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Everything happening NOW was planned THEN

Writer's picture: Victoria Vibes CottonVictoria Vibes Cotton

Updated: May 5, 2021

Everything happening NOW was planned THEN not for Nothing the PI RAT ship captured Andromeda on the Isle of Wight ..

I have so much to explain but I have so much work I just can’t stop to dream and think, but by September ill be working less hours so I can WRITE this story out…funny cause as a child i always played being a mermaid caught by PI Rats in the bath and destroyed all my Mums special expensive sea sponges and emptied her giant CoCo Channel no 5 perfume into the bath i always KNEW and now ive remembered it ALL.....and My life long best friend is the great grand daughter of Juliet Cameron we lost our third friend from the Isle of Wight the three Marys .. Yup it goes much much deeper i keep seeing all the dots now...

Nathaniel Cotton (/ˈkɒtən/; 1707 – 2 August 1788) was an English physician and poet.[1]

Cotton is thought to have studied at Leiden University, possibly under Herman Boerhaave.[2] Cotton specialised in the care of patients with mental health issues, maintaining an asylum known as the Collegium Insanorum, at St Albans. William Cowper was one of his patients[3] and held Cotton in high regard.[4]

Cotton was also a published poet, whose poems were described by Cheever as "full of good sense, benevolence, and piety"[4] although not works of genius. He was the author of Visions in Verse, first published in 1751; and a two volume complete collection of his works was published in 1791.[2]

He was married twice, first in 1738 to Anne Pembroke, with whom he had eight children, six of whom survived past infancy and one, Joseph Cotton, who became a director of the Honourable East India Company. His second marriage in 1750 or 51 was to Hannah Everett, with whom he had a son and two daughters. He died at St Albans on 2 August 1788 and is buried in St. Peter's churchyard.[1]

After Cotton's death the asylum was run by Dr Stephen Pellet.

aka VV for Victory his son Joseph Cotton director of the east Indian Company and his great Great Grandson Henry Cotton Sir Henry John Stedman Cotton, KCSI (13 September 1845 – 22 October 1915[1]) had a long career in the Indian Civil Service, during which he was sympathetic to Indian nationalism. After returning to England, he served as a Liberal Party Member of Parliament (MP) for Nottingham East from 1906 to January 1910.

Joseph Cotton FRS (7 March 1745 or 1746 – 26 January 1825), was an English mariner and merchant, a director of the East India Company and deputy-master of Trinity House.

Cotton was born at St. Albans, Hertfordshire, England, the third son[1] of Dr. Nathaniel Cotton. He entered the Royal Navy in 1760 and passed the examination for lieutenant, but left the navy and joined the East India Company.

He made a fortune from two voyages as captain of the Royal Charlotte,[2] an East Indiaman. He then retired and lived the rest of his life in Leyton, Essex, living at Leyton House from 1789 to 1803,[3] and in Walnut Tree House (today Essex Hall) beginning in 1813.[4]

In 1788, he was elected an "elder brother" of Trinity House, and in 1803 became deputy-master, holding the latter post for about twenty years. He published a memoir about the origin of Trinity House in 1818.[5]

He was a director of the East India Company from 1795 to 1823; he was also a director of the East India Docks Company (chairman in 1803), and a governor of the London Assurance Corporation, and the English Copper Company.

He attempted to introduce ramie, a fibre plant, for use in manufacturing, and was awarded a silver medal for this in 1814 by the Society for the Encouragement of Arts and Manufactures; however, the fibre found little commercial usage.

He became a Fellow of the Royal Society in 1810.

He died in Leyton in 1825 and was buried at the local parish church.

(civil_servant) Henry Cotton who married Mary Ryan the Potato slave brought up by Juliet Cameron who introduced him to her favorite Model they met in Paris as she was brought up to be a LADY LADDY i don't think the family is happy that i REMEMBERED my mission on earth cause that's what happens when you mix the blood of an Irish girl and my Italian Naples roots too, we came BACK to mend what was prepared in the Victorian age for NOW

Mental health awareness is gonna be the biggest WITCH HUNT ever and it was all planed by the founder of the first ever mental asylum Nathaniel because they knew that in 2023 after Neptune last passage in Pisces people will go mad in never Ever Land Victorian age when the Victorian society Mm. Blavatsky Alistair Crowley and the Theosophical society was created for NOW the arrival of LUCYFER I have joined all the DOTS and i will be writing my book from next year cause its all so crazy when you RE MEMBER who you are.... 1705-1788 the founder of the mental Asylum Nathaniel Cotton was an English physician and poet. Cotton is thought to have studied at Leiden University, possibly under Herman Boerhaave. Cotton specialised in the care of patients with mental health issues, maintaining an asylum known as the Collegium Insanorum, at St Albans

This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work was reproduced from the original artifact, and remains as true to the original work as possible. Therefore, you will see the original copyright references, library stamps (as most of these works have been housed in our most important libraries around the world), and other notations in the work.

