AIR/HAIR/HARE/HEIR/ SAF/ARI SAFARI was an attempt by the French government, under the presidency of Georges Pompidou, to create a centralized database of personal data. SAFARI stands for Système Automatisé pour les Fichiers Administratifs et le Répertoire des Individus, "Automated System for Administrative Files and the Repertory of Individuals". This Yellow/Blue New UR/Craine HEAD New Year MC and Orange and White and Black album was a Major preparation into the age of the Child we enter.. 2 Peter Pan boys of 7 and 7 age of Reason TWO TWIN Boys both 7yrs Old DUB LL O7 DUTCH/Orange to GO Dutch means to ride your Freddy Mercury BI/cycle, to share the cost of something, especially a meal, equally
Diana was not a Cancer sun sign Gemini ruled by mercury and her Mercury was conjunct SON and retrOgrade as it will be for the CoronA Tie ON.. /Mercury Twins DUCH .. Dub LL Dutch ORANGE Dutch TULIPS Two Lips I like to ride my Bi Cycle ..Freddy Mercury QUEEN

.Mars Pluto Uranus and north Node on Regulus Opposite Moon Harry/Mars
Sun/Mercury Will I AM on Sirius ...
Ascendant on The MilkyWay Water MelOn GAP... KEY West East
AC ScorpiO/Sagittarius DC Gemini/Taurus
Venus on AlgOl Medusa
North Node Regulus South Node Fomalhaut
Jupiter Saturn conjunction between Sagittarius Capricorn

If you ever receive a letter or card from one of the royal households, you'd probably expect it to be quite a formal affair.
But now a royal fan has shared a snap of a Christmas card from Diana and Charles before their marriage broke down, revealing the late Princess signed the missive with her childhood nickname.
David Butler shared an image of the card on Twitter, which read: 'With lots of love from the four of us, Duch and Charles.'
Diana Charles CD/DC Descendant

Moon and Quick Silver Mercury MM

Trip LLL Goddesses and the Last phase of the Moon the darkside of the Moon

Air boys from Versailles
Funny how they wont teach the basic four seasons Corners essential common heritage, Astrology at school.. funny how they gave you outer space when there is only inner space? funny we are told that st Nick Ola is the Put/IN North when Spring West is the New year whore eyes on? the Ukraine Crane craine Ur Reigne REIN Reign .. funny we are tilted 23.5 degrees off the correct constellations signs and funny that without knowing your humour you can't know who you are... we are there four Dis can we be all 41 and 14 all if we can never reach V/5 the season??? 5th element is when the 5th season makes the Upright Star.. CC/33 Climate change is when we go from 12x30 360 to 5x72 360 According to humoralism, four bodily fluids—blood/Red Air America and yellow/Asia Fire bile, black Africa bile Earth, and phlegm/Europe White/Water —determined a person's temperament and an imbalance led to certain sicknesses dependent upon which humors were in excess or deficit. The humors were connected to celestial bodies, seasons, body parts, and stages of life

To kill The dragon means to split the Milk and Honey right left of the UK Reigne ur craine brain the Milky Way is the closing of the horse/Shore shoe Shell the Bay.. The Bay is your Jelly Fish Medusa DIA FRAME Diaphragm D'ORion Gray .. George is the Gorge throat/Valley of the waters Christos Oil and if we lose our voice we never find our 5th element UR Crane head..St martin de Tours and st George one of many parallel Archetypes, as Robin de Bois is too.. the Fertility Slayer .. Red Cape is not the true CAP

Once you are aware of the kundalini snake as self, then the path to righteousness begins, many continue to feed the snake without enlightening it, the snake is our spine and our diaphragm the meeting point of the horizon and the vertical CROSS we bear bare , its the mid point merging from gut to brain, ignited by the hearts choice, its self control and holding the spiral ready to lengthen and close as our primal breathing force and return to Aeather.. if we are true

