The decline of

insects is showing white closed butterfly aka the MOON taking both pillars on the yellow/Solar pillar flower Power..The Golden BUD/DAUPHIN being born between the feminine pillars ScorpiO/Capricorn Jacques The Green God, so female energy Moon on the masculine/Flower of FERTILITY wings butterfly/Winged Victory..Wings/Ailes L's Elles Mars closed showing the four corners Moon on Sirius today CYRUS Persian keeper of the 4 corners Coin Coin Quack Quake and two pillars shown as flowers.. then LeO/SUN/SON crowned the BAND aka BOND James Bond JB/BJ Boaz Jachin solar Lunar pillars 50yrs.

Butter Flies all over the morning news Again.. its time .. the cycle ends to begin's Papillon Effect Time MetA Morph Os/isis Time for Matad'OR Metamorphosis..The flip is change of physical form, structure, or substance. : a marked and more or less abrupt developmental change in the form or structure of an animal (as a butterfly or a frog) occurring subsequent to birth or hatching.
In The Vocation of Man (1800), Johann Gottlieb Fichte says "you could not remove a single grain of sand from its place without thereby ... changing something throughout all parts of the immeasurable whole".
Chaos theory and the sensitive dependence on initial conditions were described in numerous forms of literature. This is evidenced by the case of the three-body problem by Poincaré in 1890.[5] He later proposed that such phenomena could be common, for example, in meteorology.[6]
In 1898, Jacques Hadamard noted general divergence of trajectories in spaces of negative curvature. Pierre Duhem discussed the possible general significance of this in 1908.[5]
In 1950, Alan Turing noted: "The displacement of a single electron by a billionth of a centimetre at one moment might make the difference between a man being killed by an avalanche a year later, or escaping."[7]
The idea that the death of one butterfly could eventually have a far-reaching ripple effect on subsequent historical events made its earliest known appearance in "A Sound of Thunder", a 1952 short story by Ray Bradbury. "A Sound of Thunder" features time travel.[8]
More precisely, though, almost the exact idea and the exact phrasing —of a tiny insect's wing affecting the entire atmosphere's winds— was published in a children's book which became extremely successful and well-known globally in 1962, the year before Lorenz published:
"...whatever we do affects everything and everyone else, if even in the tiniest way. Why, when a housefly flaps his wings, a breeze goes round the world." -- The Princess of Pure Reason — Norton Juster, The Phantom Tollbooth

In quantum mechanics
The potential for sensitive dependence on initial conditions (the butterfly effect) has been studied in a number of cases in semiclassical and quantum physics including atoms in strong fields and the anisotropic Kepler problem.[38][39] Some authors have argued that extreme (exponential) dependence on initial conditions is not expected in pure quantum treatments;[40][41] however, the sensitive dependence on initial conditions demonstrated in classical motion is included in the semiclassical treatments developed by Martin Gutzwiller[42] and John B. Delos and co-workers.[43] The random matrix theory and simulations with quantum computers prove that some versions of the butterfly effect in quantum mechanics do not exist.[44]
Other authors suggest that the butterfly effect can be observed in quantum systems. Zbyszek P. Karkuszewski et al. consider the time evolution of quantum systems which have slightly different Hamiltonians. They investigate the level of sensitivity of quantum systems to small changes in their given Hamiltonians.[45] David Poulin et al. presented a quantum algorithm to measure fidelity decay, which "measures the rate at which identical initial states diverge when subjected to slightly different dynamics". They consider fidelity decay to be "the closest quantum analog to the (purely classical) butterfly effect".[46] Whereas the classical butterfly effect considers the effect of a small change in the position and/or velocity of an object in a given Hamiltonian system, the quantum butterfly effect considers the effect of a small change in the Hamiltonian system with a given initial position and velocity.[47][48] This quantum butterfly effect has been demonstrated experimentally.[49] Quantum and semiclassical treatments of system sensitivity to initial conditions are known as quantum chaos
Band of LeO Lie/ON solar king is erect penis/spine 1973/2023 new hidden hand at festival Condom Cap/Ot the Moby Dick takes the CAP/CAPE Liberty hat of Sterilisation Castration of the womb of man.. new liberty pole CAP 50 yrs hidden hand Mexican hat is bulls eye and brass band is the R sole.. FLOWER POWER REIGN RAIN REIN REIN/KID KNEES Winged VICTORY.. bd PB/BP LEAD to LED Bande dessinée Cartoon LOONEY LUNE/Moon TUNES BAND BANDE/ERECT BONDEE BONDAGE A BD bidet is a bowl or receptacle designed to be sat upon in order to wash one's genitalia, perineum, inner buttocks, and anus

