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Master Mountbatten Meghan Mark of EL Windsor/WIND TSAR MM/WW 8 G ATE

Writer's picture: Victoria Vibes CottonVictoria Vibes Cotton

This morning, the Duke and Duchess of Sussex introduced the Queen’s eighth great-grandchild to Her Majesty and the world.


Though the baby, born Monday, could have been titled Earl of Dumbarton, according to the BBC, parents Prince Harry and wife Meghan opted to skip the formality and go with the simple Master Archie Mountbatten-Windsor.

Archie A symbol for AIR age of Aquarius end of Pisces ALEF/TAV Alpha/ARIES LIBRA/OMEGA Born 6/5/2019 5::26 am Moon in Taurus A and sun in Aries RA MARS in Cresent of Bulls Horns ....

SEAL of Solomon ARC of the Convenant....


WIND TSAR A ALEF TAV St George's Hall at Windsor Castle TEMP LIARS

😅 Archangel Michael.ANGLE/ANGEL ArchON/EL NOEL SKUM ELON MUSK Aldebaran Archie of the East, BOOMarang ARC covenant



Archibald is a masculine given name, composed of the Germanic elements erchan (with an original meaning of "genuine" or "precious"[1]) and bald "bold".

Medieval forms include Old High German Erchambald, Erkanbold, Erkanbald and Anglo-Saxon Eorcenbald. Erkanbald, bishop of Strasbourg (d. 991) was also rendered Archaunbault in Old French. The Anglo-Saxon name did not survive, and the modern given name in English derives from the introduction of the Old French name, with a secondary association of its first element with the Greek prefix archi- meaning "chief, master", to Norman England in the high medieval period.

The form Archibald became particularly popular among Scottish nobility in the later medieval to early modern periods, whence usage as a surname is derived by the 18th century, found especially in Nova Scotia and in Scotland.

Good thing Archie Bunker isn’t around anymore. After little Archie Harrison Mountbatten-Windsor made his name the #1 trending topic worldwide, another Archie just had to weigh in, welcoming the little guy to the club.

Voltone del Podestà con terracotte dei patroni di Bologna. Four Realms ARC

Arch of Podesta Pete TSAR PIZZA GATE Here we see a unique Jeffrey Dahmer-inspired sculpture posted on James’ Instagram. The owner of this one-of-a-kind art piece is none other than Tony Podesta, John Podesta’s brother. Tony is a registered lobbyist representing Saudi Arabia, China, among other seedy nations with poor human rights records. Alefantis has multiple pictures of Tony and himself together at different parties and events. Check out the Washington Postarticle talking about Tony’s interest in “art”…

MMM 13 + 13 + 13 is 39 369 TESLA TRAP V for AR/RAies MARS/WARS V For LIBER

Alef TAV Alpha Omega/Libra LIBERATION V

V for AR/RAies Archie Sun in Aries V for TAV 22nd AlphaBET Alpha Omega LIBRA LIBERATION VICTORY ANTI CHRIST

ORANGE 5G TESLA 369 MMM 13 +13+13= 39 36/9 Master MARIO Windsor MMM

The Four MUSKeteers/MOUSQUEtaire/MOSQUE/MASK A mosque (/mɒsk/; from Arabic: مَـسْـجِـد‎, romanized: masjid, lit. place of ritual prostration) is a place of worship for Muslims.Ottoman Empire

The famous Janissary corps of the Ottoman army were using matchlock muskets as early as the 1440s.[7] The Ottoman Empire, centering on Turkey and extending into Arabia, used muskets to conquer Constantinople (modern Istanbul) and were one of the earliest users of muskets in a military conflict. It also utilized large cannons, the Great Turkish Bombard and incendiary devices. They are also probably the first to use muskets aboard ships.

The FOUR TUNES FOUR directions the FOUR FIXED STARS NORTH/SOUTH/EAST/WEST Cornered Continents Conquered before total clamp Down ... Elon MUSK or NO EL/LONE SKUM The FOUR TITS in London were about The 4 FOR/TUNES MOSQUES because a Nipple is a SNIPER a Killer a PI RAT/LOT NIPPLE NIPPER SA sNIPer A BOOBY TRAP A booby trap is a device or setup that is intended to kill, harm, or surprise a person or animal, unknowingly triggered by the presence or actions of the victim. As the word trap implies, they sometimes have some form of bait designed to lure the victim towards it.

The Four MUSKeteers/MOUSQUEtaire/MOSQUE/MASK A mosque (/mɒsk/; from Arabic: مَـسْـجِـد‎, romanized: masjid, lit. place of ritual prostration) is a place of worship for Muslims.Ottoman Empire

St George's Hall at Windsor Castle WIND TSAR

007/ L00 ...... LOUP/LOOP DIAC LUPIAC Home of Last Horseman D'artagnan 32/23 23 TWIN DNA strands LIBER Tribe of DAN ... or 32nd Vertebrae state of GRACE ....

