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PC Pollux Castor

Writer's picture: Victoria Vibes CottonVictoria Vibes Cotton

I've just Published 3 articles, on my Site/blog, which I am STILL adding to and working on so i may prepare myself for the day and time, hopefully before the 5/6 Coronation date, it will be 56 yrs 2024 Paris Olympics since RoseMarys baby's were Born 1968 to 2024 May/5 the 6... and 56 yrs that plutO was in CETUS, the whale in the Victorian era when this New Eliza Mac BETH Line/Nile age was brought into place, by the Theosophical society the Lutherans.. These articles are PURELY for my use, so i can collect the SWARM of connections, i will be bringing to you with VideOs, when i find a way to bring my VOICE to you. My Face Book account was also taken down so i have to string my journey back together again and its a lot of work for me, I've had to cancel all my readings, those people who have been waiting since the flood and the submersion of my daughters home. Currently my VOICE is being slayed at the GEORGE GORGE/THROAT SIRIN/MERMAID loses her Song and the ALARM is SETH/BES LIZZ a BETH and SETH Game SET Match Mad Hatter CR CHI RHO Chiron's Last T REX Party Begins .. The Three Sisters TRIP LLL/777 Goddesses, replaced and the Last phase of the Moon is kept as the new Hidden Hand.. fertility Taken... Fertility God is Born, as st George kills the Milky Way Water MelON snake, Ophiuchus slays ScorpiO, so his Phoenix Altair, Summer Triangle may Meet with ORION the Winter Triangle and close us in the DIA MONDE.. Their Falcon rise instead of ScorpiO becoming the MC AIG/L EGG AIG/AIN TREE ENTRY .. ScorpiO the Eagle that carries the wisDOME again.. LiverPOOL is the THROAT GORGE and Scotland the HEAD, we lose our 5th element head at the Valley of the WATERS Throuat GORGE .. ST GEORGE St Martin de Tours St HUBERT of the HUNT separate's SPLITS the Milk and Honey in TWO Hence the Alarm before the Corona TIE ON Thai ON Coronation Street ... I've bought a SECOND brand new computer, since losing mine, in Storm Gabrielle at Pihas Rock PIC/PEAK de NICK OLA's OLE wave was struck by the META MATAD'OR ... Hopefully Ill be back with a video soon in the mean time, Please dont think you can possibly string this story toGETher from these blog articles, if you haven't been following me these past yrs.. For those of you who have, you may well see the story unfold, piece its self into one big INANNA Web of connections, PICTURE DIA FRAME the four corners reunited is the Crowning of your ability to be above the Jelly Fish Diaphragm DIA FRAME, you hold the FRAME and you take the Picture of this REEL ALI T show .. CorONation Street Soap Opera...

6 February 2023 Waitangi Day 2023

  • Today in 1840 6 Feb the Waitangi treaty was signed under the reign of Victoria and now the Elisa BES line ... yesterday full moon in Cancer/ and Eliza BES Kali Cancer destruction the squaring of the bull ring circle Chi RHO sword in the stone Lord of the Rings the 4 corners Lord of the boxing RINGS takes fertility from HER pop Eye balloon Eye spy.. Charles REX is King of the swingers.. go check out the sky in 1840 on this date says it all, for those who can read as above so below.. MARS/RAMS was on Fomalhaut 1840 the LAMB/P in Aquarius true 3rd eye is not the BULLEY 🎯 today 2023 MARS 90 degree square in Taurus on Aldebaran LAST LEG/ANGLE ANGUS of the RING head to head is RAM LOCK SEAL Won't let me upload pic of the Rams headlock that's why they put head to head in STAG/RAM is the joining of treaty 1840 Mars on Fomalhaut Aquarius to today Mars on Aldebaran Taurus last leg Angle ANGUS, ... Bes was a widely worshipped deity in ancient Egypt and was believed to be the deity of music, merriment, and childbirth. As such, Bes was thought to be a protector of children, and depictions of him were frequently seen in the bedrooms of ancient Egyptian households. Global giant celebrates Waitangi Day 2023 with a special Google Doodle Google's Waitangi Day doodle. Image / Supplied Global IT company Google is commemorating Waitangi Day 2023 with a special doodle created by Māori digital artist Hori-Te Ariki Mataki. Mataki, of Ōtautahie and founder of Ariki Creative, has been a multi-disciplinary digital designer since the 90s, honing skills that originated on the keypads of a Nintendo, developing further with Adobe platforms, and starting his company in 2007. Back then, his main focus was illustration and graphic design for iwi and local community groups. Today his art will be seen nationally as Google holds the top spot for the most visited site, processing over 8.5 billion searches globally each day.

