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Grizzly Bears do NOT appreciate Goldilocks

Writer's picture: Victoria Vibes CottonVictoria Vibes Cotton

Updated: May 2, 2021

Grizzly Bears do NOT appreciate Goldilocks intruding into their home When Pisces falls under the horizon the female Water signs GO are Hidden and we are left with HAIRY HARRY the 3 BEARS that’s what all archetypes tell us the North N Polaris SPIN is the BEAR and there are always 3 above the horizon and SHE is Hidden as a new Bear LEG LN NL is Born like in Wizard of OZ or STARWARS one Girl 3 BEASTS ….. Anyone else had to deal with an unexpected aggressive meeting today??

Venus conjunct Mercury and Venus In detriment in Aries .. Mercury ruler of Gemini where Mars ruler of Aries is gemini mercury communication and Venus values diplomacy or NOT! ruler of Taurus where North node is and Mars ruler of ScorpIo where south node Venus is conjunct Algol/Medusa brings out the beast with Sun and Uranus conjunct In Aries aggression sudden surprises…. Every day I go on a new adventure to wind down and relax from work with the dogs…. Today we walked around the forest up and down the hills and came out in a local village that is absolutely jaw dropping gorgeous… I decided to wander through the village and I passed a couple at their front gate and asked if they would mind giving me a glass of water as I had wandered rather far and was very thirsty.

The woman kindly and graciously brought me some water and I asked if I could make a LOOP if I carried on, back up to the forest she said it would be complicated so I said good bye and went on my way… Then suddenly I heard what my heart has been missing the most this April Spring NIGHTINGALES SINGING my most favourite bird song, that sends me into an almost blissful state of transcendence.

I followed the nightingale’s song and wandered in to some breath-taking wild flowers and juicy green grass paddocks, surrounded by woods. then I wandered back towards the road and found another path that I took… then I realised I was in somebody’s property as there were amazing huts and flowers it was everything, I dream to create chez moi un jour… I stopped as I saw smoke coming out of a tipi chimney and cried out BONJOUR to see if someone was there just to let them know I hadn’t meant to wander into a home and to see who they were cause I thought they must be someone I know as it was close to my village and with such a cool home…

A young man popped out and said this is private get out … I said sorry I thought I was on a public lane as there had been no notice and the lane went through his home and that I was leaving straight away and I told him how absolutely marvellous his garden was and bravo for all his hard work.. and I said I was leaving and so sorry…

he replied Ce sort de démarche ne m'amuse pas du tout, I said no problem im OFF Thank you and So sorry….

COKE is a COCK ColA is KING KONG COCK A DOODLE DOO Gold Finger Sun KING Louis King of the swingers and guess what PEPSI is YUP that's Right you can C through the MIR RAW and this is MIND CONTROL for the 1968 ROSE MARYS Babies Generations PH HP Hairy HARRY Potter never Ever land where parents WORK In Masks as DOGS and the Government own your CHILDREN Yup You are in a CAVE and its all a PROJECTION time to see through how its done Gang we have the REAL DEAL to Make in Harmonic Procession HP or PH PERFECT HARM/ON/YEE is REVERSED PLUG IN

I walked on, rather dismayed at how abrupt and rude the young man had been, I had a lump in my throat and decided to forget it, even if I had been thinking I could have spoken to him and asked some questions about his incredible garden only to be told to bugger off I was happy to be on an adventure and soon found more beautiful paths to wander on and managed to make a LOOP as I had planned ..

On the way home, I stopped at our local village shop and as tomorrow is MAY DAY M’AIDER there were lots of people queuing as all the shops will be closed tomorrow at the till… I was happily getting some fruit when a woman on crutches approached me, she said it was their home I had entered earlier, I smiled and said hello I thought she was maybe going to apologise for husbands rudeness instead she looked to her husband at the till in the queue that I hadn’t noticed and they both began to make a scene that I should never wander near their home again, I said I had got the message and there was no problem, I had no intention of doing so ever again, they continued to make a fuss so it looked like I had deliberately walked in there, the man was getting more and more angry and I looked at him and said right I see what you are doing and walked away,.