Indian & Home Memories by Sir Henry Cotton

This work is in the public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may freely copy and distribute this work, as no entity (individual or corporate) has a copyright on the body of the work. Indian & Home Memories by Sir Henry Cotton

Henry Cotton was born in Madras in 1845, the son of an East India Company employee. He was sent back to England for the predictable public schooling, under the care of his grandparents. When he proved less of a scholar than his brother, instead of progressing into academia, he studied to join the Indian Civil Service. It was while he was studying that he attended the exhibition at the French Gallery and fell in love.

Of the two Marys, it would be easy to argue that Mary Ryan was Mrs Cameron’s triumph. Found begging with her mother on Putney Heath in 1859, 10 year old Mary Ryan’s beauty touched the heart of Mrs Cameron who secured employment for the mother, and took the child into her own home. When the Cameron’s moved to Freshwater, Mrs Ryan remained in London, possibly providing Mrs Cameron with the autonomy to raise Mary Ryan as she saw fit. When the playwright Henry Taylor visited in 1861 he found Mary taking lessons with the Cameron boys. Although Mary was fond of reading and learning, as Taylor asked ‘What will become of her? If she is to be a servant, I am afraid there is no such thing as a good servant who is fond of reading.’ However Mrs Cameron, being blessed with more hope than reason continued to educate her parlour maid who was reported as ‘rather naughty’, which Taylor inferred was due to the confusion in her place. But still in the 1861 census Mary is listed merely as a servant and in Oscar Rejland’s photographs at Freshwater in 1863 she appears as a maid, cheerful in her work or as an Irish peasant.

Mary Ryan

(1848-1914), Maid and model of Julia Margaret Cameron; wife of Henry Cotton

The May Pole Queen

by Julia Margaret Cameron albumen print on gold-edged cabinet, 1866 NPG x18039

May Day Julia Margaret Cameron

Mary Ryan sits in the centre of the group as the Queen of May, with Mary Hillier over her left shoulder. This image is interesting as not only are the two Marys together but Hillier is almost in profile while Ryan is full-face to the camera. Much is made of the likeness of Cameron’s models, difficult sometimes to tell apart in the dreamy monochrone haze of her work, but in her occasional full-face works, Ryan is easy to spot by her quite pronounced philtrum, possibly caused by the shadow of her long nose (which equally makes her obvious in her profile pictures).

Henry Cotton, a child of the East India Company, like Mrs Cameron, was studying to join the Indian Civil Service when he saw Cordelia kneeling at the feet of King Lear (above). He fell in love. He bought every image of the beautiful young woman, took her hand-written receipt and kept it in his breast pocket next to his heart. Two years later after graduating, the wildly romantic young man with long hair travelled to Dimbola Lodge in Freshwater and requested the maid’s hand in marriage.

The Three Marys (1864) Julia Margaret Cameron

(Mary Hillier, Mary Kellaway, Mary Ryan)

The above photograph is visual evidence of why I find the history of artists' models continually fascinating. This moment in 1864 gives no hint on how diverse their destinies would be. One would remain within walking distance of her place of birth for the rest of her life, another would be confined to a lunatic asylum while the other would become a Lady. Two of these girls have very similar backgrounds, highlighted by the incident with Tennyson's hedge, while the other had the most uninspiring start in life, begging with her mother in London. Finding the hidden history behind each of these beautiful, compelling faces is what keeps me returning to the subject and working so that I can bring it to you. In this way I hope we can remember them not just as beautiful faces in a moment of time but as women who lived lives as striking, unexpected, impressive and mysterious as the photographs they appear in.

