Toulouse broke fellow French club La Rochelle's resilience to claim a record-extending fifth Champions Cup title with a 22-17 victory after their opponents played more than half of the game with 14 men at Twickenham on Saturday.
Hairy Harrys Life on all FOURS THE BEASTS and Life under the DOME Wild WILLYS MM WW Milky Way Spin is the Buffalo BILL BB/22 V for Victory ALEF TAV 22 RED/Yellow The REIGN in SPAIN stays mainly on the Plain

Colourful, cultural and captivating
France’s 4th largest city has a multi-faceted personality. It’s famous for being home to Airbus headquarters, hosts satellite, space and aerospace industries and has three major universities.
It’s a sprawling modern city with an ancient heart at whose centre is the Place du Capitole. Here major events and markets take place, surrounded by architecturally glorious buildings, restaurants, the town hall and bars. Around this grand central square are a web of streets, teeming with life, brimming with museums, art galleries, shops, bars, bakeries and bistros.
And there’s a secret part to Toulouse which visitors rarely discover. A short walk from the Capitole, but a world away from the busy centre, are streets filled with beautiful mansion houses, tiny squares where you’ll find art and local bars with a friendly welcome. A part of Toulouse with a laid back, authentic vibe.
Closer to the capital of Spain than the capital of France, it’s just 60 miles from the Spanish border, Toulouse has absorbed the laid back vibe and flavour of its southern neighbour. Aperitifs come with tapas on the terraces of sunny cafés. And the night life has a distinctly Latin flavour…
YuP Toulouse have won 5th European championships How WOW ii 50 RED and Yellow AXIS obviously Romulus and Remus bien sur on the pitch LA VILLE ROSE The ROSE and its red square st JUDE PETERS square was in full celebration Toulouse broke fellow French club La Rochelle's resilience to claim a record-extending fifth HAW WOW ii 50 5th WAVE Champions Cup title with a 22-17 victory after their opponents played more than half of the game with 14 pieces of Osiris men at Twickenham on Saturday.
This is ALL About The ALEF TAV LUNAR BLOOD ECLIPSE IN TAURUS FULL MOON THIS 26 MAY SEE PREVIOUS ARTICLE ITS ALL IN THERE ...... Jupiter on the True 3rd eye making two ANGLES to the NORTH SOUTH NODE SUN in Taurus Conjunct North node and MOON in SCorpiO conjunct South node is the DUB LL ANGUS OX eLLe two 90 degree angles make the Fleur de lys with Jupiter thinking he is the Jolly Green Giant to East Antares and West Aldebaran is the 77 90 90 aka 99 degree angle of TRICK or TREAT is the 77 of BIDEN.. Biden means LOOP LOUP WOLF and LUPÎAC IS THE HOME OF D'ARTANGNAN DART IN AIGNAN 5 MINS FROM AIGNAN IVE EXPLAINED OVER AND OVER AGAIN THIS IS THE JOKER TAKE OVER
Toulouse is the home of the BULL where st Saturnin was killed Notre-Dame du Taur is a Roman Catholic church located in Toulouse, France. According to legend, the edifice was built on the exact spot where the body of Saint Saturnin (Sernin), patron saint of Toulouse, became detached from the bull that dragged the martyr to his death.and now the rugby club is RED BLACK VirgO black la Marianne and Red Libra lucyfer cause the true twin peaks is in NASA North america Black Bill Capricorn and South america Red Air Aquarius and FRANCE with JUDE PETE has fooled the whole wide whirl .. RUGBY beast SOUTH WEST is SW ISIS aka SWIS SWISIS scorpiO is Hawaii 50 taken over by the RED DOOR TOLOUSE for me not Russia and Libra is mexico they MERGE again as North south america do too Toulouse broke fellow French club La Rochelle's resilience to claim a record-extending fifth Champions Cup title with a 22-17 victory after their opponents played more than half of the game with 14 men at Twickenham on Saturday.