la bande BANDE means to get ERECT
band, strip, tape, stripe, gang, group
le groupe
group, band, unit, party, cluster, company
le ruban
ribbon, tape, band, tag, wreath

bd PB/BP LEAD to LED bande dessinée Cartoon LOONEY TUNES BONDEE BONDAGE A BD bidet is a bowl or receptacle designed to be sat upon in order to wash one's genitalia, perineum, inner buttocks, and anus

Turkey last phase of MOON Ken's Turkey new Midnight Express Line/Nile president ruled for 20 yrs and is 69 yrs old, again 69 is CANCER/Moon and RED is Mars the new Ken's Turkey line Moon/Mars Mars will be in Cancer from 17/May obviously..Moon on SUN pillars to close the four corners WINGS/AILES L,s CLOSED WINGS/ CHEST/4 Corn HERS Closed MARS/ELLES ..

On May 12, 2023, Madeleine McCann would have turned 20 years old and her parents, Kate and Gerry McCann, shared a heartfelt message to their missing daughter on social media, vowing to never give up hope of finding her.
Alongside a four-minute video featuring photos of Madeleine, the parents insisted they will continue looking for their daughter.
"Happy birthday Madeleine. Still Missing. Still very much missed. Still looking. For as long as it takes..." the caption read.
20 yrs
MAD/EL/EINE BAAL/EINE LA HAINE the N noun, plural mad·e·leines [mad-l-inz, mad-l-eynz; French maduh-len]. French Cooking. a small shell-shaped cake made of flour, eggs, sugar, and butter and baked in a mold.


BEEFEATERS Make the Q of the EYE of MAD LAINE The Gemini/ORION axis Opposite Ophiuchus/Sagittarius Axis

Madeleine missing for 16 years
Madeleine McCann disappeared from her family's holiday apartment in Praia da Luz, Portugal, on May 3, 2007, when she was just three years old

MARS/RED in CANCER/MOON from 17th May BLACK moon in Taurus MOON exalted 19 MAY President 69yrs old 20 yrs FRENCH COIN ..

How to see the "Da Vinci glow" illuminate the crescent moon this week
Those looking up at the night sky this week might spot a faint, ghostly glow illuminating the whole of the moon.
The phenomenon, known as the "Da Vinci glow," is named after the artist and inventor Leonardo Da Vinci. In addition to his artistic endeavors, the Renaissance-age creator set out to solve the mystery of what was once known as "Earthshine," according to NASA.
The celestial event is visible only when there's a crescent moon on the horizon at sunrise or sunset. During the phenomenon, the crescent part of the moon glows brightly, and the dark side of the moon is visible as an overcast. The glow is not due to the moon illuminating itself. It is created by planet Earth, whose light can illuminate the night sky 50 times more brightly than that of a full moon, NASA says.

How did Leonardo Da Vinci find out what caused the glow?
In the 16th century, Da Vinci set out to solve the mystery of that ghostly luminescence, NASA said. A drawing he made appearing to show the phenomenon was found in his notebooks and commemorated in the "Codex Leicester," a collection of Da Vinci's scientific writings.
Da Vinci, like his contemporaries, was working with an incomplete understanding of the solar system. According to NASA, the theory that the sun was at the center of the solar system wouldn't be published for another two decades, and, of course, no one had yet traveled to the moon. As a result, there wasn't much knowledge about the sun's proximity to the Earth.
According to NASA, there is a page in the "Codex Leicester" titled "Of the Moon: No Solid Body is Lighter Than Air." In the entry, Da Vinci noted several ideas, including a theory that the moon has an atmosphere and oceans. He was correct on the first point, though NASA missions have debunked the latter one. Da Vinci also wrote that the moon served as a reflector of light.

