Muhammad Ali - here pictured in Piccadilly Circus in 1963 - held a special place in his heart for London
When Muhammad Ali came to London: rarely pics of the boxing legend in the Big Smoke see 18 Pics RAHU/KETU cycle here....
Its all in the pictures ALL OF IT Underground Circle Cercuil CLOSED ... Saturn/Jupiter Conjunction two halves 32/32 is 64/49.......

18 is 180 half of 360 PI wheel 32 Scottish Rights is HALF of 64/49 ... 18 yr cycle of RAHU/KETU 9/11 2001 to 2019 ... 1080 Skull n Bones CHRIST CHURCH New Zealand CC/33 Crucifixion

Not for Nothing these pics of MOMO ALI were brought out 22/3 322 Skull n Bones 32 Scottish rights ....

His name before converting to ISLAM in 1961!! is 19/19 we have the 19th edition of YELLOW coats in Paris too... 10/10 11 EL Even, so NOW... he was Cassius CLAY!!! thats CC/33 Age of Crucifixion or ENLIGHTENMENT Christ Consciousness is CC/33 Scottish Rite Freemasonry is a way for a Mason to build upon theethical teachings and philosophy offered in the craft lodge (also known as Blue Lodge), which consists of the first three degrees ofFreemasonry: Entered Apprentice, Fellowcraft, and Master Mason. The Scottish Rite continues these degrees, from 4° to 32°.

He won the world heavyweight championship from Sonny Liston in a major upset at age 22 in 1964 22 is Heart Chakra Alpha/Omega last letter of alphaBET 22 is Alef TAV or PI circle closed........1964 is four corners closed when I AM 64......18 pics is the journey of the Dragon Rahu Ketu in the sky, for those with EYES to see these pics say exactly where we are
Muhammad Ali (/ɑːˈliː/;[4] born Cassius Marcellus Clay Jr.;[5] January 17, 1942 – June 3, 2016) was an American professional boxer, activist, and philanthropist. He is nicknamed "The Greatest" and is widely regarded as one of the most significant and celebrated sports figures of the 20th century and as one of the greatest boxers of all time.
Ali was born and raised in Louisville, Kentucky and began training as an amateur boxer at age 12. At 18, he won a gold medal in the light heavyweight division at the 1960 Summer Olympics, and turned professional later that year. He converted to Islam after 1961, and eventually took the name Muhammad Ali. He won the world heavyweight championship from Sonny Liston in a major upset at age 22 in 1964 64/49…/when-muhammad-ali-ca…/ss-BBV5Mgi…
Tremblement de terre de magnitude 4,9 dans le Sud-Ouest

Cant make this shit up ....obviously over the Full Moon Equinox of the VirgO/Pisces Mary Magdalene Jesus Christ Cross Over... i've warned people that Bordeaux The colour of Christs Blood the 33 department is between the 23/32 and the 64/49 department, where G7 is obviously this September on the Equinox.. was a place to avoid this year Obviously rituals to be held here the article tells us again When I AM 64/49 Tremblement de terre de magnitude 4,9 dans le Sud-Ouest .... 49/64 was obviously the no of killed in CHRIST CHURCH CC 33 for those with EYES to see the numerology is again TELLING US ... BULLS EYE 🎯
49/64 is the FOUR CORNERS/CONTINENTS 2 Mosques is Twin Halves 322 32 + 32 is 64/49 Merged for MOMO MM 13/13 26 is 8 Orus Borus Circuit closed .......

When I AM 64/49

Today is catch 22 and 22 is the HEART BEAT TAV/OMEGA the past 3 days the FULL MOON has been in MM Mary Magdalene VIRGO Opposite Sun in Jesus Pisces so a farewell tribute Spring Equinox goodbye to the past 2,200 yrs in Pisces VirgO White Black Water Earth Europe Africa... We had the Vesica Piscis passage mercury Retrograde and Mercury will begin to move forward and become visible again for MAYDAY MAYHEM 29 March,, Mercury still rather invisible in Pisces but will enter Aquarius tomorrow the 23 before moving forward again on the 29th this BACH Google Doodle is again saying everything i have said in my last three videos... 4 Corners closed and the THREE Bachs as the THREE Crosses Mutable FIXED PI ANO and Cardinal... its all about VENUS the pentagram the Twins mercury and Venus as ISIS the triple Goddess and Venus as the 5 pointed STAR Pentagram inverted in Libra... There is even the POPOV Radio signal that makes the ARC of the covenant and the SHEEP with seven chakra notes its all astrology and Music is astrology because we are the notes being PLAYED Obviously the DRAGON is WELSH as the name BACH ... Just back on my computer i will try and do a video this weekend...
3 Arc of the Covenant TRIOmph CC/33 Crucifixion France England last Corner/Continent closed ......