Black RED Imposters of North South America sWORD in the sTONE
and now the rugby club is RED BLACK VirgO black la Marianne and Red Libra lucyfer cause the true twin peaks is in NASA North america Black Bill capricorn and South america Red Air Aquarius and FRANCE with JUDE PETE has fooled the whole wide whirl .. RUGBY beast SOUTH WEST is SW ISIS aka SWIS SWISIS scorpiO is Hawaii 50 taken over by the RED DOOR TOLOUSE for me ScorpiO is not Russia it is HAWAII 50 and Libra is Mexico they MERGE again as North south america do too Toulouse broke fellow French club La Rochelle's resilience to claim a record-extending fifth Champions Cup title with a 22-17 victory after their opponents played more than half of the game with 14 men at Twickenham on Saturday.

Discover secret Toulouse. The pink city as it’s known, thanks to the beautiful red brick buildings that fill its streets, is an absolute paradise for culture vultures…


Grace Jones Pink BLACK Panther

Notre-Dame du Taur is a Roman Catholic church located in Toulouse, France. According to legend, the edifice was built on the exact spot where the body of Saint Saturnin (Sernin), patron saint of Toulouse, became detached from the bull that dragged the martyr to his death. The site, said to be "where the bull stopped", is on the rue du Taur ("Street of the Bull"). The street with the Mithraic name is one of the original Roman cross streets running straight from the Capitole now to the Romanesque basilica honoring St. Saturnin ("St Sernin").

Bloody Sunday took place in London on 13 November 1887, when marchers protesting about unemployment and coercion in Ireland, as well as demanding the release of MP William O'Brien, clashed with the Metropolitan Police and the British Army. The demonstration was organised by the Social Democratic Federation and the Irish National League. Violent clashes took place between the police and demonstrators, many "armed with iron bars, knives, pokers and gas pipes". A contemporary report noted that 400 were arrested and 75 persons were badly injured, including many police, two policemen being stabbed and one protester bayonetted.
It may surprise some readers to learn that there were not two, but four ‘Bloody Sundays’ in 20th century Irish History.

St Saturnin is styled the first Bishop of Tolosa (Toulouse). The lost Acts of Saturninus were employed as historical sources by the chronicler Gregory of Tours. [1] The martyrology gave a genealogy for Saturnin: the son of Aegeus, King of Achaea, by his wife Cassandra, who, herself, was the daughter of Ptolemy, King of the Ninevites. The Acts placed Saturninus in the 1st century, made him one of the 72 disciples of Christ, placed him at the Last Supper. Legends associated with Saturninus state that after Saint Peter consecrated him a bishop, “he was given for his companion Papulus, later to become Saint Papulus the Martyr.”[2] Legend states that besides Papulus, Saturninus also had Saint Honestus as a disciple.
The detail from the Acts that is selected for remembering today describes his martyrdom: to reach the Christian church Saturninus had to pass before the capitol (still the Capitole de Toulouse), where there was an altar, and according to the Acts, the pagan priests ascribed the silence of their oracles to the frequent presence of Saturninus. One day they seized him and on his unshakeable refusal to sacrifice to the images they condemned him to be tied by the feet to a bull which dragged him about the town until the rope broke.[1] (Tellingly, the identical fate was ascribed to his pupil Saint Fermin whose site of martyrdom is at Pamplona.)

Four Bloody Sundays

The bull, it is said, finished at the place since named Matabiau, that is, matar ("the killing") and biau or bœuf ("bull"). An inversion of this martyrdom, the tauroctony, the "killing of the bull," is precisely the central rite of Mithraism, the most important icon in the mithraeum, a depiction of Mithras in the act of killing a bull. The tauroctony was either painted or depicted in a sculptural relief, sometimes on the altar. Two Christian women (puellae remembered as "les Puelles") piously gathered up the remains and buried them in a "deep ditch", that they might not be profaned by the pagans.[1] It is not beyond possibility, in this part of Gaul, where even today the greatest bull among many in Toulouse is honored with the name "Le Grand Taur", that the deep ditch was in fact a mithraeum.
The site, said to be "where the bull stopped", is on the rue du Taur ("Street of the Bull"). The street with the Mithraic name is one of the original Roman cross streets running straight from the Capitole now to the Romanesque basilica honoring St. Saturnin ("St Sernin").

