstem and the spinal cord, carrying multiple important functional centers. It is comprised of the cardiovascular-respiratory regulation system, descending motor tracts, ascending sensory tracts, and origin of cranial nerves IX, X, XI, and XII. St Andrews Cross is the Mutable Cross ruled by Jupiter and Mercury M/J J/M ..JIM Morrison LA the doors StarGate MJ mick jagger. Michael jack'Son trick or treat..The EMPIRE strikes Back .. Jupiter has to take America from Saturn Aquarius Spring equinoX AIR reign Heir, he makes HAIR the HARE HAIRY Harry Mars is in USA and Andrew/Jupiter/Mercury they are all actors playing out the planets TRUMP Taurus/Venus and ElOn/Gemini/Mercury Mars in Gemini Jupiter on Bulls eye 🎯🧿🪬 and the divine COMEDY of as above so below..I PLACE NO importance in this, just how obviously Jupiter/Andrew wants Taurus/Venus the first sign of the Summer Soltice as we are now in Taurus on the 216 PB P/16 b/2 Prince Williams birthday this is how they do it...Merge Russia Canada Charles REX CR the Chi Rho.. CairO Line/Nile...Bill Inanna Nanny Goat Gate Capricorn ♑️ Saturn rules Twin Peaks Aquarius Capricorn gotta Pay your Bill to open the Gate, Bill Gate BG's just an actor to make people Kill Bill the true Gateway home...6x6x6 is 216 the summer Solstice Prince william Birthday the Galactic Gap GG/77 makes 777 tri Angle Golden Dawn between silver Gate and Golden gate..true androgynous Twin Peaks is Aquarius ♒️ 11th house South America Capricorn ♑️ 10th house North America N.A.S.A North america south america.. Jupiter /9 /12th houses..Venus/7 and 2 houses, Mercury/6/3 houses, taking over America.. Saturn rules the Twin Peaks 11th 10th house 111 777 Fixed and Cardinal crosses Ages.. Jupiter rules Mutable cross with Mercury they have no place in the coming age cross, Europe Asia Russia, England Empire is OVER Rover so they conquer America North America,and South America N.A.S.A. and they kill the Indians they turn it into Cowboys in Space Mars, Trump is just this Joker, Jupiter is Faith LUCK expansion youth and Saturn is old age Time Contraction Tik Tok that's why tik tok was ended cause Saturn is removed and replaced by ELON Jacques Jupiter Joker.. Venus is Lucifer the light bearer , not ♒️ the water bearer, Venus rules Taurus and she will be in Pisces on whales Wales tail retrO from 31/13 March 1st and Mercury rules Gemini each side of OriOn milkycway GG/77 Galactic Gap, the silver gateway.. currently Jupiter/Jack in Taurus on the Bulls eye aka the SEIN breast of Venus and Mars in Gemini on Lord of the Rings Pollux, as Mercury ruler is in Sagittarius ♐️ and Venus in Aquarius with Saturn.. ❤


PLease FIND FULL POST ON PATREON here PLEASE SEE FACE BOOK POST To see all PICTURES here.... READINGS HERE THE ROOM NEXT DOOR RED/AIR YELLOW FIRE we Move through the passage from VICTORIAN ERA PISCES BLACK?WHITE/YING YANG 69/96 to Pacific Palisades PP/bb 99/66 MASCULINE North node moves to AQUARUS/RED/AIR the Lady in RED ROSE TUDOR ROSE ELIza MAC BETH LINE/NILE CAIRO LINE through the PAS SAGE BRavO FREE WILL FREE WILLY MERCURY/MERCREDI!!! FREDDY MERCURY is FREE!!!! with his FATHER in SAGITTARIUS on the DART of D'artagnan on the CROSS BOW of WILL I AM TELL TAIL TALE whales TAIL!!!! Today MECREDI MERCURY the SIREN/MERMAID!!! will SOUND all over france!! we are in the PAS SAGE!!!!! i keep telling you you can not C at the bottom of the deep blue CCC!!! URANUS retrO back in FIRE/ARIES until MARCH from IS/Taurus under ELLE/ALGOL back to RA/ARies the POLE/PAUL WAT's SON activated!! doors Opened by POPE Pete Paul and JACK.. JACK The JOCKER Is FREE did you find your VOICE Pas SAGE???? JUpiter on Aldebaran Taurus/THROAT LA GORGE GEORGE /VALLEY VENUS RULES TAURUS and VENUS to GO REtrO over Whales Tail from 1/3 to 13/4!!!!! 