I hid at the back of the shop and heard him continuing to speak very badly of me as everyone listened in the queue… I held myself up and finished shopping and when I got to the till it was empty the young lady at the till didn’t smile or talk to me as we normally do have a chat and a laugh …

just another sWORD in the sTONE… cause GRACE is over and Goldilocks is the last LEG we are in the great DIVIDE and no one likes fairies anymore you gotta be TOUGH and you gotta be a BARE BEAR a Hairy Harry.. Its getting mad out there and the The three bears do not accept the new Fuel water Pisces the lil mermaid cause she sold her VOICE and has now fallen to EARTH 77 two Pair of LL’s parallel lines parallel whirls where Grace is not accepted……

You are the PI on a Teddy Bears PI C NICK or a PI ANO US the WHOLE WHEEL Turns around your N V for Victory .. V is the Pisces Constellation the Pi SEAS or Lost in a smiling PI C Sea Scene of Fishes ISH TAR Ffae-ces FACES This Last Transmutable age is PI SEAS it is the age of DECEPTION and so Religions Cults and 14 Pisces of OS/BONES IRIS was created when Fishes have Scales of Wisdom You are given beLIEf programs and new Age spiritual CRAP you DOOOOO have to find Spirituality but that can only come when you KNOW Who you are and What your chemical biological and spiritual make up is… what Planets rules What Chakra within you, HOT COLD DRY OR MOIST the four Humours regulate your TEMPERANCE and your Blood group tells if you are Magnetic or Electric…

Once you KNOW what planets rule your chak-ra system and in what SIGN and HOUSE they are in, you can begin to KNOW THY SELF…. then you know your N AME SOL SOUL SOLE and ENEMY Darkside and you can begin to be the con-ducting force of your emotional FLESH Mind and Spirit and KNOW Why and How you tuned yourself in for this Physical experience.... This basic infO has been Hidden and you have been sold LOVE and HATE extremes and you have been told you EVOLVED REVOLVER ROVER when you TRANSMUTE its not Haphazard Russian Roulette... It is simple being aware that each season is a TEMPERAMENT a Pace and Flavour and a Taste and your SALTS Minerals come from your TEMPERAMENTS .... Without this knowing you are separated from your true Rhythms and FLOW you’re are HARM ON YEE/HARMonYee to yourself and others YuP ... This wisdom must come back now ... The ONLY way to survive the transmutation back to self is to find your MIS-SION and Role within this PLAY you are on a SCENE and you will be SEEN when you can be your authentic Paper Trail Reason or Treason to be here, you left your self a TALE TAIL and a TRAIL HOME You are Home when you re Member your HEAD in the AIR and your Soles on the Earth with an appreciation of your Masculine FIRE and feminine WATER SPIRIT ... What INGREDIANTS make up your PI

valentine cake picnic at hanging rock

You have a basic authentic tone natal chart.. the chart is progressing constantly.. Saturn returns (and you can do all inner planet return readings and progressed readings for all charts) show you a new perspective on who you are so you can perceive who you are.. ... I do solar returns and progressed charts for transitions readings and Saturn returns to check transitions.. every 29 n half yrs Saturn gives you a new perspective and experience so you can perceive who you authentically are in natal chart as are integrating new found perspectives of you.. Saturn is the mid L beat so the true ministry of sound we are ...

They Gave you GUNS to KILL when only your VOICE can save you for you are the TRIGGER and the BANG the sWORD in the sTONE...

As soon as you recognise their is a BEAST in the other, on the projection you have found your OWN inner MOON STAR where is your Moon?? and that is your Shadow Moon Star MONSTER the minute you let yourself see that you can only C what you ARE so those of us who see have acknowledged this, and then there is NO MORE BEAST its hard but simple too... Its Knowing that you dont walk flat up against a WALL you have TWO SIDES DAY and NIGHT there is NEVER one side EVER to any one or any story cause Treble could not BE with out BASE ...



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