Using this information, he offered a hypothesis: the ghostly glow of Earthshine was due to sunlight bouncing off the Earth's oceans and hitting the moon.
According to NASA, Da Vinci was right about the broad strokes of the phenomenon. Later research would find that it wasn't the light reflecting off Earth's oceans that caused the glow, though. Instead, the primary source was light reflected off clouds.
How can I see the Da Vinci glow?
According to Live Science, it's only possible to see the glow when a slim crescent moon is visible close to the horizon during the first or last few days of the moon's orbit. That is happening this week, making now a good time to try to see the phenomenon.
In general, Earthshine is brightest between April and June, NASA said.
The best days to see it after sunset are next week on Sunday (May 21), Monday (May 22) and Tuesday (May 23), Live Science said. Try looking at the sky in the hour following sunset and you may get lucky.
Spotting the glow doesn't require special equipment. In fact, it's best seen with the unaided eye. A small telescope or pair of binoculars can help but they aren't necessary.

Heart FINGERS Jupiter/MARS

EUR/O Vision L'OR/Gold Loreen the LAUREL tree Wreath EurO/Eau/O Vision contest 68eme edition 1968/ROSE MARYS Babies 1968 to 2023 is 5/6 6 of MAY the SEX be with you.... Sweden Yellow/Blue, in Liver/Pool O/Liver EAU/O/Moon LIVER/Jupiter Twist ... it's all astrology for those with eyes..
68eme edition 1968/ROSE MARYS Babies 1968 to 2023 is 5/6 6 of MAY the SEX be with you..

1969 MajOR CAT TOM RED/H/AIR/HEIR/MARS MOON/69 Mars in Cancer May 17 and Black MOON in TAURUS TURKEY/President 69 obviously.. Moon Goddess LIFT OFF May 19 .. Midnight EXPRESS

a video i did 2 yrs agO i was bang on 69/96 Cancer Capricorn axis Kens Turkey WATCH HERE..
The AMERICAIN DREAM is released Billy Goat Breaks Free You paid your BILL to Open the GATE.. PlutO in CAPriCORN/Nanny Goat .. The DAM broken from The NILE Flood Midnight Express LINE/NILE ..TOR/quay/KEY Fawlty Towers Tur/Key in the EAST American PIE The last slice of the Pizza Crescent Darkside of the Moon RELEASED Room 11 Saturn at home in Aquarius, Mercury MOVES Forward from Stationary.. Black MOON in Taurus 19/May Today 15 and 16 Moon in Pisces, 18th Moon moves into ARIES as that last Slice of Silver on the Black Sea.. before Back to Black.. 19th May Waning Crescent Croissant of the MOON Joins Jupiter to ENTER Aries HIS LAMB RAM Aries .. Moon joins Uranus/CHANGE in Aries Mars Ruler Enters Cancer 69 as PlutO sits opposite in Capricorn 96.. The new BREAST The BULLS EYE of VENUS on the New Whore EYES ON H'OR IZON/ZION ON The one BREAST of VENUS the OTTERMAN has his WHITE MILK of the American COW Mickey Mouse grew Up to be a COW/TOrsO/Taurus/Matad'OR Meteor .. as the Sun enters Taurus and Moon becomes conjunct for New Moon.. Moon Goddess Crescent MOON Black Moon is in Taurus 19th May, Venus ruler Conjunct UNI/CORN and Sirius in Gemini and Mercury ruler in Aries.. North Node South Node Head Tail LUNAR NODES move ANTI clockwise on the Wheel .. Pushing for LOONEY Tunes as the DAM is released and the YOUTH/MERCURY Move forward .. The changes are coming so very fast The LGBT UniCORN rises and Jumps over the MOON

Yup There is the slither of the Waning Crescent Moon .. Both Moon and Jupiter move from Pisces to Aries before Black Moon 19 May in Taurus Torquay Turkey ..Mars in Cancer/Moon Red/Mars.

Watch Jupiter Eclipsed by the Moon for the Last Time Until 2026: The Night Sky This Week

Wednesday, May 17: Jupiter eclipsed by the Moon
Wherever you are in the world, try to get up an hour before sunrise and look towards the east. You’ll see a delicate 6%-light crescent Moon nearly collide with Jupiter. It would be a really beautiful place. However, if you’re in Canada, the contiguous US, Mexico, Greenland, northern Scandinavia or northern Britain, you may be able to see the crescent moon—or the eclipse—the giant planet. Your specific location heavily affects what you’ll be able to see and when you’ll be able to see it, so punch in your location to for exact times.