St MARTIN Free MARTIN TWIN BULLS A freemartin or free-martin (sometimes martin heifer) is an infertile female mammal with masculinized behavior and non-functioning ovaries.[1] Genetically the animal is chimeric: Karyotyping of a sample of cells shows XX/XY chromosomes. The animal originates as a female (XX), but acquires the male (XY) component in utero by exchange of some cellular material from a male twin, via vascular connections between placentas: an example of microchimerism.[2] Externally, the animal appears female, but various aspects of female reproductive development are altered due to acquisition of anti-Müllerian hormone from the male twin.[3] Freemartinism is the normal outcome of mixed-sex twins in all cattle species that have been studied, and it also occurs occasionally in other mammals including sheep, goats, and pigs.


St MARTIN Last Horseman St George Saint Martin FREE MARTINS A freemartin or free-martin (sometimes martin heifer) is an infertile female mammal with ... earlier in the pregnancy – in about ten percent of cases no fusion takes place and the female remains fertile. ... during fetal development; in the book, government policy requires freemartins to comprise 70% of the female population.

The Duchess of Sussex has said she has "the two best guys in the world" as she and Prince Harry introduced their firstborn child to the world.

The couple have just shown off their new son to waiting cameras inside St George's Hall at Windsor Castle - the first time the family have been seen together since Meghan gave birth on Monday.

THE EYE of the WW/MM Mary Magdalene Master Mountbatten


4 Stars of Persia : Ancient Symbolism : Astrological Christmas four royal stars

The Four Royal Stars of Persia are four stars that stand in each of the four cardinal directions, each one coming into prominence at the height of one of the four seasons.

Symbols for the Royal Stars extend into every culture throughout our history as the Four Pillars, Four Directions, Four Archangels, Four Horsemen, etc.


The Four Royal Stars are: INVERTED HERE ....

Aldebaran (Taurus’s Eye) – Spring Equinox, Watcher of the East, WEST!! Archangel Michael Regulus (Heart of Leo) – Summer Solstice, Watcher of the North, SOUTH!! Archangel Raphael Antares (Heart of Scorpio) – Autumn Equinox, Watcher of the West, EAST!! Archangel Uriel Fomalhaut (Aquarius) – Winter Solstice, Watcher of the South, NORTH!! Archangel Gabriel

These four stars are always in the sky “watching” over us and they mark the changes in seasons, which was crucial for staying in sync with the harvest. For this reason, the cross is an ancient symbol of the Four Directions/Four Pillars, honoring the Four Royal Stars.…/



The free masons only admit to West East and South because they rejected the true CROWN 3rd eye NORTH Fomalhaut they want to make enlightenment up the arse and never through the womb

Fomalhaut (Aquarius) – Winter Solstice, Watcher of the South, Archangel Gabriel The wheel is INVERTED The true 3rd EYE is NORTH STAR GIZA NOT REGULUS The SPHINX

The cross is found in many varieties all around the world, and further investigation reveals that it dates back to Ancient Mu, Land of the Four Rivers.

Any act of worship that follows the Islamic rules of prayer can be said to create a mosque, whether or not it takes place in a special building.[2] Informal and open-air places of worship are called musalla, while mosques used for communal prayer on Fridays are known as jāmiʿ.[1] Mosque buildings typically contain an ornamental niche (mihrab) set into the wall that indicates the direction of Mecca (qiblah),[1] ablution facilities and minarets from which calls to prayer are issued.[1][2] The pulpit (minbar), from which the Friday sermon (khutba) is delivered, was in earlier times characteristic of the central city mosque, but has since become common in smaller mosques.[3][1] Mosques typically have segregated spaces for men and women.[1] This basic pattern of organization has assumed different forms depending on the region, period and denomination.


The FOUR TUNES FOUR directions the FOUR FIXED STARS North/SOUTH/EAST/WEST Cornered Continents Conquered before total clamp Down ... Elon MUSK or NO EL/LONE SKUM The FOUR TITS in London were about The 4 FOR/TUNES MOSQUES because a Nipple is a SNIPER a Killer a PI RAT/LOT NIPPLE NIPPER SA sNIPer is a military/paramilitary marksman who operates to maintain effective visual contact with and engage enemy targets from concealed positions or at distances exceeding the target's detection capabilities.[1] Snipers generally have specialized training and are equipped with high-precision rifles and high-magnification optics, and often feed information back to their units or command headquarters.