5th element the HARP LYRA VEGA the HEAD the VOICE the GEORGE GORGE Valley of Music

There you Go Greenwich the Meridian Central Line, The VERT/ARBRE Vertebrae GREEN/WICH Snake Cut.. The Rose HEAD 5th element removed and only a BEAST/EAST is left, TO LOSE Toulouse-Lautrec TO LOSE the TRECK/TRACK all 41 and 14 All Two ARMS Two LEGS and NO HEAD 1+4 is V/5 headless STANDS 18 metres High OBVIOUSLY the Milky Way snake WHEEL is 360 degrees and HALF is 180 OPPOSITION aka 18 Meters sWORD in the sTONE Cut Off at the Head of the Wheel ...

It’s actually a piece of art by Damien Hirst that was first shown in Venice, where it stood within a classical building, and was part of a collection telling a fictional tale of an ancient shipwreck.
Looking at it in context surrounded by related art in the classical building, it looked amazing, as if it had stepped straight out of a Ray Harryhausen movie — such as Clash of the Titans or Sinbad.
The Cyclopes were a race of creatures which appeared in the 1958 mythological fantasy movie The Seventh Voyage of Sinbad.

According to the artist:
“Standing at just over eighteen metres, this monumental figure is a copy of smaller bronze recovered from the wreckage. Ancient Mesopotamian demons were complex primeval creatures that exhibited elements of the human, animal and divine. Embodying a transgressive response to rigid social structures, these hybrid beings could be variously apotropaic, benign and malevolent. One theory posits that the bowl in the demon’s outstretched arm was a vessel used for collecting human blood, conforming to the contemporary perception that demons were universally destructive beings. It seems more likely that the figure served as a guardian to the home of an elite person.”
“The fluidity of the Demon’s hollow, freestanding form is testament to the Babylonian craftsmen’s remarkable dexterity. Bronzes exhibiting a high level of tin, such as this, are in evidence in the region from around 3000 BCE, by which date the lost-wax casting technique had been developed. Whilst cuneiform sources and the attestations of neighbouring Assyrian kings confirm the existence of large-scale bronze sculptures commissioned to adorn palaces and sanctuaries, few remain extant.”

3/3 GEMINI TWINS 3rd HOUSE 7/7 Two Twin Boys 7yrs old age of Eason Gemini/GG g/OLD

The Rose HEAD 5th element removed and only a Hollow EGG/AIG/L BEAST/EAST is left, TO LOSE Toulouse-Lautrec TO LOSE the TRECK/TRACK all 41 and 14 All Two ARMS Two LEGS and NO HEAD 1+4 is V/5 .......

St Patrick splitting the Snakes MilkyWay WisDOME..

Dia FRAME CUT Jelly Fish JFK
DD/44 D Day Donald Duck is not the protectOR of innocence Mother Duck is .... she always was .. StepFord wives is a planet of women that forgot to protect their children from the big bad inner wolf...
Diana and Dodie dancing under Altair Summer Triangle their arms make the joining of Winter/Summer triangles it makes a diamonde DIA/Monde .. 4x4 wheel drive a head DD/44 Range Rover, Romulus Remus, Rovers Return, Rolls Royce RR/18/18 360... Roger Rabbit 2023 yr of Water Rabbit/Lapin LA PIN PINE SPINE 322/223 Flip flop Romulus Remus .. Charles Diana CD/DC Diana Moon Goddess falls under the AC DC .. AC/DC ... A.D. CC/33 MC/IC Charles Camilla is the Spine/Penis is horizontal not vertical The rain in Spain stays mainly on the Plaine Plane Jane.. Sapin/Spain Vert Abre Nile/LINE Polaris bean stalk... follow the White Water rabbit underground and watch the Wood Dragon Grow.. 2024 yr of Wood dragon..... it's a Waltz Disney/Sidney Dance... can you C at the bottom of the deep blue CCC

DUB LL/77 angles North West Westminster Abbey.51.4994° N, 0.1273° W with ROSE Window South.. Burnt and rebuilt like Notre Dame North East 48.8530° N, 2.3499° E Notre Dame isle st Louis North East so North to West and North to East is the New Vertical Pole and West East Axis.. The ROSE/Pink Line .. 1066 Battle of Hastings Guillaume Conqueror Flood NZ Land Hastings.. The Dam fell..