Why Julia Margaret Cameron is Photography's Secret Heroine

4. She pre-empted the age of celebrity

Cameron is perhaps most commonly known for her portraits of the many eminent figures she counted among her friends. She was fascinated by the notion of celebrity – again demonstrating her forward-looking approach – and many of her works are the only photographic portraits that exist of these personalities. Alfred Lord Tennyson, poet laureate and Victorian icon, was a close friend of Cameron's, occupying the next door house to hers on the Isle of Wight. She took countless photographs of the billowing-haired, shaggy-bearded poet, perfectly capturing his noble yet dishevelled countenance; as well as lensing many of his famous friends, from Pre-Raphaelite painter Holman Hunt to novelist Anthony Trollope.

Julia Margaret CAMERON (1815-1879)

Portrait de Mary Ryan et d’un jeune inconnu

vers 1867

Tirage albuminé

34, 5 x 28,3 cm

Well, that is the more dramatic and romantic version of the story, as told by Emily Tennyson. Cotton himself in his autobiography Indian and Home Memories gave a far more prosaic narrative of the meeting. He came across Mary at Little Holland House, which is possible but really just sounds more respectable. Obviously, Cotton’s version doesn’t mention she was the maid. Mrs Cameron celebrated this unconventional romance with a series of pictures and the couple were married in Freshwater in 1867. The poet Laureate, Alfred Tennyson placed a respectable seal on the occasion by lending the happy couple his carriage and his youngest son for the wedding. and Mary Ryan, who managed to scramble up from beggar-maid to Lady (see my post for The Virtual Victorian blog here). It was only a matter of time before I got round to having a look at another of Julia Margaret Cameron's maid-turned-model, Mary Kellaway...

Mary, Mary, Maids of Tennyson’s Isle: Julia Margaret Cameron’s Marys and Her Fantasy Made Reality

For those that know her photographs, and no doubt all here present, it will come as no surprise that Julia Margaret Cameron seemed to have selected her maids due to their looks rather than their ability. Even before she took up the art of photography in 1864, Mrs Cameron had taken into her household the two young women, Mary Ryan and Mary Hillier, who would later become her constant models. In both cases she seemed to delight in the fact that she had employed them for their beauty. After such an avante-garde beginning to a relationship, it could be believed that Mrs Cameron intended a different life path for her maids than one of domestic servitude but how far did she try and change their stars through her art, and with whom did she have the most success?

KING COPHETUA AND THE BEGGARMAID A TRUE CINDERELLA STORY In 1859, the photographer Julia Margaret Cameron was living at Ashburton Cottage, Putney Heath. One morning while walking, an Irish beggar woman, Mrs Ryan, accosted her, asking for help for herself and her 10 year old daughter, Mary. Moved by the woman’s pleas and Mary’s pretty face, Cameron applied to the local priest for details on the woman’s character. She was a hard-working, sober woman and so Cameron invited Mrs Ryan and little Mary into her home and gave the woman the option of a little cottage of her own. Mrs Ryan preferred to remain independent but allowed Mary to be taken in and almost adopted by the Camerons. When the Cameron family moved to Freshwater Bay on the Isle of Wight, they took Mary with them, her mother preferring to stay in London.

Dimbola Lodge, Freshwater Bay, Isle of Wight

The house is silent now and tenantless. All its old feverish life and bustle are stilled as is the heart which beat here in true sympathy with every living creature that came within its reach needing such succor. Her pretty maids, her scholars, her poets, her philosophers, astronomers, and divines, all those men of genius who came and sat willingly to her while in a fever of artistic emotion she plied the instruments of her art, — they have all gone, and silence is the only tenant left at Dimbola

Julia Margaret Cameron

I have sought the beautiful in the most unlikely places. I have searched the police force at Freshwater, and not a man have I found with calves worthy of Sir Galahad. But, as I said to the Chief Constable, "Without beauty, constable, what is order? Without life, what is law?" Why should I continue to have my silver protected by a race of men whose legs are aesthetically abhorrent to me? If a burgler came and he were beautiful, I should say to him: Take my fish knives! Take my cruets, my bread baskets and my soup tureens. What you take is nothing to what you give, your calves, your beautiful calves.

Julia’s home became a focal point for a crowd of bohemian artists, writers and poets.

Key friends included her neighbour and Poet Laureate Alfred Lord Tennyson and her artistic mentor, the sculptor and painter G.F. Watts. Dimbola was ideally located just 10 minutes walk up from Freshwater Bay, approximately a third of the way along what has since been named ‘The Tennyson Mile’.

