Mercury is currently only 7 percant visible and retrOgrade in Cancer it will continue to lose visability as it moves from High cardinal Cancer WATER and then moves backwards into its domicile Gemini ...

Cancer is ruled by the MOON and we have a partial Lunar eclipse on the 16th July mercury will be only 3 percant illuminated on that day in Cancer still, and the moon will be in Sagittarius with saturn and PlutO both retrOgrade, Mars has been combust mercury these past few days Tempers may flare, and as this planet represents the action priniciple, deeds can be “done in haste” and repented later, Mars is in detriment in Cancer too and square to Uranus in Aries ruled by mars and Jupiter is retO in ScorpiO water also ruled by mars Communication is down and emotions are deep and sensitive and about REVIEW talk about emotional feminie energy and Mother baggage coming up!! July 16th SUN enters Cancer, joining Mars and Mercury there, and adding to the “heat” those with Cancer Rising or Moon signs are already feeling. At least it may be good for finances as the Sun rules the second house of wealth for Cancerians. That’s something. Venus is also conjunct Sirius: Ease, comfort and luxury, extravagant, gain by inheritance. Those of us who have done the profound work are ready to walk through the pain but many will be having deep family issues or deep healing of the female and our ability to self nurture or NOT ... By the 20th July mercury will be at onlly 1 percant visible and combust to the Sun, complete merging in self value and self lOve will take place when the combustion of the Sun and mercury is exact Make or break time...On the 24th venus and mercury are combust in Gemini as mercury moves back into Gemini and venus moves into Cancer on the 26th stirring up romantic and affectionate feelings July 29th Mercury becomes non-combust in Gemini and Moon joins him there so clarity of mind again July 31st MERCURY GOES DIRECT MOTION. And on that cheery note ends the month of three combustions, three retrograde planets and two eclipses! Communications and commerce can now roll forward with greater ease and success. Plus the Geminis and Virgos will feel more like themselves now.