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Writer's picture: Victoria Vibes CottonVictoria Vibes Cotton

The Planets are the keepers of our internal TEMPOS they rule generations of energy and individual flow... ... The GOOD The BAD and the UGLY are simply Jupiter Saturn and PLUTO They will meet 2020 side by side in Capricorn Thats what ALL the fuss is about on Earth now because as we leave the age of the MUTABLE CROSS Pisces/Virgo we have to pull our selves toGETher (VIRGO/PISCES Mutable Cross) and stop swaying Right and left (Aquarius/Leo FIXED CROSS) Saturn Rules Aquarius Jupiter RULED Pisces SATURN rules the TWIN Peak age of Aquarius/Capricorn NOT JUPITER SOLOmon seal is Opposite leo/Cancer Under world .... we have to get a GRIP and to be centered... Jupiter does a 12 yr cycle 1 yr in each sign He is our Expansion and YOUTH Our ability to LIVE and be Lucky, Saturn is the MID EL Beat he takes 29 n half yrs to do a cycle he is our FEAR and Contraction and OLD age SPIRIT or DEATH...

Not for nothing that 5g is launched at Glastonbury 2019 Music festival to catch the MARY POPins HEART/EARTH Frequency a direct line goes from TOR to my village where the Labyrinth is 32 GRACE or 23 double Twin DNA FLESH TRAP you need Thorns to protect your HEART ROSE POPPY 5 Petaled Flower of life must SPIN left and Right before being FIXED

Three, Six, Nine, The Goose Drank Wine

Hand Clapping Rhyme




TRIPLE GODDESS 3 6 9 Worship Aldebaran BI BULL FAKE sWORD in The sTONE The PENIS up the SPINE ...

TESLA 3 WAY TRAP 3 6 9 Three, six, nine, the goose drank wine. The monkey chewed tobacco on the street car line. The line broke The monkey got choked And they all went to heaven in a little row boat!

A Brain ROW Boat or be the captain of your own Vessel .. Labyrinth journey.. You are the HEART spin centered in the Heart/Earth of the matter you SPIN your own tapestry when you master the GAME of Thorns and become the MID EL beat we can not be SPUN by anothers frequency we hold our own ... SATURN rules our twin PEAKS merged as ONE Flower ....


TESLA 3 6 9


3 6 9 12 and you become the FOUR TUNE 13th KEY SPIN OUT

THE TRUE right left SPIN to be centered that's WHY the swastika is demonised NOW so we dont get the two way SPIN and become cooked in 5g 3 6 9 spin we need the 3 6 9 12 to become the 13th key OUT of flesh into spirit....

THE TRUE V FOR VICTORY IS THE TWIN PEAK SPIN .... V is the RAM of Aries or the V of the reproduction organs V is VENUS rules Libra/Omega 5 petaled ROSE and the TWIN BI BULL ISIS we must find the balance for LIBERTY EQUALITY FRATERNITY is not imposed we make the MID EL TEMPO....

The triple Goddess The GOOD/Jupiter the Bad/Saturn and the Ugly/Pluto... TESLA 3 6 9 SPIN is not the four fold its FAKE you need the four points to SPIN out of the DNA flesh trap into SPIRITUAL beings ... NORTH is Aquarius/Capricorn TWIN PEAK ... The North star is FOMALHAUT

I get it, now at 51 yrs Old... to survive in a dog eat dog whirl one has to have BOUNDARIES.... SATURN is the Lord of Contraction, FEAR and returning to Spirit, if we don't respect our own EASE we become Dis EASED and we have only our selves to blame .. we attract people into our lives that play the roles of our shadow side, Only we can say what we do and dont ALLOW ... until we GET that, people are simpy showing us who we are... they will do anything that is a reflection of the part of us we don't USE to its greatest benefit.. I Have Saturn conjunct my SUN 12th house Pisces... VICTIM GUILT FEAR so i create characters in my life that PLAYED That role of the tyrant cause I AM a TYRANT when i am truly half me... and i have lived in the shadow of fear and no self respect, even if i have GRACE i felt i was not worthy to play the material game, called LIFE and live it, with FULL Balance of my own VALUES .. I am not afraid to DIE... but i refuse to be afraid to LIVE, anymore and to let others LIVE through ME ......

SATURN is FEAR/Contraction JUPITER is FLESH Expansion SPIRIT is MERGING the 2 TWIN PEAKS .. SATURN RULES from Split DNA 23 Doub EL to ONE 32 GRACE HEART/EARTH Frequency....