The Westminster ROSE Window has 8 central petals and Notre Dame 12 petals in central ROSE the wheel opens and shuts the UM brella from 12 Notre Dame to 8 West Minister... back to the Templars Cross..
What year was the Cathedral of Notre-Dame built? Construction began in 1163 on Île de la Cité, under the reign of King Louis VII, and the cathedral was largely completed by 1345, The Templars, though relatively small in number, routinely joined other armies in key battles. They would be the force that would ram through the enemy's front lines at the beginning of a battle, or the fighters that would protect the army from the rear. They fought alongside King Louis VII of France, and King Richard I of England.[3] In addition to battles in Palestine, members of the Order also fought in the Spanish and Portuguese Reconquista.
Notre Dame 12 petals

Westminster 8 Petals

The Wheel goes from 12x30/360 to 5x72/360 The Umbrella opens and Shuts

Elizabeth Line BES Eliza Mac BES BETH Game Match and SETH

Ophiuchus Kills ScopiO Fertility Life Death Portal the AIG/L Eagle

The OWL can fly Horizontal and Vertical.. 360 degree Vision

Milky Way CUT

Closed UM BRELLA JL Pierre Paul and the Moon in the MID L dub LL/07



The Hall was built in 1097 under William II (Rufus), the son of William the Conqueror, and was completed two years later. He had conceived the project to impress his new subjects with his power and the majesty of his authority.
The history of Westminster Abbey can be traced back to its creation in 1050 when Edward the Confessor began building his church on the west end of Thorney Island. The foundation was laid by King Edgar around 1090 and it became an abbey during the late 1100s under Henry II. A.
North West Westminster Abbey. 51.4994° N, 0.1273° W

North East Notre Dame 48.8530° N, 2.3499° E

In 1066, Westminster Abbey became a coronation church following the crowning of William the Conqueror as King of England. In 1245, Westminster Abbey was officially declared a church and this is where the abbey's history formed.

The Adour river runs from Lourdes Pyrennes through the gorgeous town of Plaisance and through Judes JU Bollock's James Bond Boaz Jachin JB/BJ all the way to the Atlantic to Bayonne AB ..

9th House Sagittarius Jupiter EXPANSION Culture Man made Laws, but never the NO Ledge... That connects it all to its higher meaning that's Saturn, Contraction and knowing the story above, too NO/Know Aquarius 11th house 9/11 Sagittarius/Aquarius/Merlin and 3/11 Gemini/Mercury/Arthur .. The Philosophers Rejected the true TONE.. sWORD in the sTONE ..

We are in the eYe of the Tyger Tyger passage right Now...
37 since 1986 yr of the Tyger and 50 yrs since 1973 yr of BuffalO
3773 Vesica Pisces passage This is the MilkyWay passage Asia Tyger and America BuffalO 37/73 Gemini 3rd house TWINS 33 Vertebrae 77 7yr old boys Twins 77 3773/ELLE last 07 LEG

May 6th Full Moon in Libra Sun/Mercury Opposite in Aries conjunct head of Milky Way Snake , Mars ruler on Pollux Lord of the Boxing Rings PC/Pollux Venus ruler of Libra and Taurus On the wand of Merlin .. Mercury RetrO and Blinded by the SON ... Harry/Mars .. From Catherine the Great to the name of the ROse ...