Wednesday, May 17: Launch of Swayamsiddh-2
This evening at 7:34 EDT a SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket carrying the Axiom-2 mission is scheduled to launch – the second privately funded mission to the International Space Station. It will be commanded by former NASA astronaut Peggy Watson along with two Saudi Arabian astronauts.

Friday, May 19: New Moon
At 11:53 a.m. EDT today is every stargazer’s favorite moth moment—the New Moon. This lunar phase, which sees our natural satellite roughly in the space between Earth and the Sun, means that the night sky is completely free of moonlight. This makes tonight the best month of the month for stargazing, although practically the whole week is good.

a reply to a comment on my you tube channel i made ..
¨´Read somewhere a long time ago that Vulcan was a yet to be rediscovered planet, and the true ruler of Virgo, not Mercury. Don't know why that's stayed with me. I think it was in a Linda Goodman book.
Macron compares himself to Jupiter, and later says he's Vulcan. Odd.
My Reply.. Makes sense Vega blue star being made into Mars/FER Jupiter/TIN MAR/TIN as i say in my work for the masculine axis to steal the FERTILITY of VirgO/SPICA Blue star they make 6/VIRGO 9/Sagittarius 69 a mix between the Centaur Mr Tumnus Chiron and Jupiter becomes Pierre PAN aka JAQUES and the bean STALK VirgO Lucy to take the Moon Cancer 69.. LUCY FUR at the Narnia Paris Olympics...
Let me reiterate: The Moon is a dead form; it has no emanation at all. That is why the Moon is spoken of in the ancient teaching as “veiling either Vulcan or Uranus.” This hint or inference has always been here and astrologers would do well to experiment with this suggestion I have made anent the Moon and (instead of working with the Moon) let them work with Vulcan when dealing with the undeveloped or average man and with Uranus when considering the highly developed man. They would find some interesting and convincing results eventuate.
Vulcan: A Compilation
The Cardinal Cross
| Aries
2. The Great Bear……………. | …….. Sun, veiling Vulcan……….. Second Creative Hierarchy
| Libra………. (the 11th) Unknown
Through the Moon – under the bondage of form in order through form experience to achieve release and the “uplift of matter” in Vulcan.
Leo gives us Jupiter, the Moon and Mars. He indicates, therefore, the success which is incident to proved discipleship and consequent readiness for initiation, the seeing of the vision with which Jupiter rewards the disciple, and the experience which Vulcan confers. Vulcan has been hitherto hidden, but its influence has steadily superseded all lunar control, for the personality or form side of life is lost to sight in the radiance of the Sun, the soul. The light of Vulcan and the light of the Sun are one light and these three, Mercury, Vulcan and the Sun – stand for a synthesis and a radiance which eventually dims the light of Mercury and it “falls” into the background and Vulcan too becomes invisible and only the Sun remains. We have consequently a vision of the Sun, the experience of the personality and effort, which is the mode of attainment governed by Mars.

Brilliant the MOON/69 BingO CERNUNNOS Fertility God Cernunnos URANUS/MOON UR ANUS Cernunnos In ancient Celtic and Gallo-Roman religion, Cernunnos or Carnonos is a god depicted with antlers, seated cross-legged, and is associated with stags, ...