40 days 40 night is the VOICE PASSAGE!!! Jupiter rules Sagittarius SUN In Sagittarius MUTABLE FIRE 7th Jan 1st quarter Moon MOON conjunct CHIRON the KEY CHIRONS LAST!!! on V for Victory Vesica Pisces Passage the VOICE currently Neptune North node on WHALES TAIL the WINGS of LUCYFUR JUpiter has NO AIR he is not the HEIR he is the HARE the HAIR!!!! HUMPS!!!!!! PASSAGE WHALES TELL TAIL you free will POL POLE PAUL BRAVO can you handle the SPLASH!!! WINGS AILES/L's of LUCY FUR it takes com PASS SION to pass in SION you need Compassion a HEART!!! to C!!! The SIREN/MERMAID VOICE do you have a VOICE??? or are you just a walking TORAH TORSO me too BULLEY  Jan. 7, 2025. The Pacific Palisades fire, which had grown to nearly 3,000 acres by 6:30 p.m. local time, was first reported before 11 a.m. and quickly prompted thousands of evacuations across the region and into Malibu palisade/ˌpalɪˈseɪd/noun1.a fence of wooden stakes or iron railings fixed in the ground, forming an enclosure or defence."at this time fortifications consisted mainly of earth banks and wooden palisades"Similar:fencepalingenclosuredefencebarricadestockadefortificationbulwark2.USa line of high cliffs.verbenclose or provide (a building or place) with a palisade."he palisaded the ends of the streets, and made the town a roughly fortified camp"They usually sound on the first Wednesday of each month, but this Wednesday, January 8, 2025, the sirens will be heard in Val-de-Marne and Île-de-France . Don't worry, everything is under control. This Wednesday, January 8, 2025, the national alarm signal will be triggered throughout Val-de-Marne.
Reflections on Diana's Death and Rising Notre Dame, Diana at Notre Dame 1988 Armistice Day

Reflections on Diana's Death and Rising Notre Dame, Diana at Notre Dame 1988 Armistice Day

THis was made for PatreOn Last week.. Its a private chat and reflections on DIana Death and Notre Dame connections.. Post is Now PUBLIC ... 20 % OFF all Readings until January 15th PrOMO Code AMAZING GRACE This is totally me speaking out loud evening CHAT its spontaneous and relaxed literally a private chat between us... Did you Know That in 1988 on 11.11 Armistice Day aka ST MARTIN DE TOURS ST Martinvast Day 11/11 11 November Saint Martin's Day or Martinmas (obsolete: Martlemas), and historically called Old Halloween or All Hallows Eve, is the feast day of Saint Martin of Tours and is celebrated in the liturgical year on 11 November. When JUPITER was in TAURUS and Moon in SCorpiO DIana was in Paris at NOTRE DAME!!! As Jupiter is again now 36yrs agO full 360 cycle... 1988-11-11 Diana and Charles at a Ceremony at Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris to commemorate Armistice Day There will be a Part ll REagrding JFK JUniOr aka J/10/1 F/6 K/11/2 216 Summer Solstice and CaroLyn CairO LINE CarO CHI RHO Carolyn Basette Was just having.a quick Peak at CB/32 paths of WisdOM Carolyn CairOLine/Nile Bassette and JFK JFK is Summer Soltisce J/10 aka 1.. F/6 .. K/11 aka 2 ... so 216 21/6 JFK junior Jelly Fish Dia Frame Diaphragm Kut .. Crash 1999 .. ill go in deep over the weekend.. havent looked at their charts yet, just the plane crash date.. What strikes me is the couple they make, as the True Twin Peaks Capricorn Cardinal Feminine Earth and Father Air Masculine fixed Aquarius.. Chronos and REA as the Mother Earth Capricorn Cynical Ambitious Cool spohisticated Innanna Nanny Goat Capricorn Queen of Heaven and Earth REA Archytype and he as Aqaurius Uranus Father Air Visionary unconventional Genius trend setter Intellectual Pilot AIR Heir Uranus both officially ruled by SATURN side by side The true N.A.S.A North America Capricorn and South America Aquarius the true energy killed so the Gangsters the Jupiter and Mercury BatMan Robin Trump and Dartagnan could steal the show and in England the Will I AM SON from Charles and Diana.. LOADS of Pics from Asca Asca ive added here too ... for me to explain in a videO..