eye SPY the BULL/eye The BAAL Ball Bal/haine/N spinning N/North Polaris DiS C.O BALL Whale 🐳 shot down upside down under whirl monde a l'envers surrealist BALL..The Moon fertility for full moon in Cancer 69 falling down south from Sun in Capricorn 96 keeping you below the subconscious realm under the UN dia frame...3yr Saturn cycle in each sign 3 degrees sun moment is 1degree every 72 yrs... 72+72+72 216 ... 21/6 Solstice Nile/Line Capricorn Cancer tropics is true equinox MC IC Saturn leaves 3 yrs of Capricorn during this full moon for the fertility festival Lupercalia Cupid/Valentine 13/14/15 Feb..

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Trip LLL Goddesses 3 Waters Trois Freres Three Kings

Aintree N/TREE ENTRY N/NORTH POLARIS SPIN Round n Round the AIG/N/AIN BAAL/HAINE ANUS/Ring a RIng a ROSES a Pocket full of Posies Winner no 26/8/33 Corach Rambler’s CR CHI RHO Chiron's LAST ... Hill Sixteen, MAY 6th/56 39 horses 4 and a QATAR/QUATER Miles?? All for 1 and 14 all and a QUARTER MORE.. NORTH/EAST last AIG/L/EGG 90 degree Angle.. PI AnO National Velvet to International Velvet .. ArizOna Pie..

The Swallows follow the Summer TRI ANGLE

And the God Wit Birds of New Zealand follow the Winter Triangle

Make me a Man Mile by Mile MM/13 13 26 8 .. The Happy Prince Swallows Summer Triangle Europe Africa, Alaska Asia, God wit Winter Triangle Jupiter/Jupiter Jude Pete and PolO become JAQUES and the Bean Stalk Mr BEAN ... Most of us will be gone but our children will be in the Optic FIBRE SpidA WEB their LIGHT and NRJ/G will be harvested full throttle their light downloaded their dreams captured ... the Darkside of the MOON Money Cash/FLESH/Digital/SPIRIT 50yrs 1973/2023 Hidden Hand Haw Wow 50 THE DR WHO? Rosemary Babies 1968 yr of the MOON KEY and our children become the living Light of the PRISIM/PRISON Optical Illusion Fibre GLASS trapped in the Screen MIR ROAR... All Part of the Process .. some of us will detach completely some will be swallowed whole... Its a GAME its a WHEEL its a TEST ....

T Ā K I T I M U. L A U N C H. P Ā N U I

He karanga tēnei ki ngā whānau o te moana kia haere mai, tautoko ai i te whakamānutanga o tō tātou waka tapu, a Tākitimu

E te iwi, it has been 32 years since the last launch of Tākitimu, a time that has seen us lose many of our loved ones, kaihoe, carvers and those that had drawn connections to the waka and it's significance.

We would like the opportunity to pay tribute and acknowledge our whanau who are no longer with us by inviting any whānau who wish to bring along a framed photo of their loved one to the relaunch this Friday 17th March.

A designated area and kaimahi will be stationed for further assistance and to provide safety and security of these taonga.

Disclaimer: Please inform our kaimahi on when you intend on collecting your photo (however we advise anytime after lunch would be best).

Native lizards on Takitimu North Link roading project rehomed on the Mount

Bay of Plenty Times

Native lizards salvaged from the Takitimu North Link roading project have been permanently relocated to Mauao, Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency says.

A team from the project - a Fulton Hogan and HEB joint venture - has completed "search and salvage" work across the eastern section of the expressway project's potential mokomoko (indigenous lizards) sites.

The agency said the focus was to ensure any mokomoko had the best chance of survival while construction of the new highway was under way.

Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency director of regional relationships David Speirs said this was a "great example" of partnership working for a common goal - to help the mokomoko flourish.

"Just above London, the mirror of Cassiopeia will be located at the 6th of May !"