The Polar Express, North Polaris released in 2004, 2024 2040 24 hr de le MAN PlutO in Capricorn, 2024 Paris Olympics.. was the first film entirely animated using digital motion-capture technology... MIDNIGHT EXPRESS TURKEY President 69 Tom Hanks 66 You have 20 yrs to get through the GAP its all TRICK or TREAT only you can see through the deception its all a GAME they TELL YOU ..Forest GUMP is LOrd GuffalO the WILD ONES CERNUNNOS FERTILITY Mr TUMNUS GOD GG Pet Shop Boys WEST Minster WEST END .. Life ina PET SHOP Animal FARM .. How much is that DOGGIEE in the window...
In ancient Celtic and Gallo-Roman religion, Cernunnos or Carnonos is a god depicted with antlers, seated cross-legged, and is associated with stags, ...
LG and BT/British Telecom LG Liberty Glory/ GOOD Life L/12 G/7 the wheel goes from 12 to 8 to make the 5th element 5star/Tsar 50 hidden hand 5 STAR Event Wheel returns to 5 seasons Four Corners and 5th season instead of 12 Months 12x30/360 becomes 5x72/360 NEW WHEEL the MEDUSA UMbreLLa opens and shuts its your DIA FRAME/Diaphragm/RAM d'ORion Gray Lordship Gruffalo won BADminTON Liberty Glory FELL Tom Crisp TOP CAT Aqua man GruffalO Won with ROSS Cantor RC/CR Charles REX CHI RHO Chirons Last CAIRO New NILE/LINE Canter CAN/TIN JUPITER and TOR/Taurus TORSO CHEST

Tom Hanks: I could appear in movies after death with AI technology
Tom Hanks has raised the prospect of his career continuing after his death using artificial intelligence.
The Forrest Gump and Cast Away actor said the technology could be used to recreate his image, ensuring he continued to appear in movies "from now until kingdom come".
But he admitted the developments posed artistic and legal challenges.
His remarks came as the Pet Shop Boys' Neil Tennant said AI could be used by musicians to complete songs.
Hanks, 66, was asked about the legal ramifications of the new technology in the latest episode of The Adam Buxton podcast.
"This has always been lingering," he said. "The first time we did a movie that had a huge amount of our own data locked in a computer - literally what we looked like - was a movie called The Polar Express.
"We saw this coming, we saw that there was going to be this ability to take zeros and ones from inside a computer and turn it into a face and a character. That has only grown a billion-fold since then and we see it everywhere."
The Polar Express, released in 2004, was the first film entirely animated using digital motion-capture technology.

The Polar Express, North Polaris released in 2004, 2024 2040 24 hr de le MAN PlutO in Capricorn, 2024 Paris Olympics.. was the first film entirely animated using digital motion-capture technology... MIDNIGHT EXPRESS TURKEY President 69 Tom Hanks 66 You have 20 yrs to get through the GAP its all TRICK or TREAT only you can see through the deception its all a GAME they TELL YOU ..Forest GUMP is LOrd GuffalO the WILD ONES CERNUNNOS FERTILITY Mr TUMNUS GOD GG Pet Shop Boys WEST Minster WEST END .. Life ina PET SHOP Animal FARM .. How much is that DOGGIEE in the window...
In ancient Celtic and Gallo-Roman religion, Cernunnos or Carnonos is a god depicted with antlers, seated cross-legged, and is associated with stags, ...

Hanks said talks are being held in the film industry about how to protect actors from the effects of the technology.
"I can tell you that there is discussions going on in all of the guilds, all of the agencies, and all of the legal firms in order to come up with the legal ramifications of my face and my voice and everybody else's being our intellectual property," Hanks added.
"What is a bona fide possibility right now is, if I wanted to, I could get together and pitch a series of seven movies that would star me in them in which I would be 32 years old from now until kingdom come.
"Anybody can now recreate themselves at any age they are by way of AI or deep fake technology. I could be hit by a bus tomorrow and that's it, but performances can go on and on and on and on.
"Outside the understanding of AI and deep fake, there'll be nothing to tell you that it's not me and me alone.
"And it's going to have some degree of lifelike quality. That's certainly an artistic challenge but it's also a legal one."

Pointing North East to 13th sign Ophuicius ..with index finger Jupiter.. Jupiter conjunct Moon today to make Vulcan ANNEUX ANUS written Seigneurs des Anneaux RINGS O/EAUX ANNEAU/LAMB HIS LAMB... ARM BENT ARM/MAR MARS/BENT virility Gone GEMINI/CHILD/TWINS PAN Gemini rules/Arm/hands/lungs ARMS/WEAPONS the last CORNER/BENT ARM

30 out of 90 horses completed 39 .. 5 star level is about impeccable preparation and positive mental attitude.. Mind over Horse, and Complete gender equality.. The CROSS you Bare Bear .. BadminTON aka Badders sponsored by MARS equestrian and PB/Paddy Bear British Petroleum BP LIGHT SOURCE Lucy FUR and Mr Tumnus.. Ros CANTER CR/RC in the LEAD/LED from start to Finish PB Lead is a chemical element with the symbol PB (Paddy Bear) LED/LEAD to Gold or turned to sTONE (from the Latin plumbum) and atomic number 82. It is a heavy metal that is denser than most common materials. Lead is soft and malleable, and also has a relatively low melting point. When freshly cut, lead is a shiny gray with a hint of blue.

