Order out of Chaos Gotta go through 5th house CHAOS Leo to get11th House Aquarius ORDER .....

Mercury is currently in gemini just finishing a retro back from cancer so he is getting ready to leave gemini where he is now with head of snake Rahu North node as he moves forward we have a new black moon in Cancer on 31st and mars is about to leave detriment in Cancer and go into LEO first of a whole gang that will open the Lion gates... as mercury moves forward again going over his shadow he leaves gemini and also prepares to go into cancer its time for us to get through the 12th door PISCES where the grasshopper is,

Pisces 12th house is the last MUTABLE SWNGING DOOR of the PI Rat Cross, so have to go through the invisible to find our new frequency its saying watch out last call to get FIXED lion gates LEO opposite aquarius 11th house or 13th gate into the twin peaks, Sphinx Giza ...mercury rules gemini and VIRGO and Virgo is opposite pisces .. and so mercury in Pisces is 12th house SPIRIT it means JUMP from the Logical to the spiritual to get past your LAS VEGAS VAGUS nerve/mercury VOICE and into your heart mind spirit connection i must do a video on all this i have so much to talk about but its just so enormous....So for the STING MJ Jazz in marciac mercury/ M and Jupiter /J, Rulers of the Pi rat Skull n Bones Cross Not only did tempO's hit 42degrees which is the angle that an ARC of a rainbow is percieved from every angle HALF of the whole .. but JM MJ Jazz in marciac had its 42nd festival... Sting was portrayed as Jesus Jupiter Kiss of Judas as jupiter is retrO in Water cardinal ScorpiO Jupiter rules pisces/Water 12th door and Sagittarius/fire both Mutable cross and mercury rules gemini/Air and VirgO/Earth also Mutable ...

So now the 29th July mercury prepares to move forward back to cancer from gemini RetrO and Jupiter was retrO in Scorpio they have both been in water and tomorrow MARS moves out of detriment in cancer and is the first of a gang to move from cancer to leo .. on 31st we have a sun moon conjunction in Cancer to mark the new lunar cycle so a new moon Month of family Home energy mixed with teenager Cahos SUN gang as all the planets in LEO the destrution cancer is Destruction and capricorn is creation Cancer is the Mother the true Mary.... Virgo is mary magdalene...7 is SEPTember VIRGO not 9 its 7/11 that means mercury ruler of virgo pretends to be the Mother earth when she is the whore of babylon.... 11 is Aquarius ..

On Thursday night the moon will move from gemini whrere it is now making certain misunderstandings as mercury ruler is just coming out of retrO and the moon is our emotional body and mercury our minds so we will be jolted out of this retrO period of review and reflection back into the arms of our Mother but a rough patch as we straighten up .. because Jupiter is finishing 4 months of retrO in Scorpio end of August, water like cancer the emotional charge of this black moon will be very deep , because Jupiter is trining Cancer and Uranus Change sudden shock is in Aries making a square .. venus will be conjunct moon and Sun too so the heart is there ...
2nd August Mercury going forward following Mars, Moon on Regulus as it was for Notre Dame Sphinx feet of Jesus Opposite Formlhaut North Star, True 3rd eye Giza Twin peaks Venus sun seperate and move towards Leo .... Lion LEON ELON NO EL Gates

11th August Sun Moves out of cancer into leO and mercury will be alone in gemini... On the 23rd August we have a Sun Venus and mars conjunction on Regulus/Sphinx after having the mars sun Venus crop circle image the 26th july in cancer Moon rules cancer sun rules leo they are SOL O MON Sol O Mon Baby LEON seal South into North gate, Giza North star opposite is the true Opening into aquarius ...and MERCURY will just hit leo too as Jupiter in ScorpiO Trine to all the planets gives a massive PUSH through those gates This is the time of the LION KING this is when we activate our hearts full throtal forward in our new found selves ...This is Lion Heart time but for some EGO desire will also reap its rewards and it depends if you use the gates to the Furness or to your authentic lamb the lion lies down with the lamb ...

All Month family affairs .. and Scorpio intamacy and deep desires and taboo matters still surfacing... Money issues with family members inheritance everything will smooth out but last minute big changes are gonna happen as uranus is in cardinal Fire Aries and cancer is cardinal too... so uranus will square Sun Moon venus mercury and all to move into leo as Uranus in Aries is FIRE too.. this is WHY they focused on 11 000 people attending Jazz in marciac cause 11th door is aquarius the LAMB Formlhaut D'Artagnan Twin peaks.. and leo is 5th house OPPOSITE so we have a true lion LEON ELON Musk try to keep us below on Regulus Sphinx opposite Giza Formlhaut LAMB ... we want to move into the thrid eye and last family affairs will reach a peak by the end of August when Jupiter moves forward.... 11th August Sun Moves out of cancer into leO and mercury will be alone in gemini... On the 23rd August we have a Sun Venus and mars conjunction on Regulus/Sphinx after having the mars sun Venus crop circle image the 26th july in cancer Moon rules cancer sun rules leo they are SOL O MON Sol O Mon Baby LEON seal South into North gate, Giza North star opposite is the true Opening into aquarius ...and MERCURY will just hit leo too as Jupiter in ScorpiO Trine to all the planets gives a massive PUSH through those gates This is the time of the LION KING this is when we activate our hearts full throtal forward in our new found selves ...This is Lion Heart time but for some EGO desire will also reap its rewards and it depends if you use the gates to the Furness or to your authentic lamb the lion lies down with the lamb ...
Order Formlhaut Aquarius Suturn 11th gate Opposite 5th gate leon Chaos Baby lyon Lion LEO SUN/SON Sphinx

perfect example of south Leo cancer 5th and 4th gates posing as 11 Aquarius and capricorn 10th house... its the Upside dOwn inside out version.. sol O mon trick sun rules leo and mon moon rules cancer seal... the spinx is baby leon elon NO el trap we need to get through gates not get stuck in the loop loup ....

Saturn rules the TWIN PEAKS when we merge our twin DNA back to ONE Aquarius 11th house RED Fixed AIR masculine Heaven and Capricorn 10th house BLACK Earth cardinal Feminine..... The CROW Chronus Time Death Contraction the FOX Jupiter Judas jesus Macron Trump and Boris will fall .........