VideO Made two days agO .. Please SEE PatreON For Full RUn DOwn Pics and explanation HERE READINGS HERE MARS is CURRENTLY ON the BEE HIVE CLUSTER in CANCER... Bee Hive B/13 B/2 Beth Apis ApiCulture Bull God Breast of Venus Jupiter in Taurus ruled by Venus Mars on Bee Hive in Moons Home Breast Cancer The MOON EYE Ophiuchus: the B/13 The Beehive Cluster (also known as Praesepe (Latin for "manger", "cot" or "crib"), M44, NGC 2632, or Cr 189), is an open cluster in the constellation Cancer. One of the nearest open clusters to Earth, it contains a larger population of stars than other nearby bright open clusters holding around 1,000 stars. Under dark skies, the Beehive Cluster looks like a small nebulous object to the naked eye, and has been known since ancient times. Classical astronomer Ptolemy described it as a "nebulous mass in the breast of Cancer". It was among the first objects that Galileo studied with his telescope. Lily Rose DEPP PLays in this film Nosferatu (2024 film) Was filmed when Nicola Bulley bulls etye Breast of Venus the eye 🎯🧿🪬 went missing during Valentine 2023 as Mars was on Bulls eye then Premiere Dec 2nd for New Moon in scorpiO as Mars was in Cancer home of the Moon as Jupiter was on Bulls eye.24 December last quarter Moon on bluestar spica in VirgO as Mercury ruler in ScorpiO Moon conjunt south node. MARS CONJUNCT BEE HIVE IN CANCER RULED BY MOON ... New Black Moon in Sagittarius 30December as Jupiter ruler in Taurus where Moon is exalted Diana gets Dirty.. Release date 25th Dec after Pope opens the Portals 24th obviously... From N/L Nelly Haine 🐳 BAAL N to L/N Ellen Helen Hell/N Filming took place primarily at Barrandov Studios in Prague between February and May 2023.Nosferatu had its world premiere in Berlin, Germany, on December 2, 2024. The film is scheduled to be released on December 25, 2024 Beehive. The Beehive Cluster (also known as Praesepe (Latin for "manger", "cot" or "crib"), M44, NGC 2632, or Cr 189), is an open cluster in the constellation Cancer. One of the nearest open clusters to Earth, it contains a larger population of stars than other nearby bright open clusters holding around 1,000 stars. Under dark skies, the Beehive Cluster looks like a small nebulous object to the naked eye, and has been known since ancient times. Classical astronomer Ptolemy described it as a "nebulous mass in the breast of Cancer". It was among the first objects that Galileo studied with his telescope. Doe, a deer, a female deer. Ray, a drop of golden sun. Me, a name I call myself. Far, a long, long way to run. Sew, a needle pulling thread, La, a note to follow sew, Tea, a drink with jam and bread! That will bring us back to do oh-oh-oh!
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