Rolex Ken/Turkey international 3 day event.. right at X Eclipse MarKs the Spot Between 2017/2024 Central American PIe wheel in GEORGE Town Name of the Tudor Mary Eliza Beth ROSE Lexington L'EGGSingTON King LouisVille Paris/Texas its a big Event .. I think Eliza Wallace and CR CHI RHO Charles REX CR 'Renkum Corse Air' HEIR HAIR WIND/SOAR Wind/Tsar Windsor, will win the 4 sTar Tsar all 41 and 14all as Corach Rambler won the AIN/AIG EGG Tree N/TREE Entry , Im a great Fan of the Lady Riding and wish them all the best... She will then be a hopefull Runner in Paris OlympIA Olympics

MM/BB Paris Texas American PIE Eliza Beth Line APPI
Someone sent me this and asked if im related, i think i remember my Granny talking about Robert Bruce Cotton, Bruce is very OZ? he died in Westminster 6th May ...,_1st_Baronet,_of_Connington

Sir Robert Bruce Cotton, 1st Baronet (22 January 1570/71 – 6 May 1631) of Conington Hall in the parish of Conington in Huntingdonshire, England,[1] was a Member of Parliament and an antiquarian who founded the Cotton library.
He was born on 22 January 1571 in Denton, Huntingdonshire, the son and heir of Thomas Cotton (1544–1592) of Conington (son of Thomas Cotton of Conington Sheriff of Huntingdonshire in 1547[2]) by his first wife Elizabeth Shirley, a daughter of Francis Shirley of Staunton Harold in Leicestershire.[1] The Cotton family originated at the manor of Cotton, Cheshire,[3] from which they took their surname.
Cotton was educated at Westminster School where he was a pupil of the antiquarian William Camden, under whose influence he began to study antiquarian topics. He began collecting rare manuscripts as well as collecting notes on the history of Huntingdonshire when he was seventeen.[4] He proceeded to Jesus College, Cambridge, where he graduated BA in 1585[5] and in 1589 entered the Middle Temple to study law. He began to amass a library in which the documents rivalled, then surpassed, the royal manuscript collections.
1st Baronet. English politician, founder of the famous Cotton library. He was of a Huntingdonshire parentage and educated at Westminster School, where he became interested in antiquarian studies under William Camden, and Jesus College, Cambridge. Starting with his antiquarian notes on the local history of Huntingdonshire, he began to amass a library, in which the documents rivalled, then surpassed the official Public Record Office collections. He entered the Parliament of England as a member for Huntingdon in 1601. He helped devise the institution of the title baronet as a means for King James I of England to raise funds.
Cotton was elected a Member of Parliament for Newtown, Isle of Wight in 1601 and as Knight of the Shire for Huntingdonshire in 1604.
He helped to devise the institution of the title of baronet as a means for King James I to raise funds: like a peerage, a baronetcy was heritable but, like a knighthood, it gave the holder no seat in the House of Lords. Despite an early period of goodwill with King James I, during which Cotton was himself made a baronet, his approach to public life, based on his immersion in the study of old documents, was essentially based on that "sacred obligation of the king to put his trust in parliaments" which in 1628 was expressed in his monograph The Dangers wherein the Kingdom now Standeth, and the Remedye.
From the Court party's point of view, this was anti-royalist in nature, and the king's ministers began to fear the uses being made of Cotton's library to support pro-parliamentarian arguments. Thus it was confiscated in 1630 and returned only after his death to his heirs.
Cotton supported the claim of King James VI of Scotland to succeed Queen Elizabeth I on the English throne, and after the queen's death was commissioned to write a work defending James's claim to the throne, for which he was rewarded with a knighthood in 1603.