The pantheon of ancient Egyptian deities was central to every day mortal life. Each god and goddess had a function. Among other positions, there were deities related to death, birth, sunrise, sunset, crops, water, and good fortune. Because of their religious practices, the Egyptians worshipped a vast array of deities and offered special praise or sacrifice to specific deities when faced with certain situations. In many cases, images of these deities were commonly seen as statuary or votive figures within the home or worn as amulets. Bes with Worshipper, located at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York, was likely an object that was placed inside of a home for personal worship purposes or within one of the birth houses found in ancient Egypt. This piece was created circa 664-380 BCE, which corresponds to the 26-29th Dynasties of ancient Egypt. This statue was created from a bronze or copper alloy and is approximately six inches tall, two and a half inches wide, and six inches long (

This is a depiction of the god, Bes. Though not one of the main deities in Egyptian theology, Bes is most commonly worshipped during the time from a person’s marriage, through the conception and birth of a child. In the book, The Spirit Of Ancient Egypt, Bes is described by Ana Ruiz as the “god of childbirth, protector of children and guard against nightmares. Bes is also a god of music, dance, merriment, and of the nuptial bed, and was believed to bring good luck to newly married couples” (Ruiz, 110). Ruiz goes on to explain that it was very common for people to wear an amulet with Bes’s image, as it was believed that it would bring good fortune. This was not Bes’s only function within society; Ruiz mentions that Bes also was a deity presiding over inebriation.

In this piece, Bes is placed on a pedestal and towers above the worshipper. The image of the deity is slightly enlarged, yet it is still clear that the figure is meant to be that of a dwarf-like figure. The deity is holding a harp or a lyre in his left hand, which has been assumed to be a symbol of the fact that he can calm angry spirits ( The harp could also be a representation of the fact that Bes is a god of music as well, though the fact that there is a worshipper at his feet in such a compromising and submissive position almost implies that the mortal figure is asking for assistance with malevolent spirits or praying for his blessing over his nuptial circumstances. Ana Ruiz explains that “this deity did not have a cult center or temple dedicated in his honor, but was very popular and often worshipped privately at home” (111).

Bes, in this depiction, is only mildly portrayed in his unusual form. Usually Bes is depicted as “a dwarf wearing a beard, a feathered headdress and the mask of a lion-type beast” (Ruiz, 110-11). In some instances he is also depicted having a tail. This depiction is relatively simple and is only identifiable due to his dwarf-like physique. One consistent aspect of the god’s depiction is that he is always seen as fully frontal, rather than the typical profile view in painting and relief sculptures. There is very little scholarship on the subject as to why the depiction is so different than other deities, but Encyclopedia Britannica mentions that it was possible that it is this way “since full-faced figures were marginal to the normal, ordered world”. Bes, being a deity largely involved with the spirit world, and particularly malevolent sprits, was far from being part of the normal and ordered world. Thus, the depiction of him fully frontal seems appropriate. His demon/animal-human hybrid of characteristics is also seemingly appropriate. While it was not uncommon for there to be animalistic associations with gods and goddesses in ancient Egyptian theology, being depicted as dwarf-like and “imperfect” is highly unusual. Lacking scholarship on this topic as well, one could assume that the mutated figure is a result with his dealings with the malevolent spirits and possible influence or corruption by the spirits at some point in Bes’s encounters.

By: Alexandra Hagg

BES and CYRUS Keeper of the Four Corners Lord of the Rings Seigneur/LORD Saigner/Bleed des Anneux/RINGS AGNEAU/LAMB

The Cain-Abel story is one version of the archetype of two brothers, often twins, who are opposites of each other. The archetype plays out in a number of different versions, in several of which the brothers are in conflict with each other, a conflict often ending in the killing of one brother by the other, as Cain, the farmer, killed Abel, the herdsman, out of jealousy for the attention of God.

Romulus and Remus are Roman examples. Romulus, setting out to found a city (Rome), traced the boundaries of his city on the ground and constructed the first tier of the city wall. When Remus saw what his brother was doing, he made fun of Romulus's low wall and said that it would not keep out enemies but could be easily scaled. And to demonstrate his point, he leaped over the wall. Romulus replied that, against those who thus scaled the wall, there was a defense, and struck Remus with his sword, slaying him.

Angra Mainyu and Spenta Mainyu are Persian examples. They are, respectively, the "Destructive Spirit" and the "Bounteous Spirit," two projections (or "sons") of Ahura Mazda. Angra Mainyu is responsible for all the ills of the world, a very nasty fellow, and Spenta Mainyu is responsible for all its good things, an inspiration to all people. Those two are in perpetual conflict, and will be until the end of time.