SATURN RULES THE GOLDEN AGE of TWIN PEAKS ... he recolts those that dont find his inner discipline and contraction to return to SPIRITUAL TRUTH he rules Two Twin ages side by side the only planet to rule TWO Aquarius FIXED AIR masculine and Capricorn cardinal EARTH Feminine ... Androgynous equal energy

The Planets are the keepers of our internal TEMPOS they rule generations of energy and individual flow... ... The GOOD The BAD and the UGLY are simply Jupiter Saturn and PLUTO They will meet 2020 side by side in Capricorn Thats what ALL the fuss is about on Earth now because as we leave the age of the MUTABLE CROSS Pisces/Virgo we have to pull our selves toGETher (VIRGO/PISCES Mutable Cross) and stop swaying Right and left (Aquarius/Leo FIXED CROSS) Saturn Rules Aquarius Jupiter RULED Pisces SATURN rules the TWIN Peak age of Aquarius/Capricorn NOT JUPITER SOLOmon seal is Opposite leo/Cancer Under world .... we have to get a GRIP and to be centered... Jupiter does a 12 yr cycle 1 yr in each sign He is our Expansion and YOUTH Our ability to LIVE and be Lucky, Saturn is the MID EL Beat he takes 29 n half yrs to do a cycle he is our FEAR and Contraction and OLD age SPIRIT or DEATH...


PLUTO is responsible for 20yr generations of our collective unconscious our Subconscious Mind he reads LOGOS and Symbols and is our collective ignorance or becomes our individual gatekeeper or KEY out and our ability to be CONSCIOUS ... We are shifting from a Mutable age to a FIXED CROSS age Aquarius is FIXED and like Capricorn They are the TRUE TWIN PEAKS the top of the wheel is NORTH/FOMALHAUT Aquarius and Capricorn NOT Cancer and Leo SOLOMON SEAL is Upside Down its REGULUS SOL/SUN rules LEO and MON/MOON rules Cancer the elite rule the UNDER WHEEL not the ABOVE... Rose Maries babies are the last generations on earth of Plutos under wheel cycle ... Pluto was in Virgo from 1968 till 1988 Pluto was in leo from 1948 to 1968 and Pluto was in Cancer from 1928 till 1948 ... Once Pluto got passed VIRGO and moved into LIBRA/OMEGA in 1988 These Generations are ABOVE the under wheel They have more of a chance to be ready for the NEW AGE mentality of being FIXED ..

metamorphosis or DEATH.... FLY or DIE CRUCI FICTION

.However ROSE MARY's BABIES are really the 1968 to 1988 generation and This is what the 1968 FILM was about Crucifixion of that energy That's why NOTRE DAME MM Mary Magdalene came down now to MARK EL ELLE toGETher Jupiter/JUDAS is Scorpio right now is going RETRO until August thats why The falling of notre Dane was the KISS OF JUDAS and the TWIN DNA PEAK 9/11 Double take from 18yrs ago Rahu/Ketue head tail of snake Karmic Journey... However ROSE MARY's BABIES are really the 1968 to 1988 generation and This is what the 1968 FILM was about Crucifixion of that energy That's why NOTRE DAME MM Mary Magdalene came down now to MARK EL ELLE toGETher Jupiter/JUDAS is Scorpio right now is going RETRO until August thats why The falling of notre Dane was the KISS OF JUDAS and the TWIN DNA PEAK 9/11 Double take from 18yrs ago Rahu/Ketue head tail of snake Karmic Journey.. The ROSE is the EYE HEART Labyrinth Flower of life window of Notre DAME and the ROSE still stands..........

...Aquarius is an androgynous age of being EQUAL ... The Swastika is simply the Right left SPIN when merged it is an eternal passage through the HEART center... we are being PURGED all lambs that dont get a GRIP fixed are crucified ... they know all old thinking and anyone that cant be centered will be FIXED to the CROSS... we have the responsibility to help the younger generations make the shift through but without FEAR .... 5g is simply our HEART ROSE LABYRINTH VENUS makes a FIVE petaled flower in the SKY its our HEART frequency... if we haven't made it through the LABYRINTH we cant rise above the FEAR PORN ... Look at the younger generations they are doing FINE they are ready for this new age they are not panicking ... However many of the Pre Pluto in Virgo generations will Not make the shift there thinking is too OLD fashioned ... Returning to EARTH and getting ready to be independant and to have community and leaving the old WHIRL and TWIRL is essential now because the age of Aquarius is FIXED not MUTABLE and you can Fix yourself but only you can find the MID EL beat out of the FEAR once you have faced the FAKE overlay

The ROSE is the EYE HEART Labyrinth Flower of life window of Notre DAME and the ROSE still stands ...


Yes we are coming up to the peak SPLIT and merging... If you are living very hard times right now i PROMISE it is your souls choice so that you have the courage to rise above the Bull Shit we are living, but first we must face our deepest fears, we must be HONEST about our lives and the people we share it with, can you be authentically who you are in their presence or do they stop you from making the narrow gateway THROUGH? have you confronted the collective beast have you SEEN that all is not as it seems, we are being asked to STOP helping those who have chosen the darkside consciously or Unconsciously, those who hold jealousy, and spite those who are envious, inadequate and unsure, those who STEAL anothers light for their own benefit, because they can not survive without following the crowd as sheep do, Sucking OFF others... we cant help them anymore and only we can STAND alone through the passage... the younger generations are ready for this its more the Pre 80's generations that have to really get a grip on this shift we are living, if you are still holding onto the old belief systems the old tricks of the trade and you dont align to where we are heading with true vision and pure intent, you take what ever you believe with you including those souls that hold you back they wont let you through its time to LET GO and find your authentic life force frequency