“Freshwater in the 1860s and 1870s was unique, for not only was it an enchanting place in itself with high downs, glorious views of the English Channel and air “worth sixpence a pint” as Tennyson wrote to a friend, but a delightful company of people had come to live there to be near their friend Tennyson”. Anne Thackery

Other famous Victorians who lived nearby or made visits to Dimbola or Farringford, Tennyson’s home include the Pre-Raphaelite painter William Holman Hunt, the actress Ellen Terry and Lewis Carroll, author of Alice in Wonderland.

Queen Esther before King Ahasuerus, 1865

The Fire-side

Dear Chloe, while the busy crowd, The vain, the wealthy, and the proud, In folly's maze advance; Tho' singularity and pride Be call'd our choice, we'll step aside, Nor join the giddy dance.

From the gay world, we'll oft retire To our own family and fire, Where love our hours employs; No noisy neighbour enters here, No intermeddling stranger near, To spoil our heart-felt joys.

If solid happiness we prize, Within our breast this jewel lies; And they are fools who roam: The world has nothing to bestow; From our own selves our joys must flow, And that dear hut, our home.

Of rest was Noah's dove bereft, When with impatient wing she left That safe retreat, the ark; Giving her vain excursion o'er, The disappointed bird once more Explor'd the sacred bark.

Tho' fools spurn Hymen's gentle pow'rs, We, who improve his golden hours, By sweet experience know, That marriage rightly understood, Gives to the tender and the good A paradise below.

Our babes shall richest comforts bring; If tutor'd right, they'll prove a spring Whence pleasures ever rise: We'll form their minds, with studious care, To all that's manly, good, and fair, And train them for the skies.

While they our wisest hours engage, They'll joy our youth, support our age, And crown our hoary hairs: They'll grow in virtue ev'ry day, And thus our fondest loves repay, And recompense our cares.

No borrow'd joys! they're all our own, While to the world we live unknown, Or by the world forgot: Monarchs! we envy not your state; We look with pity on the great, And bless our humbler lot.

Our portion is not large, indeed! But then how little do we need! For nature's calls are few: In this the art of living lies, To want no more than may suffice, And make that little do.

We'll therefore relish, with content, Whate'er kind Providence has sent, Nor aim beyond our pow'r; For if our stock be very small, 'Tis prudence to enjoy it all Nor lose the present hour.

To be resign'd, when ills betide, Patient when favours are denied, And pleas'd with favours giv'n: Dear Chloe, this is wisdom's part; This is that incense of the heart, Whose fragrance smells to heav'n.

We'll ask no long protracted treat, Since winter-life is seldom sweet; But when our feast is o'er, Grateful from table we'll arise, Nor grudge our songs, with envious eyes, The relics of our store.

Thus, hand in hand, thro' life we'll go; Its checker'd paths of joy and wo, With cautious steps, we'll tread; Quit its vain scenes without a tear, Without a trouble or a fear, And mingle with the dead.

While conscience, like a faithful friend, Shall thro' the gloomy vale attend, And cheer our dying breath: Shall, when all other comforts cease, Like a kind angel whisper peace, And smooth the bed of death.

Videos i've done on this subject over past 2 yrs ....

Breaking the 101 Sol O Mon Sun Moon Aldebaran Philosophers STONE

VideO HERE........

From MAY hell has no fury like that of a scorned woman will be released on the people and its about SLANDER all those who carry the true torch will be burnt by their family friends and loved ones….The CV aka 3C 22V is the RIGHT Positive Spin anti clockwise is VC aka V22 C3 We are being taken into the Narnia fake light The Mind Control The take over of Pisces the 12th door out the FOURTH corner or L V 7 ANGLE has been taken out so to keep TRAP us in the TRI ANGLE 77 is the Triangle of 777 Liberty Equality and Fraternity this is the basis of VV aka M The Masons Humanity has been under mind control so they turn against there fellow man if anyway goes against the Luciferian 101 LOL Lucifer our Lord LUCIS TRUST agenda … This agenda is TAVISTOCK mind control and it began in the Victorian times of The Theosophical society madame Blavatsky isis unveiled, 777 and Other Qabalistic Writings of Aleister ALTAIR!! Crowley, the French and Russian Revolution was the start of preparing this new age cAGE we enter … From May 1st we enter the SPIN because we will be released from Confinement and then the Witch Hunt is on The Spin will go in the opposite direction the Swastika spin will go backwards VC is the time the SLANDER is upon us any one who holds the energy of the true SATURN High Cardinal matriarchal Woman and Aquarius Alpha male Air ruled by SATURN will be Turned upon ….the MAY POLE Taurus spin to kill HER the heart Links to help you below….. slander to utter slander against : DEFAME Definition of slander the utterance of false charges or misrepresentations which defame and damage another's reputation a false and defamatory oral statement about a person The Monkey experiment to SLANDER explained here MOON KEY 369 the line broke the Moon key got choked TO SLANDER HER Winter is HER here and they made her into the ICE QUEEN and gave you Narnia Ass Land so you never grow up and become the Mother and Father protector of innocence read my old article here The Phoenix ALTAIR is where we crown ourselves or trapped on the Altair Sirius AXIS The SPIN is VV V for VicTORy the book of verse written by Nathaniel is called Visions in Verse and Altair is Vultur Volans!!! The new age creators of mind control and the new age cAGE we enter began with

