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Post Partial Lunar Eclipse 21st July to New Moon 1st August

Writer's picture: Victoria Vibes CottonVictoria Vibes Cotton

Mercury is at 1 percant visible and very retrOgrade mercury will be combust to the sun on the 21st this is a moment of perfection within, Transmutation completed lead to GOLD... and Uranus will be square too, this is the change.... and the Merging of the DNA twins .. we just had a partial Lunar eclipse in Sagittarius ruled by Jupiter still retrO in scorpiO Fixed cross last chance to get FIXED and what we saw was the Isis horns of the moon that was the Odyssey 2001 ending of the mutable cross Binary code 2001/2019 is HALF the Croissant Moon horns 18 yrs cycle of head and tail of snake 18 is 180 HALF the ARC of the convenant to complete the Mirror reflection of 360 degree wheel we are the navigators of our vessels NOW...

on the 27 we will come out of this no time zone ...

After new Black Moon 1st August mercury aka PUCK PAN Moves forward again :o)

its so important to stay in the heart now and not let these last energy vampires keep us stuck in duality ... The mirror merging is a literal affair and it will begin to speed up more over this next year ... there will be a direct shift those of us able to become FIXED and who have done the shadow work will find ourselves back home those who dont will think we have gone missing when actually they have taken the black hole journey not us

The Sun is on the Mid Summers Nights Point moving from gemini to cancer YUP we are 23,5 degrees OFF the correct Sosltice and PUCKs tricks are happening now ...

Moon is on the knee of Aquarius was conjunct to Formlhaut today

North Star TRUE 3rd Eye Formlhaut ....

moving towards a new black moon in Cancer, Mars still detriment in cancer and the SUN will move out of gemini and tomorrow morning at 9 am will Move into Cancer its Mid Summer right now... Venus is in Gemini conjunct Pollux LOVE POTION Venus conjunct Pollux: Strong and unregulated passions, danger of seduction if female, loss through women, danger of poison.....


Mid Summer Nights Dream

Mercury is 1percant visible and begins his journey to be combust to the sun for that moment of protection safety and perfection tomorrow 21st Finally, in the heart of the Sun

On the contrary, if proximity to the day luminary is harmful, sitting on his lap, protected in his arms, in perfect union, is a condition that identifies a free zone, a haven of peace, an Eden of exaltation, right in the centre of the space attributed to combustion.....


On the 22nd that moment of perfection is over as mercury retrogrades back into its domicile Gemini and on the 25th mercury will be conjunct Venus in gemini ...



on the 26th we have MARS and VENUS sitting on eachside of the SUN in Cancer ... Have you made it HOME ?? we had a massive crop circle showing an image of this last Month we have been prepared can you find harmony safty and protection between your male and female YOU ARE YOUR TWIN FLAME ... This passage we are living is MASSIVE transmutation of our DNA to be whole now... The younger generations are born with this its us the Pre 1986 ROSE Maries baby humans that have the biggest job to align ourselves now ...

on the 31st the Moon is conjunct venus in Cancer..

Finger of GOD/YOD

The Yod aspect pattern is a configuration between at least three planets or points in the horoscope to create a long triangle which looks like a witches hat. A Yod is also called the Finger of Fate, Finger of God or the Projection Triangle, and has been the source of much debate and controversy within the astrological community.

Traditional astrologers have dismissed Yod astrology as “bogus” or merely a midpoint structure, and even among those who use Yod’s there is debate about orbs and whether to include only planets or other points in the chart like the Ascendant. I strongly believe that Yod astrology is very significant and does live up to the hype as a very fated aspect pattern denoting a special mission or destiny in life.

1st August new Black Moon in Cancer

OHHH MY GOD there is a YOD finger of GOD/DOG between Pluto Saturn south node tail of snake in Sagittarius and neptune all RETRO to MARS detriment and JUNO in Cancer HOLY FUCK pull yourselves toGETher . and on the 1st August we have anew BLACK moon in Cancer with venus conjunct too... mercury becomes much more visible by the 27th and mercury will begin to Move forward again as we have this new Black moon on the 31st massive URANUS square to Mars Moon Sun Venus and mercury conjunct North Node and Sirius DOG/GOD star opposite PlutO Saturn South Node both retrol.... dont forget Jupiter is still retrO in ScorpiO so this is WATER emotion Family stuff being safe within your own TEMPLE !!! Victoria Cotton

Yod Pointing to mars conjunct Juno in cancer, mars/Ego is in detriment and Juno is the proud stubborn jealous sting those still in envy will be STUNG semi sextile working between South Node and Saturn and Pluto RetrO in Sagittarius and neptune illusion retrO in aquarius... those that can not let go of old belief programs will remain STUCK in Binary Duality cruicified on the Mutable CROSS ... Those that make it through and have Purged will transmute to the otherside of the looking Glass ....

New Black Moon in Cancer .... 01/08

Eclipse pics from Petra Portal Petra to confirm the importance of ending the mercury Retro Partial Lunar eclipse in Gemini we had the 16th July after the full solar 2nd July as Jupiter is retrO in scorpio and saturn and Pluto were retrO conjunct Moon in sagittarius we END duality but never has a passage been so hard on many of us some of us our floating through some of us are dealing with last major issues REVIEW and intense mirror work... ... we can do it ... These pics show the Isis croissant illusion of being in contact with ketu tail of snake south node that makes the full moon seem partial these are the horns of the beast we manifest if we dont merge within Thx petra amazing shots i did see this but have no pics BravO and thank you very very important pics for us



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