Cotton was elected to parliament for Huntingdonshire in 1604, a constituency previously represented by his grandfather. Cotton worked on the Committee on Grievances and in 1605–06 received the Bill pertaining to the Gunpowder Plot through his work on the Committee of Privileges. In 1607 he was reappointed to the Committee of Privileges. Cotton was appointed to the joint conference with the Lords during his work on the bill pertaining to the full union between Scotland and England in 1606–07.
In 1610, Cotton was nominated in first place to the Committee of Privileges. In 1610/11 the royal revenues were low, and Cotton wrote Means for raising the king’s estate. In this work, he suggested the formation of the baronetcy, a new higher order of social rank, higher than the knight but lower than the baron.
Cotton was not elected to the 1614 Parliament. In 1621, Cotton advised James I on the impeachment of Sir Francis Bacon concerning the respective roles of the king and Parliament. In 1624, Cotton was elected to represent Old Sarum after the previous member, Sir Arthur Ingram, decided to sit for York.[6]
He was subsequently elected to Parliament for Old Sarum (1624), Thetford (1625) and Castle Rising (1628).
HAPI APPI APP/L APES God of the NILE/LINE Flooding Fertility God .. Mars was on Aldebaran for the Falling of Notre DAM 2019 and 6 days later for ISHTAR EASTER day the sacrifice of my Dog HAPPY 2019 aka 216 Summer solstice flooding Mars was also on Aldebaran Nic/OLA BULLeye for the Floods in NZ 13 14 15 February VALENTINES Lupercalia Fertility Festival 2023 and for the death of the Queen, Mars was also on same spot for Date of CORONA Birthday 8/9 September Mars as Jupiter was also on the Whales Tail both MARS/JUPITER MAR/TIN went retrO and returned in 2023 for NZ Flooding..

The annual flooding of the Nile occasionally was said to be the Arrival of Hapi.[1] Since this flooding provided fertile soil in an area that was otherwise desert, Hapi symbolised fertility. He had large female breasts because he was said to bring a rich and nourishing harvest. Due to his fertile nature he was sometimes considered the "father of the gods",[1] and was considered to be a caring father who helped to maintain the balance of the cosmos, the world or universe regarded as an orderly, harmonious system.[1] He was thought to live within a cavern at the supposed source of the Nile near Aswan.[4] The cult of Hapi was mainly located at the First Cataract named Elephantine. His priests were involved in rituals to ensure the steady levels of flow required from the annual flood. At Elephantine the official nilometer, a measuring device, was carefully monitored to predict the level of the flood, and his priests must have been intimately concerned with its monitoring.

Hapi symbolised fertility. He had large female breasts because he was said to bring a rich and nourishing harvest

'Curvy' mermaid statue criticised for being 'too sexual'
Made by students from an art school in Puglia, the sculpture has upset some, particularly as it overlooks a children's playground
She Lost her Voice Pisces/Water/Mermaid 12th house fell under the Horizon and became the WHORE Eyes/Breasts ON .. the sprit/Pisces found flesh/VirgO 6th House 6/9 and rejoiced in her new legs/EGGS she sells C shells on the C shore.. Celebration of the Cherry Busted innocence Lost and AINTREE Entry of EARTH/VirgO the pleasures of the flesh ..

Key to West East KIWI West End Girls and Pet Shop Boys .... T Rex Scotty CHI RHO CR

Hapi was not regarded as the god of the Nile itself but of the inundation event.[1] He was also considered a "friend of Geb", the Egyptian god of the earth,[5] and the "lord of Neper", the god of grain