Appi Bull God

HAL Odyssey 2001 2021

Church ST SATURNIN home of the labyrinth AIGNAN Dart in AIGNAN 5 pointed heart star Located in the Gers, Aignan Township is located in the heart of the vineyards of Armagnac and Côtes de Saint-Mont.
Aignan is located 50 km from Auch, 88 km from Lourdes, 130 km from Toulouse and 140 km from the ocean.
First capital of Armagnac, Aignan, founded around 620 and later in furnished country house, experienced periods of unrest. Looted and burned in 1355 by the Black Prince, Romanesque churches and the Saint-Saturnin de Lartigue, then the church of Gothic architecture in Fromentas Gascon remain.
The township is renowned for its gastronomy traditions of Gascony, its foie gras and duck his Armagnac, Floc and its wines.
Aignan Home of the ISHTAR EASTER PAQUES BULL RING RED DOOR for EASTER 2019 My Dog Happy aka BULL GOD APPI was Sacrificed in Vic FEZ en Sac home of French prime minister JC Jesus Christ JC/13 Jean Castex that came to this region last week covered in previous articles to open the RN 124 last 13 Kms from isle JOURDAIN JORDAN NILE BANKS to TOLOUSE as JORDAN BANKS 9yr old boy Struck by Lightening in Black Pool Aignan is the N LA HAINE or in English AIG EGG Last LEG angle Polaris Spin VOICE and the church St saturnin that has the labyrinth

Each Lupercalia began with the sacrifice by the Luperci of goats and a dog, after which two of the Luperci were led to the altar, their foreheads were touched with a bloody knife, and the blood was wiped off with wool dipped in milk; the ritual required that the two young men laugh.

Easter 2019 ISHTAR day 8 bulls are killed every year past age , The ritual will now end it was only for all that is happening now because Venus takes 8 years to do the five pointed flower star Aignan is in the shape of a five pointed star we are the AIGN N HAINE North Polaris AIN TREE My Dog was sacrificed for the opening of the Covid 19 aka 1+9 is 10 SAY TEN is not SATURN true ruler of Aquarius South America and Capricorn North America that why Toulouse has the biggest SPACE CENTER to Take over from NASA North South America this is why they Killed St Saturnin and replaced him with ST Martin de TOURS the Joker Imposter Rising now as the GREEN PAN MAN Easter 2019 when mars was on Aldebaran as North node head of snake is on Aldebaran with Venus and Mercury NOW and Mercury the trickster goes retrO over the Bulls eye from the 30 may Full Lunar eclipse MOON EXALTED in Taurus is on May 26 covered in last article ....

The Cherry on the cake hexagon RED Steeple MOSQUE Mosque a Tear Tare Church St Saturnin

The sacrifices were performed by Luperci, a group of Roman priests. Afterwards, the foreheads of two naked Luperci were smeared with the animals' blood using the bloody, sacrificial knife. The blood was then removed with a piece of milk-soaked wool as the Luperci laughed

Feast of Lupercal
In Ancient Rome, feasting began after the ritual sacrifice. When the feast of Lupercal was over, the Luperci cut strips, also called thongs or februa, of goat hide from the newly-sacrificed goats.
They then ran naked or nearly-naked around Palantine whipping any woman within striking distance with the thongs. Many women welcomed the lashes and even bared their skin to receive the fertility rite; it’s open to speculation what the lashes represented.
During Lupercalia, the men randomly chose a woman’s name from a jar to be coupled with them for the duration of the festival. Often, the couple stayed together until the following year’s festival. Many fell in love and married.
Over time, nakedness during Lupercalia lost popularity. The festival became more chaste, if still undignified, and women were whipped on their hands by fully-clothed men.
In Plutarch’s Life of Julius Caesar, Caesar famously refuses a golden crown presented to him by Mark Antony during the feast of Lupercalia.