Baldr "the Beautiful" and Loki "the Trickster" are Norse examples, both sons of Odin. Baldr and his mother, Frigg, both had troubling dreams about his death. So Frigg toured the world, exacting a promise from all things that they would never harm her son. Rejoicing in Baldr's supposed immunity to danger, the gods arranged a sport in which each threw a weapon at Baldr, but all the weapons veered aside, having sworn not to harm the beautiful god. However, Loki, the perverse god, had discovered that Frigg neglected to get the promise of harmlessness from the mistletoe plant because she thought it was too young and insignificant to be a danger. Loki then fashioned a sharp dart from the mistletoe and gave it to the blind god, Hod, whose hand he guided in throwing it at Baldr and slaying him.

These archetypal stories of the conflict-torn brothers inspire and are in turn empowered by fraternal strife among humans. The assassination of one free-thinking Moslem by another narrow-minded one is just an instance of the Cain-Abel story being acted out in history. And every such action give more strength to the archetype. So how do we respond to such deep-seated influences that can have disastrous effects in our world?

There is an old saying, that we should fight fire with fire. In this case, we can oppose one archetype with another. There is a different version of the two-brothers archetype, specifically the Greek myth of the twins Castor and Pollux. They were the sons of a human mother, Leda, but they had different fathers. Castor's father was Leda's husband, Tyndareüs, the King of Sparta. But Pollux's father was the god Zeus. The brothers were inseparable; they sailed with the Argonauts in quest of the Golden Fleece and remained the firmest of friends throughout life.

When Castor, being human, died, his immortal brother Pollux went to his father Zeus and begged that he and his brother might never be separated, even by death. Zeus was so touched by the devotion of the two boys to each other, that he allowed them to share Pollux's immortality, so that together they might spend half their days in Hades, the after-death fate of humans, and half their days on Mount Olympus, the dwelling place of the deathless gods. Furthermore, Zeus set them in the heavens as the constellation Gemini, where they became guardians of all who sail upon the sea of life, and they still appear to mariners (and nowadays to aviators) as St. Elmo's fire, the phenomenon of light that plays upon ships of the sea and the air.

The archetype of Castor and Pollux is a counterpoint to that of Cain and Abel, highlighting the kind of brotherhood of which the Theosophical Society's first Object speaks. The archetype we focus upon will determine the force that manifests itself in our lives and in the history of humanity. It is a fact that newspapers, like all human attention, focus on the violent and conflictive, rather than on the peaceful and harmonious. There is an old jingle about the two principal characters in William Makepeace Thackeray's novel Vanity Fair. Those characters are the self-serving bad girl, Becky Sharp, and the altruistic good girl, Amelia Sedley (who were perhaps models for Scarlet and Melanie in Gone with the Wind). The jingle goes like this:

of divided twins or siblings: Cain and Abel, Jacob and Esau, Romulus and Remus, Castor and Pollux, and Set and Osiris,

PB BP Paddington Bear Bare RED/BLUE MILK and HONEY MilkY Way closure

The pantheon of ancient Egyptian deities was central to every day mortal life. Each god and goddess had a function. Among other positions, there were deities related to death, birth, sunrise, sunset, crops, water, and good fortune. Because of their religious practices, the Egyptians worshipped a vast array of deities and offered special praise or sacrifice to specific deities when faced with certain situations. In many cases, images of these deities were commonly seen as statuary or votive figures within the home or worn as amulets. Bes with Worshipper, located at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York, was likely an object that was placed inside of a home for personal worship purposes or within one of the birth houses found in ancient Egypt. This piece was created circa 664-380 BCE, which corresponds to the 26-29th Dynasties of ancient Egypt. This statue was created from a bronze or copper alloy and is approximately six inches tall, two and a half inches wide, and six inches long (

This is a depiction of the god, Bes. Though not one of the main deities in Egyptian theology, Bes is most commonly worshipped during the time from a person’s marriage, through the conception and birth of a child. In the book, The Spirit Of Ancient Egypt, Bes is described by Ana Ruiz as the “god of childbirth, protector of children and guard against nightmares. Bes is also a god of music, dance, merriment, and of the nuptial bed, and was believed to bring good luck to newly married couples” (Ruiz, 110). Ruiz goes on to explain that it was very common for people to wear an amulet with Bes’s image, as it was believed that it would bring good fortune. This was not Bes’s only function within society; Ruiz mentions that Bes also was a deity presiding over inebriation.