Music of the PAN Flute .. APP/L Yard college 1900 Valentines Day Fertility Festival 13,14,15, InOZ the floods 13,14,15 Lupercalia Fertility Festival, The DAM broke and we were submerged at LIONS Rock where the Virgin stands on the Rock Risen.. we didn't go Missing... Four Victorian Girls dressed in White/Black and only THREE SistAs rise to the PEAK/PIC as one leg is always under the WHORE EYES ON ,The old Lady and the Mermaid/Miranda never to return, Irma returns dressed in RED no longer a VIRGIN The Cherry on the Cake the ROSE ELIZA BETH LINE .. Irma arrives to bid farewell to her classmates, who violently swarm her, demanding that she reveal what happened on the rock .. the TEMP/EAST Miranda is swept away MISSING The TriP L Goddesses 3 Sisters Miranda/Pisces falls under the Horizon (actually the PEAK Vertical PIC NIQUE at hanging ROck Capricorn/Pisces Fish Goat Gone so MER/LIon can rise in Asia..
At Appleyard College, a girls' private school near the town of Woodend in Victoria, Australia, students are getting ready on the morning of Valentine's Day, 1900. One student, an orphan named Sara, has a deep connection with her elder roommate Miranda. The school's austere headmistress, Mrs Appleyard, has arranged a picnic to a local geological formation known as Hanging Rock, accompanied by the peculiar mathematics teacher Miss Greta McCraw and the young French teacher Mademoiselle de Poitiers. Mrs Appleyard keeps Sara and jittery teacher Miss Lumley at the college.
Buggy operator Ben Hussey gets the group to Hanging Rock by mid-afternoon, where they picnic at its base. Mr Hussey notes his pocket watch has stopped at the stroke of 12, as has Miss McCraw's. With permission from Mlle. de Poitiers, Miranda and classmates Marion, Irma, and Edith decide to explore Hanging Rock. The group is soon after observed crossing a creek by a young Englishman, Michael Fitzhubert, along with Albert, his friend and coachman for the Fitzhubert family.
After exploring the rock for a while, Miranda, Marion, and Irma remove their shoes and stockings. Near the summit, seemingly under the influence of an unseen force, the four collapse and fall asleep next to a monolith. Everyone at the picnic spot is apparently asleep as well, except for Miss McCraw who looks at a geometry textbook and up at the Rock. The four awaken synchronously and, as if in a trance, all except Edith move up into a crevice. Witnessing this, Edith screams and flees down the Rock in terror.
And Finally GEORGE/GORGE Throat Hairy HARRY'SON My sweet LOL Lord Check out images of this VideO with ROSE ANNE ARCHIE ARCH ARQUETTE .. POP CORN and MNen in Black PC's Pollux and Castors Twins ... Check Pictures Out everything is in it POP CORN CORN HER Last LEG angle....

Incredible I LOVE this Game how we are TOLD what a beautiful Material illusion we live in... George the Gorge RA/AR Mars Harry's Son, Born 6 May is the ARCH.. LOL Lucy our Lord C.E.O Men in Black CoronA TIE ON... Video there is even Rosanna Arquette/Lil Mermaid at 3mins 40 deep Blue passing POPCORN at the screen with the clearest view to her Asian neighbours .. Corona Thai On ...

LOve how we are constantly told in symbolic images, its all in there .. The R useless if the Mind is BLIND..
It's a God-awful small affair To the girl with the mousy hair But her mummy is yelling, "No" And her daddy has told her to go
But her friend is nowhere to be seen Now she walks through her sunken dream To the seat with the clearest view And she's hooked to the silver screen
But the film is a saddening bore For she's lived it ten times or more She could spit in the eyes of fools As they ask her to focus on
Sailors fighting in the dance hall Oh man, look at those cavemen go It's the freakiest show Take a look at the lawman Beating up the wrong guy Oh man, wonder if he'll ever know He's in the best selling show Is there life on Mars?
It's on America's tortured brow That Mickey Mouse has grown up a cow Now the workers have struck for fame 'Cause Lennon's on sale again See the mice in their million hordes From Ibiza to the Norfolk Broads Rule Britannia is out of bounds To my mother, my dog, and clowns But the film is a saddening bore 'Cause I wrote it ten times or more It's about to be writ again As I ask you to focus on
Sailors fighting in the dance hall Oh man, look at those cavemen go It's the freakiest show Take a look at the lawman Beating up the wrong guy Oh man, wonder if he'll ever know He's in the best selling show Is there life on Mars? Now she walks through her sunken dream To the seat with the clearest view And she's hooked to the silver screen
But the film is a saddening bore
