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FRENCH FRY 🤣Paris to hit hottest temperature in history reaching 42C

Writer's picture: Victoria Vibes CottonVictoria Vibes Cotton

Updated: Jul 27, 2019

House is covered in giant green grass hoppers ...

The Wind has began ... i went to village but no one else seems to be Bovered? Nor sense that this could be a major BIGGY storm... I Left after a few glasses had smashed from the sudden Whirl and Swirl I have prepared myself best i can as only a FOOL on the Hill would ... wind is gorgeous but Mysteriously Mystic .... we will see what Jupiter 42 Half of the RainBow MIRROR LOOp LOUP has in store for us this ScorpiO RetrO Sting NIGHT

too HOT to MOVE what a JOKE in the YOKE so yeserday the 24/7 SAME AS 42 through the MIRROR GAME .... FRENCH FRY 🤣Paris to hit hottest temperature in history reaching 42C tomorrow as Europe sizzles in new heatwave 24 Jul 2019, 17:24 EUROPE becomes out of AFRICA Jupiter Rules EUROPE PISCES and MERCURY rules VIRGO AFRICA END OF MUTABLE CROSS what a blast OFF to Kill OFF the Rosemaries babies PLUTO in VIRGO and the PLUTO in LEO LION gates generations BABY LYON LEON ELON NO EL MJ JACKSON FIVE G Bee HIVE Staying ALIVE GANG ... This is a RITUAL ... Jupiter in RetrO in SCORPIO STING and MERCURY in RETRO in CANCER both WATER SIGNS FIRE and ICE ...

42nd edition of JAZZ in MARCIAC .... STING SINGS TONIGHT wake up humanity we are living the cross over and JUPITER the FOX will FIGHT to keep you stuck in duality FLESH till the bitter Game of thrones END .... LAST TRUMPET cover of jazzin marciac JM stands for MERCURY/JUPITER 322 SKULL n BONES MUtable PIE RAT D'ARTagnan CROSS WE are TOLD for those who know alchemy .... 🙃😅💥⚡️ THUNDER BOLTS to COME .

42 degrees and 42nd festival 42 HALF of the BrainROW .. 84 is the full cycle .. Stuck in 23 DNA flesh Trap in 32nd department its all Mirrors .. 23/32 322 skull n Bones G7 is 64 When I am 64 is in Biarritz 64th department 23rd SEP Microsoft 7 FOUR TUNE found or crucified .. Sting Plays the role of the kiss of JUDAS JUPITER À 2 h 30 du début du concert, les spectateurs commencent à affluer de toute part, billet à la main, pour assister au concert. Devant l'entrée, des festivaliers se prennent en photo avec leur ticket pour immortaliser le moment. 2hr 30 is 23 / 32 Those watching the STAGE STILL and those that SEE through all the CRAP ... us and THEM ... is OVER it was all a Freaky Rocky HORROR SHOW

Jazz in Marciac. JM Jupiter Mercury MUTABLE CROSS

Sting Jupiter JUDAS Jesus a mis le feu pour le lancement de Jazz in Marciac

369 the LINE Broke the monkey got Chocked ORANGE is 369 TESLA trap is 369 12 is the Fourth door Pisces through to 13 ... 36 concerts Trente-six concerts vont se succéder du 25 juillet au 15 août sous le grand chapiteau du traditionnel rendez-vous gersois des amateurs de jazz, 11 000 spectators is AQUARIUS 11th door stuck between air RED and yellow FIRE is ORANGE ... MJ Michael Jacks SON and Mercury is JAZZ in MARCIAC MJ Mutable CROSS PI RATS mercury is transmutation through to the otherside of the mirror

Anyone still taking this comedy for reel... it's a JOKE The game will end soon for those who get through the looking glass it was all a reflection of your lack of humour and denial to see yourself in the looking glass... it's NOT real anymore... It's all Copy paste.. none of it exists it's just a divine cheap comedy... a multi dimensional broken mirror of many perverted cuts and takes... honestly game Seth and match....they are paid act whores to herd sheep 🤣