In this piece, Bes is placed on a pedestal and towers above the worshipper. The image of the deity is slightly enlarged, yet it is still clear that the figure is meant to be that of a dwarf-like figure. The deity is holding a harp or a lyre in his left hand, which has been assumed to be a symbol of the fact that he can calm angry spirits ( The harp could also be a representation of the fact that Bes is a god of music as well, though the fact that there is a worshipper at his feet in such a compromising and submissive position almost implies that the mortal figure is asking for assistance with malevolent spirits or praying for his blessing over his nuptial circumstances. Ana Ruiz explains that “this deity did not have a cult center or temple dedicated in his honor, but was very popular and often worshipped privately at home” (111).

Bes, in this depiction, is only mildly portrayed in his unusual form. Usually Bes is depicted as “a dwarf wearing a beard, a feathered headdress and the mask of a lion-type beast” (Ruiz, 110-11). In some instances he is also depicted having a tail. This depiction is relatively simple and is only identifiable due to his dwarf-like physique. One consistent aspect of the god’s depiction is that he is always seen as fully frontal, rather than the typical profile view in painting and relief sculptures. There is very little scholarship on the subject as to why the depiction is so different than other deities, but Encyclopedia Britannica mentions that it was possible that it is this way “since full-faced figures were marginal to the normal, ordered world”. Bes, being a deity largely involved with the spirit world, and particularly malevolent sprits, was far from being part of the normal and ordered world. Thus, the depiction of him fully frontal seems appropriate. His demon/animal-human hybrid of characteristics is also seemingly appropriate. While it was not uncommon for there to be animalistic associations with gods and goddesses in ancient Egyptian theology, being depicted as dwarf-like and “imperfect” is highly unusual. Lacking scholarship on this topic as well, one could assume that the mutated figure is a result with his dealings with the malevolent spirits and possible influence or corruption by the spirits at some point in Bes’s encounters.

Te Whakarewatanga o Takitimu waka - The Re-launch of the Takitimu Waka

Shirley Kuka / Mar 19, 2023

On Friday the 17th March TPM seniors attended the relaunch of the Takitimu Waka at Sulphur point. Kura from all over Tauranga Moana were in attendance as were hundreds of the public to witness this great occasion. The Takitimu waka permanently resides at the Waikaraka Estuary under the guardianship of the Pirirakau People. Some of our TPM students were involved right throughout the process of the re-design, four TPM students (past & present) had the privilege of being a kaihoe or paddler on the waka. Here are some of the awesome pictures captured of the day. Ka ngaro, Ka ngaro, Ka ea, ka ea, Takitimu ki te hoe!

Matador Meta D'OR

  1. a bullfighter whose task is to kill the bull.

  2. (in ombre, skat, and other card games) any of the highest trumps.

9/11 Sagittarius/Aquarius Jupiter/Saturn Home is where the heart is Aignan d'Armagnac AA/11 Altair Summer Triangle... Altair is the brightest star in the constellation of Aquila and the twelfth-brightest star in the night sky. It has the Bayer designation Alpha Aquilae, which is Latinised from α Aquilae and abbreviated Alpha Aql or α Aql. Altair is an A-type main-sequence star with an apparent visual magnitude of 0.77 and is one of the vertices of the Summer Triangle asterism; the other two vertices are marked by Deneb and Vega.] It is located at a distance of 16.7 light-years (5.1 parsecs) from the Sun. 194 Altair is currently in the G-cloud—a nearby interstellar cloud, an accumulation of gas and dust

Hapi (Ancient Egyptian: ḥꜥpj) was the god of the annual flooding of the Nile in ancient Egyptian religion. The flood deposited rich silt (fertile soil) on the river's banks, allowing the Egyptians to grow crops.[1] Hapi was greatly celebrated among the Egyptians. Some of the titles of Hapi were "Lord of the Fish and Birds of the Marshes" and "Lord of the River Bringing Vegetation". Hapi is typically depicted as an androgynous figure with a prominent belly and large drooping breasts, wearing a loincloth and ceremonial false beard,[2] depicted in hieroglyphics as an intersex person.[3][better source needed]