4 Corners closed and the THREE Bachs as the THREE Crosses Mutable FIXED PI ANO and Cardinal .....

Today is 23/32 and its the 19/10th Gillets Jaune event... 10 is X CROSS OVER for the Easter/ISHTAR/ISIS Pass Over ... YOKO ONO Yellow Egg ELLO Brick Road Meeting... We have had the 33 CC Christ Church 49 killed and the BordeauX 33 department 4.9 Earthquake 4,9 is 64 64/49 through the Looking Glass for those with EYES ... Dance des CANARDS ...Arc de Triomphe. is ARC of the COVENANT ... ETOILE is Spider Web... 5 Pointed Star 250 is 2+5 = 7 .... 7 Chakras and four corners is when I Am 64 merged WE ARE LIVING The crucifixion of our human rights TODAY the Holy Grail ends HERE ......😔
REVEALED: French soldiers will be allowed to 'OPEN FIRE' if lives are threatened by Yellow Vest rioters this weekend as the military is drafted in to help 5,000/ 5 Pointed star VENUS police on the streets of Paris

The whirl is a stage a comedy for those who get as above so below.....

Meet Scotty, the biggest T. Rex ever discovered
Listen to the scotty video we are TOLD my jaw just drops at how we are TOLD every no is coding all of it .... Mind blowing when you really see through the mirror...!!!!! 66 Million yrs ago 42 feet JUPITER .... decade 10 is X .... 20 000 pounds 2020 Saturn/Jupiter Conjunction !!!!

any one for a cup of T ???? Here is Sexy Rexy T SCOTTY 32 Scottish Rights first discovered in 1991 Funny like Mohammed ALI Cassius CLAY is CC/Coco Chanel Crucifixion 33 ... MOMO is short for Mohammed and he He converted to Islam after 1961 1961/1991 same thing for those who get the MIRROR GAME how they LAUGH at the unconscious among us who have no idea how to see through the LOOKING GLASS .... This is a blatant warning that 322 Skum n Bones Elon Musk/LONE SKUM is here ... Please see links below this, to see the DEEPER meaning of those unable to look into the abyss reflection of centuries of Mind Control from the T Masons its time to be SO brave that you see your own reflection..
see Videos here ...
T Rex
Sun-Temple of the Masons!
MoMo with Tweedle DEE and Twiddle DUM TWINS RAHU/KETU 18 yrs 2001/2019

MOMO Death Cult 3 Crosses Mutable FIXED Cardinal ARC de TRIOmph Convenant Closed like a bridge over troubled water Paris London Brexit ELLO Coats BRAINROW.....

ARC de TRIO/3 TRIOmph.....

a Nice cup of T REX MOMO


Everything Being finalised now is for the 2020 SATURN/JUPITER CONJUNCTION....
Popes show us Index Little Finger and Thumb....Jupìter Mercury and Venus and Mars the Baphomet trying to be SATURN/SPIRIT ... Jupiter rules the FLESH Material .... Jupiter/Mercury is Michael Jackson Mutable Cross Skull n Bones.. Venus/Mars Isis/Venus/Taurus RA/Mars/Aries.... Spok Vulcan hand sign is showing us the 2020 21/12/2020 Jupiter/Saturn Conjunction and the mercury/Sun Conjunction its ALL ASTROLOGY ZO/OZdiac as above so below hand gestures

Popes show us Index Little Finger and Thumb....Jupìter Mercury and Venus and Mars the Baphomet trying to be SATURN/SPIRIT

Spok Vulcan hand sign is showing us the 2020 21/12/2020 Jupiter/Saturn Conjunction and the mercury/Sun Conjunction its ALL ASTROLOGY ZO/OZdiac as above so below hand gestures
