"Nothing beautiful without struggle." ― Plato. Painting - Holly (Allegory of Prometheus) by Louis Smith

I Have explained, many times there is a very narrow GateWay through into Heaven and Earth, in its true state, in this material realm, we are musical instruments and your vibration needs to make the state of GRACE 32 to reach that Twin Flame peak Crown and this activates your 7 chakras and the 4 parts of your brain with your HEART ... It means knowing that there are two extremes Light and Dark, you need to walk in the invisible realm to get out the 12th door Spin, that's why this Virus is that hidden doorway, the last EN E MY before you can know your N A ME NAME and only the mid EL path is that neutral point of GRACE ...

Chiron Last New VideO .....
To ‘gain the world’ makes ones heart heavy, and the kingdom within cannot be attained. How could it? How can all these weights be dragged through a passage whereby the only way to go through is to carry nothing at all?
The Narrow Gate
To ‘gain the world’ makes ones heart heavy, and the kingdom within cannot be attained. How could it? How can all these weights be dragged through a passage whereby the only way to go through is to carry nothing at all?

Your conscious thoughts create everything, so you are the Grand master of higher self SPIRIT, that holds your material experience safe, in its two hands, you can only become ill if you are not in a state of Grace, or pushed to extreme Fear and cornered like a Rat before a TRAP, This is what they are doing now sorting the Tares from the Golden Ripe Original Wheat ...Full Crown Eclipse this Summer Solstice Mid Summer nights Dream Willy I Am Birthday is 21st June and the Great Conjunction of Saturn and Jupiter is on the Winter solstice 21 December that is going to be their ARC between Mother Summer MOON and Winter father SUN Lion King they want to TRAP us in 101 LOL Lucifer Our Lord but that is the GATEWAY not the final destination... Thats why they made Sol O Mon wisdom into SALMAN aka MOMO Bin Salman the new BLACK PRINCE of the Black GOO... You will be pushed to extreme fear and contraction because PlutO Saturn and Jupiter, enter HIGH CARDINAL CAPRICORN, we leave Expansion Sagittarius for Cold Cruel CONTRACTION and she the ICE Queen is your higher self or your LOWEST self...Capricorn is the missing Link they tell you about Aquarius, father heaven AIR but never of HER.. Saturn GOD is the RULER of BOTH, the only Planet to Rule Two signs side by side Mother and Father and he will not let anyone who has not passed the judgement of Jupiter the JOKER the FOOL his Son/Sun, through the gate, SATURN is the GOVERNMENT and you are being tested to see if you can activate the Mature SPIRIT from Grapes Lungs to the 5th Heart Element of Purified Spirit that's what VitiCulture VC is, the opposite negative spin, for CV Corona Virus is the Positive Spin the Infection of your Fear and confusion ... 11th may we begin the last petal of your Flower of Life that VENUS makes every 8 yrs, and this last retrOgrade dance of 40 days and 40 nights is the anticlockwise SPIN for you to become centered or thrown completely off path into the Tempest, face the SNAKE on the Pole and look for the wisdom of your guiding self we are here to be GRACE or a Dis Grace be RUTH or RuthLESS... The Lion PRIDE lies down with the lamb GRACE your arrogance is the Invisible Virus of your Mind

There IS a narrow gate for those who GET IT who get through their own unique labyrinth that tiny gap is within you we can leave the merry go round of the walking dead the souls, that will never leave the ORCHARD of Fleshy desires and their huge absence of Temperance and will never seek wisdom cause they are blindly riding the Snake and they think its just a roller coaster when its their very own SCALES of balance ....