VENUS HEART 5G petaled ROSE flower frequency 1 2 3 4 5 Once i caught a FISH ALIVE BEE G 5G STAYING ALIVE 6 7 8 9 10 THEN I let him GO AGAIN Pass through the looking GLASS..... Be the eternal SPIN but be FIXED within the CHAOS Calm upon the STORM

Its ETERNAL not Lineal

Aquarius is an androgynous age of being EQUAL ... The Swastika is simply the Right left SPIN when merged it is an eternal passage through the HEART center... we are being PURGED all lambs that dont get a GRIP fixed are crucified ... they know all old thinking and anyone that cant be centered will be FIXED to the CROSS... we have the responsibility to help the younger generations make the shift through but without FEAR .... 5g is simply our HEART ROSE LABYRINTH VENUS makes a FIVE petaled flower in the SKY its our HEART frequency... if we haven't made it through the LABYRINTH we cant rise above the FEAR PORN ... Look at the younger generations they are doing FINE they are ready for this new age they are not panicking ... However many of the Pre Pluto in Virgo generations will Not make the shift there thinking is too OLD fashioned ... Returning to EARTH and getting ready to be independant and to have community and leaving the old WHIRL and TWIRL is essential now because the age of Aquarius is FIXED not MUTABLE and you can Fix yourself but only you can find the MID EL beat out of the FEAR once you have faced the FAKE overlay .

The spinning Flower of life is not static its a two way spin with four TUNE corners... THE TRUE right left SPIN to be centered thats WHY the swastika is demonised NOW so we dont get the two way SPIN and become cooked in 5g 3 6 9 spin we need the 3 6 9 12 to become the 13th key OUT of flesh into spirit....

THE FOUR FOLD SPIN is 3 6 9 and 12 to become the 13th sign OUT of the wheel we become the 5g HEART center through CHOICE to rise above FEAR and to self contract and face SATURN

LABYRINTH in my village of AIGNAN 32/23 32 GRACE 23 DNA flesh TRAP...on the Rue de ST Saturnin its the HEART FREQUENCY.... Aignan comes from ARIGNEE the spider that weaves the WEB of death or LIFE.... its the De Vinci Code ELECTRO MAGNETIC two Twin peak TWIRL WIRL HOW WOW ii Hawaii

It's aMAZEing..... When You Become Both sides of the coin you see from each perspective and you get through the mirror looking glass

TWIN PEAK DNA TRAP or self activation...


You need to balance both to be half Spirit half flesh

5G is a square TRAP not a HEART SPIN FLOWER


BRAINROW RAINBOW is your ability to get through the MAZE its your 4 corners of your perceptive ability LABYRINTH... to raise the 7 chakras and activate the 4 TUNE of GOLD you FOUR TUNE is when we are the captains of our VESSELS SHIPS across stormy waters...HowWOw ii Hawaii ii Captain ... Rowing boat is for those that follow the MAIN STREAM



YOU ARE YOUR OWN BALANCE only those as light as feathers can escape the kiss of Judas and enter the new age.... Venus HEART activation


Kiss of Judas ... To steal our VENUS HEART SPIN ... BETRAYAL Jupiter in Scorpio RETRO right Now until August when notre dame came down he was betraying the OLD whirl of religious control to prepare us to stand FIXED in our own authentic SPIN Twirl and WHIRL

3 6 9 BrainRow or we sail our own vessels as Captains of our experience who needs a ROWing boat down the stream when you can sail in a SHIP across the sea TESLA 3 WAY TRAP 3 6 9 Three, six, nine, the goose drank wine. The monkey chewed tobacco on the street car line. The line broke The monkey got choked And they all went to heaven in a little row boat!

YOU are your own labyrinth or SATURN recolts us ...PAN is RA NOT EL ... RA is MARS ARIES THE RAM.... The Trickster The 33rd Constellation the OLD stuck record we are kept on until you get through your own labyrinth of joining the dots You find your own inner balance OVER the Cinderella Complex CC/33 Cruci FICTION ... SPIN as a venus FLOWER ISIS with THORNS...

"The only person who knows you is you. Let no one else pass judgement on your progress. Their perception, no matter how well intended, will never appreciate your struggles, your achievements, your moment by moment accomplishments to birth a rich, authentic being, replete with compassion borne of grief and gratitude. The journey is the sacred work, no matter how mundane you believe your life to be. Every breath is a rebirth of your potential. You live in embattled times because you chose the path of most resistance. And thus great warriors are bred.
To withdraw completely affords us the necessary space for deep reflection, review and recapitulation. We are in a constant state of flux, some days good, some days bad and we work to bring context to the momentum rather than allow. In the wake of such. all we can depend on is the next breath. We have arrived together at the ultimate event horizon, what McKenna terms as 'novelty'. It is the point of power accorded to few and as we grow in discernment and perspicacity, we govern our energies guardedly. It's a good thing and a good place, despite the agonies we endure. Fire burns away the detritus of millenia and we stand purified in the alembic alchemy of our history, personal, and collective. It was never going to be a cake walk ..."
graced by ~Tia Carr


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