ST GEORGES DRAGON LAST HORSEMAN Last Horseman St George Saint Martin FREE MARTINS A freemartin or free-martin (sometimes martin heifer) is an infertile female mammal with ... earlier in the pregnancy – in about ten percent of cases no fusion takes place and the female remains fertile. ... during fetal development; in the book, government policy requires freemartins to comprise 70% of the female population.


A musketeer (French: mousquetaire) was a type of soldier equipped with a musket. Musketeers were an important part of early modern armies, particularly in Europe, as they normally comprised the majority of their infantry. The musketeer was a precursor to the rifleman. Muskets were replaced by rifles in most western armies during the mid-1850s. The traditional designation of "musketeer" for an infantry private survived in the Imperial German Army until World War I.

1) March 31 last CC/33 event Nipsey Hussle 33 shot dead on the 33 Latitude of HYDE PARK LA

2) CoCo Chanel Karl dies CC/33

3) Bordeaux 33 department earthquake of 4,9 46/64/46...4 Corners Microsoft 7 closed Biarritz 23 September 64th department

4) Christ Church CC/33 49/64/46 killed

April 23 marks the saint’s day of England’s patron saint St George.

English schoolchildren are always taught that he was a knight who slayed dragons but is there more to the historical figure?

Who was he? According to legend, St George was a Roman soldier born in what is now modern-day Turkey in around 280AD and died around 303./33 Crucifixion FICTION

Very little is known about his early life but it is believed he was born to a wealthy Christian noble family.…/st-georges-day-2019-england…

Ottoman Empire

The famous Janissary corps of the Ottoman army were using matchlock muskets as early as the 1440s.[7] The Ottoman Empire, centering on Turkey and extending into Arabia, used muskets to conquer Constantinople (modern Istanbul) and were one of the earliest users of muskets in a military conflict. It also utilized large cannons, the Great Turkish Bombard and incendiary devices. They are also probably the first to use muskets aboard ships

Like a bridge over troubled water ARC of the covenant Simon and Garfunk EL or Sodom and Gomorrah ... Biarritz G7 Sept 7 007/L00 LOUPIAC 4 TUNE CLOSED 23/32 September ANTARES EQUINOX Biarritz 32 + 32 = 64th Department End of the Holy Grail Arc of the Covenant End of Age of Pisces/Virgo Jesus/MM Mary Magdalene... MM Maser Mountbatten ARCHIE

23/32 September ANTARES EQUINOX Biarritz 32 + 32 = 64th Department End of the Holy Grail Arc of the Covenant End of Age of Pisces/Virgo Jesus/MM Mary Magdalene

"ARCHangel/angle GAYbriel 😄 (Gay-bread-(tranny-)Elles? Or Gay-bread-(Out) Elle) - a gay tranny/MtF breading/geneticist/clone doctor "arching" angel/angle that aims to replace real men and women with Baphomets? (Jew)Peter GAYbriel..Gene/Djinnesis

Bulgarian statue "Lovers dragons" is located in the Sea Garden of Varna, near the swimming complex "Primorski". The sculpture was created in October 2010 and from then it causes different reactions and numerous disputes, which not prevent it to become one of the attractions in the park.

The statue is a work of the artist Darin Lazarov. It is made of bronze and represents two lovers dragon hold up an egg


Last Horseman St George Saint Martin Between Harry and MM Mark of EL FREE MARTINS A freemartin or free-martin (sometimes martin heifer) is an infertile female mammal with ... earlier in the pregnancy – in about ten percent of cases no fusion takes place and the female remains fertile. ... during fetal development; in the book, government policy requires freemartins to comprise 70% of the female population.


Notre-Dame's most-sacred relic, Crown of Thorns, rescued from fire

Game of THORNS Notre-Dame's most-sacred relic, Crown of Thorns, rescued from fire The cathedral's high altar was damaged by falling debris when the spire collapsed.

The ANUS LORD OF THE RINGS what goes around comes around ZODIAC Cerceuil Circle CLOSED ANUS DOWN UNDER in OZ/ZO inZiOn Le Seigneur des anneaux L'anamour ♫ L'anus est l'orifice externe du canal anal. Sa paroi est constituée de peau. PEAU D'ANE ANAL Tribu DANA /ADN/DAN/DNA Indiana NANA BULL WORSHIP 🐮ALDEBARAN 🎯 La mouchette ou pince-mouchette est une pince enserrant la paroi nasale du bovin. Elle sert à le mener en quelque sorte « par le bout du nez ». Pour les taureaux, les agriculteurs font usage de l'anneau de nez. ♫ InANNA Ishtar ISIS L'anus, en anatomie, est l'orifice terminal du tube digestif. Sa principale fonction est d'évacuer périodiquement les résidus de la digestion



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