HAPI APPI APP/L God of the NILE/LINE Flooding Fertility God .. Mars was on Aldebaran for the Falling of Notre DAM 2019 and 6 days later for ISHTAR EASTER day the sacrifice of my Dog HAPPY 2019 aka 216 Summer solstice flooding Mars was also on Aldebaran Nic/OLA BULLeye for the Floods in NZ 13 14 15 February VALENTINES Lupercalia Fertility Festival 2023 and for the death of the Queen, Mars was also on same spot for Date of CORONA Birthday 8/9 September Mars as Jupiter was also on the Whales Tail both MARS/JUPITER MAR/TIN went retrO and returned in 2023 for NZ Flooding..

The annual flooding of the Nile occasionally was said to be the Arrival of Hapi.[1] Since this flooding provided fertile soil in an area that was otherwise desert, Hapi symbolised fertility. He had large female breasts because he was said to bring a rich and nourishing harvest. Due to his fertile nature he was sometimes considered the "father of the gods",[1] and was considered to be a caring father who helped to maintain the balance of the cosmos, the world or universe regarded as an orderly, harmonious system.[1] He was thought to live within a cavern at the supposed source of the Nile near Aswan.[4] The cult of Hapi was mainly located at the First Cataract named Elephantine. His priests were involved in rituals to ensure the steady levels of flow required from the annual flood. At Elephantine the official nilometer, a measuring device, was carefully monitored to predict the level of the flood, and his priests must have been intimately concerned with its monitoring.

Hapi was not regarded as the god of the Nile itself but of the inundation event.[1] He was also considered a "friend of Geb", the Egyptian god of the earth,[5] and the "lord of Neper", the god of grain

Article Published 12/04/2023 16:19 and At 4:30 a.m. on April 12, 1861, Confederate troops fired on Fort Sumter in South Carolina's Charleston Harbor. Less than 34 hours later, Union forces surrendered. Traditionally, this event has been used to mark the beginning of the Civil War.

The Whore eyes On is the Spiring equinox New Year the whore/PuteIN HorIZON ON ZION and Vertical Sphere and Orb Ball, URCRAINE/CRANE UK REINE HEAD/CRANE/Skull the CC/33 Camilla Charles VERTABRE article Published 12/04/2023 16:19 and At 4:30 a.m. on April 12, 1861, Confederate troops fired on Fort Sumter in South Carolina's Charleston Harbor. Less than 34 hours later, Union forces surrendered. Traditionally, this event has been used to mark the beginning of the Civil War.

Man Chest HER

Olymp I.A. The feminine AXis Water/White on the Horizon Whore EYES BREASTS ON and Earth/Black takes the New Vertical Vertical ..

PP/ Petit Prince Pink Panther 99/66 69/96 99/gg/dd/66 GiGi G7 Coins Coincs

French comedian Pierre Palmade under investigation for child pornography

Pierre Palmade is in more legal hot water. Following on from his serious road accident under the influence of cocaine earlier this month, the French actor is now under investigation for possession of child pornography.

After a tip off from an unidentified man, police searched Palmade’s apartment in Paris’ 3rd arrondissement on Sunday (February 19) while an investigation was opened into the claims.

Officers left the 54 year old’s home with a number of bags containing his personal effects and a computer to be analysed by specialists.

Police confirmed they were investigating the veracity of the tipster’s claims alongside the investigation.

Authorities have ten days to conduct their probe into the claims against Palmade and, if found guilty, he could face up to five years in prison and a fine of €75,000.

  • Police launches inquiry for child pornography against French graphic novel writer

  • Child porn controversy clouds awards at France's most prestigious comic book festival

It’s been a terrible month for the actor and comedian, who’s well known for his struggle with drug addiction.

On February 10, he was involved in a head-on car crash south of Paris, leaving three people badly injured. A pregnant woman lost her baby, and her brother-in-law and his six-year-old son were taken to intensive care.

Palmade tested positive for cocaine, and was indicted for manslaughter and made to wear an electronic tag. He too was taken to intensive care, but his condition soon stabilised.

The comic actor has appeared in several Asterix movies and numerous TV and theatre shows. After the collision, Palmade’s sister released a statement saying he was “devastated” and “ashamed”.

