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Gibbous Pink Floyd Darkside of the Moon on Regulus LeO leon Elon 23/10

Writer: Victoria Vibes CottonVictoria Vibes Cotton

Just too tired to do more than a post on this tonight.. But will make another video cause we are living such a big passage now... So After the Gibbous Pink Floyd Darkside of the Moon on Regulus LeO leon Elon 23/10 Tomorrow.. then 2nd MOMO black Moon in VirgO 28/10 we have The famous Judgement heart/Venus and mercury/AIr Feather in LIBRA SCALES and Crescent Moon on 13 sign Ophiuchus conjunct Jupiter 31/10 Halloween mercury goes RetrO 31st too until 21st November ...

Then on 11/11 22 catch 22 doors are opened the FIRE WORKS can begin The TEMPEST the DAME is OPENED to set off the Riders on the STORM ... Full Moon on ALFA Aries Conjunct Uranus Opposing Sun and Mars just in Libra OMEGA Alpha Omega Aries Libra , Moon is on 33rd degree CruciFICTION Star SHERATON ... JUDGEMENT ALEF TAV is 22nd letter V for VICTORY VENUS Conjunct WWMM Wicked Witch EAST Scorpion Heart ANTARES ... Jupiter bang on the Milky Way still on Ophiuchus fake 13 sign Mercury CONJUNCT COMBUSTION with SUN in Libra This is all SUN/SON JACK SON JOHN SON Ritual of the GREEN MAN PAN ..

Then on 26th December we have a Solar Eclipse for the Solstice, we have an eclipse that makes a perfect Golden Ring FAKE LORD OF THE RINGS RITUAL its happening All in Sagittarius as JUPITER enters his Kingdom with his merry Baphomet Team The Good Judas The bad Saturn and the ugly PlutO Mercury also in Sagittarius and Pluto Saturn conjunct Ketu all opposing RAHU still on SIRIUS Happening over the East British PAKISTAN Bagheera/Sheer KHAN BAGDAD Capital of IRAN Cafe and British made Saudie Arabia..

United Kingdom was taken over a long time ago to be used for this return of the BLACK PRINCE Equinox is on Ascendant on Antares EAST WICKED WITCH SAUDIE heart of the ScorpiOn Descendant on Aldebaran WEST WAY the FAKE philosophers sTONE This is about The rise of the PHOENIX The BEAST for some and liberation for those who've done the work and are on the path.. ... There is a lot to say and to write about this its a very intense time we live lots of magick for those of us who have prepared for this time but lots of people will be going POP POP POP like POP CORN This is The SHAKES SPEAR TEMPEST To create Problem REACTION SOLution Order out of Chaos 2020 catch 22 begins....The naming of the fixed star Sirius, the Dog-star, derives from the Greek Σείριος Seirios, (Sparking, Scorching). In Egypt it was Sothis, and is depicted with Jupiter in the Dendera Zodiac, as Jupiter was conjunct Sirius during the solar eclipse of 51 BC, the day that Cleopatra’s father died. The ancient Egyptian calendar was based on lunar cycles of around 30 days and on the helical rising of the fixed star Sirius.UNITED ARAB EMIRATES is Longitude/Latitude 33.2232° N, 43.6793° E



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