LG and BT/British Telecom LG Liberty Glory/ GOOD Life L/12 G/7 the wheel goes from 12 to 8 to make the 5th element 5star/Tsar 50 hidden hand 5 STAR Event Wheel returns to 5 seasons Four Corners and 5th season instead of 12 Months 12x30/360 becomes 5x72/360 NEW WHEEL the MEDUSA UMbreLLa opens and shuts its your DIA FRAME/Diaphragm/RAM d'ORion Gray Lordship Gruffalo won BADminTON Liberty Glory FELL Tom Crisp TOP CAT Aqua man GruffalO Won with ROSS Cantor RC/CR Charles REX CHI RHO Chirons Last CAIRO New NILE/LINE Canter CAN/TIN JUPITER and TOR/Taurus TORSO CHEST

ROLF/WOLF MR TUMNUS Romulus Remus Twins


OLD post from 1yr some one just sent me and pic from Lars
Because we are not on the correct constellations the FOUR FIXED MUSKATEERS: the Royal Stars of Persia - Aldebaran/TAURUS, Regulus/LEO, Antares/SCORPIO and Fomalhaut/AQUARIUS/D’ARTAGNAN Last LEG. The guardians of the sky shall merge again with the cardinal signs and the mutable cross shall disappear because AMMIT - the Umbrella, the WHEEL DIA FRAME, MEDUSA Opens and SHUTS, and she will now close back from 12 signs to 8 signs as we go through the 5-petaled gate/HEART home when our heart is no longer heavier than our feather consciousness…

There are 3 crosses: MUTABLE, FIXED and CARDINAL to 12 Months and 4 seasons, so 3x4 is 12… when we reach HIGHER consciousness, aka we find the lost wisdom, we return to the correct PERCEPTION, and the equinox becomes the solstice. Spring is the new year, not December; March is January, the new year, not FATHER XMAS, JUDE, PETE n PAUL again, as we are 2 months OFF the correct seasons. We find our 5th WAVE - that means that instead of 30 degrees x12 signs to make 360 degrees, aka 369, we return to 5 seasons x 72 degrees to make a new 360 wheel… We raise our VIBE, the sun moves 1 degree every 72-yrs and when you get OFF ALL FOURS you find your HEAD EDD you can stand up straight because you found the last LEG ANGLE ANGEL…. Where I live in Europe, France they have made the home of the NORTH STAR D’artagnan (aka FORMLHAUT) the LAMB Thalamus, EGG AIG AIGNAN AIGNTREE NORTH POLARIS SPIN, but they have merged the MUTABLE Cross MJ JM JUPITER and MERCURY cross with the Cardinal cross, so to CRUCIFY the FIXED CROSS STARS in the mutable GAP by changing the calendar and making us lie flat on all fours like DOGS - because SIRIUS was the Persian keeper of the four corners in BABYLON, but the wheel moves and now Gemini is SIRIUS DOG TSAR CUPID, Sagittarius VALENTINE ALTAIR The DOVE, and the HAWK AXIS aka mercury/GEMINI and ALTAIR/Sagittarius MJ JM Jupiter Mercury Jazz in marciac. They don’t want us to return to the correct Maltese Templar cross, CARDINAL and FIXED they have merged MUTABLE and CARDINAL to Crucify the fixed cross… This is why they celebrate D’artagnan the 4th LEG Last LEG spin of the Mutable cross when DART in AIGNAN. The flesh in the apple, WILL I AM TELL, is NOT the correct cross … All that is happening now is to KILL BILL CAP ri CORN North America and South America is NASA. Aquarius as Jupiter merges with Capricorn to make the Fleur de LYSS BEE they create NASA and keep Europe Africa as the Power with Asia. IS RA EL is just a phoney land to give you the peace you want. It's all TRICKS ~ Victoria Cotton
Victoria Cotton-Lebee