MJ JM MJ JM MJ JM MJ JM ... SKULL n BONES 322 MUTABLE CROSS ruled by Jupiter Last TRUMP ET and JohnSON Mercury Pied Piper Mick Jagger Michael JaskSON Jazz in Marciac MJ JM MJ JM time is OVER next year will be major TRICKS from them before BLAST OFF Game OVER

Today the 26th we have MARS and VENUS sitting on eachside of the SUN in Cancer ... Have you made it HOME ?? we had a massive crop circle showing an image of this last Month we have been prepared can you find harmony safety and protection between your male and female YOU ARE YOUR TWIN FLAME ... This passage we are living is MASSIVE transmutation of our DNA to be whole now... The younger generations are born with this its us the Pre 1986 ROSE Maries baby humans that have the biggest job to align ourselves now

Yes Goodbye Mutable Cross VirgO 6th house KERMIT and Pisces 12th House SPOCK 😂 3 6 9 ... 3 is gemini 6 is VirgO 9 is Sagittarius and 12 is pisces...

MJ Mick Jagger Jazz in marciac MUTABLE cross MJ is OVER Boris Johnson is JackSON MERCURY and TRUMPET is JUPITER mercury Jupiter the TRICKSTERS ...Spock is making The Vulcan "salute" devised by Leonard Nimoy, who portrayed the half-Vulcan character Mr. Spock on the original Star Trek television series. A 1968 New York Times interview described the gesture as a "double-fingered version of Churchill's victory sign".because Uranus is in ARIES NOW as it was 84 yrs ago for WWII thats the V/Aries for Victory sign and 42 is HALF Rainbow/BrainROW Trapped in your reflection or through the LOUP/LOOP when The four corners/continents are SPUN into a web or we SPIN the swastika left and right brain becomes FIXED and CARDINAL the TWIN PEAKS found within...

1968 CROSS OVER generation

..We enter the twin peaks Aquarius/capricorn and saturn the Crow rules the Golden age Lord of the Rings he takes back the WHEEL from the Fox Jupiter 21/12/2020 conjunction Vulcan hand sign is when Saturn and Jupiter/Middle Finger Index Finger will be conjunct in capricorn and Mercury and Sun Ring finger Little finger will be conjunct in sagittarius ... Mars Thumb will be in pisces .... Thats what Spocks Vulcan hand sign means we enter the Fixed cardinal Cross Mutable Age pisces is OVER and the fish will be trapped in the NETFLIX

21/12/2020 conjunction Vulcan hand sign is when Saturn and Jupiter/Middle Finger Index Finger will be conjunct in capricorn and Mercury and Sun Ring finger Little finger will be conjunct in sagittarius ... Mars Thumb will be in pisces .... Thats what Spocks Vulcan hand sign means we enter the Fixed cardinal Cross Mutable Age pisces is OVER and the fish will be trapped in the NETFLIX

The last door is being closed now BREXIT Europe/Pisces is the last 12th door continent before the four tune is found from lead to gold or trapped in microsoft 7 when I AM 64 322 Skull n Bones .. even if Tesla wants to keep us stuck in the 3 6 9 the line broke and the monkey got chocked triangular TRAP Of the BULL Ur Anus is in Aries now NOT Taurus Aldebaran is the fake philosophers stone Formlhaut/Aquarius/GIZA is the true north star third eye ... we enter the twin peaks Aquarius/capricorn and saturn the Crow rules the Golden age Lord of the Rings he takes back the WHEEL from the Fox Jupiter 21/12/2020 conjunction Vulcan hand sign is when Saturn and Jupiter/Middle Finger Index Finger will be conjunct in capricorn and Mercury and Sun Ring finger Little finger will be conjunct in sagittarius ... Mars Thumb will be in pisces .... Thats what Spocks Vulcan hand sign means we enter the Fixed cardinal Cross Mutable Age pisces is OVER and the fish will be trapped in the NETFLIX



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