Palmade was previously found guilty of taking cocaine in 1995 and was arrested in 2019 for another drugs offence. He has been vocal about his struggles with addiction and has frequently discussed them in media interviews.



Nail Clippers Whales Wales TAIL WILLY I AM TELL TAIL the BAAL/N Balaine BAAL/HAINE

1968 ROSE MARY BABY ... 1968 to 2024 Olympics is 56 May 6/SEXth Years Be With You

Neptune enters Pisces 3/5 2023 Last time Neptune entered Pisces was 13/3 1858 spends 15yrs about in each sign The JUpiter/NEPTUNE conjunction in Pisces was in 2022 Neptune was STILL in Aquarius Jupiter in Pisces, on the correct WHEEL and 12/4 2023 SUN JUPITER conjunction in Pisces on the V with Neptune. PlutO will be in CAPricorn last time PlutO was in Capricorn was 1776 and 12/4 2023 Moon will be on NUNKI NOON KEY EL/BOW of the ARCHER as Saturn sits on True Thalamus Fomalhaut at home Sagittarius/Asia Pisces/Europe ruled by Jupiter WATER WHIRL PETE/POLO Pierre Paul et Aqua Man JAQUES/JACK ..... 2011/2023 12 yrs agO is Cycle of Jupiter Ruler of the EMPIRE Returns to the Whales Tell Tail Splash.. The SEA/C Pisces WHALES/WALES GAULLOIS Charles de Gaules Prince of Whales and of Sagittarius Jude Pete and Paul/PolO was on the whales tail as he is NOW and Saturn prepares to enter Aquarius 11th House Valentines LuperCalia day PlutO leaves Sagittarius for Capricorn ..A major earthquake occurred in Christchurch CC/33/8 on Tuesday 22 February 2011 at 12:51 p.m. local time. The MW/6.2 earthquake struck the entire of the Canterbury CAN/CAN CanTon DUCK QUAKE QUACK CANNES TIn of CAN/ADDERS region in the South Island, centred 6.7 kilometres south-east of the central business district.

What is the story Great Expectations about? Neptune Poison Poisson Poseidon, in ancient Greek religion, god of the sea (and of water generally), earthquakes, and horses. He is distinguished from Pontus, the personification of the sea and the oldest Greek divinity of the waters. The name Poseidon means either “husband of the earth” or “lord of the earth.”

Charles Dickens's Great Expectations tells the story of Pip, an English orphan who rises to wealth, deserts his true friends, and becomes humbled by his own arrogance. It also introduces one of the more colorful characters in literature: Miss Havisham.

Great Expectations, British dramatic film, released in 1946, that was based on the Charles Dickens novel of the same name.

The film follows Pip (played by Anthony Wager), an impoverished orphan in rural England. Pip occasionally spends time at the house of the spinster Miss Havisham (Martita Hunt), where he falls in love with her ward, Estella (Jean Simmons). Later, as a young man, Pip (now played by John Mills) discovers that an anonymous benefactor has financed a gentleman’s lifestyle for him in London. There he becomes friends with the raffish Herbert Pocket (Alec Guinness) and doggedly pursues Estella (now played by Valerie Hobson), despite her claims that she is not interested in him. Eventually, Pip encounters Abel Magwitch (Finlay Currie), an escaped convict to whom Pip as a child had once provided comfort. After Magwitch, who has become wealthy overseas, confesses that he is Pip’s benefactor, Pip arranges to escort him away from England, where he is still wanted. The plan is thwarted, however, when Magwitch is fatally wounded in an altercation with an old enemy. Soon thereafter, Pip learns that Magwitch is Estella’s father. In the end, Pip persuades Estella to leave Havisham’s house, where she has been living in solitude since her guardian’s death, after declaring his enduring love for her.

Chris Hipkins is set to replace Jacinda Ardern as leader of the Labour party and New Zealand's prime minister after being the only candidate to be nominated for the role, the Labour Party said in a statement.

On Sunday, January 22, three days after the resignation of Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern, Christopher Hipkins, the current minister for police, education and public services, took over as leader of the center-left parliamentary group.

"The Labour Party caucus will meet at 1 pm on Sunday to endorse the nomination and confirm Chris Hipkins as Party Leader," Duncan Webb said.

Hipkins was first elected to parliament in 2008 and was appointed minister for Covid-19 in November 2020.

He is currently the minister for police, education and public service.



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