Cotton is thought to have studied at Leiden University, possibly under Herman Boerhaave.[2] Cotton specialised in the care of patients with mental health issues, maintaining an asylum known as the Collegium Insanorum, at St Albans. William Cowper was one of his patients[3] and held Cotton in high regard.[4] Cotton was also a published poet, His Son Joseph Cotton, who became a director of the Honourable East India Company. His second marriage in 1750 or 51 was to Hannah Everett, with whom he had a son and two daughters. He died at St Albans on 2 August 1788 and is buried in St. Peter's churchyard.[1] After Cotton's death the asylum was run by Dr Stephen Pellet. The 777 DECEPTION 7,777,777,777 current population of the world apparently

I called my Company in Paris Vicky Vibes in my unconscious days but now I get the whole reason WHY I used ATOMIC and VV !! the Mary POPin POPOV event!! And logo was the V in the heart of the true ScorpiO Lotus flower that should be the eternal flow

Nathaniel Cotton, who studied medicine with Boerhaave at Leyden, set up a practice at St. Albans specializing in mental disorders . This Actress made this FAKE video inverting and perverting the wheel for the 101 Agenda she puts Saturn as the BOWELS aka Loo Paper and Sun Moon at the top aka 101 LOL Lucifer our lord New Age cAGE Taurus is Aldebaran the Bulls eye the HEART spin that the philosophers use as the sWORD in the sTONE to kill HER … To discredit all my work and lavettes…!!!!

The Occult World Peace Plan | The United Nations | Lucis Trust



I claim no right on the music of Raphael Treza COBRA GYPSIES - full documentary Manchester means COTTON LINEN/LENIN items for the home made of cotton, linen, etc., such as sheets, pillowcases, or tablecloths:

... The EAST INDIAN COTTON CLUB CLAN ... The Gypsys rule this WHIRL and if you cant SPIN like a Morris Dancer T rex SCOTTY Piccadilly Circus you will be HYPNOTIZED by the COBRA ... Your Crown is when you get out of FEAR because you joined the DOTT COTTON Chromosomes are Spaghetti RED WHITE and GREEN BowHEAMIAN Rat Sodomy junctions where you WHEEL your chromosomes back in TIME CHRONOS and you merge upright not upside down as ONE 7 chakras to hit your POT of GOLD ..... All the planets are on the Mad hatters T POT Sagittarius and the fun has began 22/3 322 Mars hits Jupiter and 30/3 mars hits HIGH CARDINAL EARTH CAPRICORN TEA is the EAST INDIAN SULTANS OF SWING they want to trap any solid Gone Ballou Balaines Whales WALES in the NET FLIX CRAP TRAP

The Bronze Serpent …Then the LORD said to Moses, “Make a fiery serpent and mount it on a pole. When anyone who is bitten looks at it, he will live.” So Moses made a bronze snake and mounted it on a pole. If anyone who was bitten looked at the bronze serpent, he would recover. Wales has confirmed two new cases of coronavirus, taking the country's total to six. It comes as Boris Johnson is expected to tell an emergency COBRA meeting on coronavirus that tackling the outbreak requires a "national and international effort". Public Health Wales said: "We can confirm that the two individuals are not linked to one another, and that they both travelled separately back to Wales from different parts of Italy." It comes after a man in his 60s died at North Manchester General Hospital yesterday, making him the third UK death from the virus. The total number of coronavirus cases in the UK now sits at 280, a rise of 74 since Saturday. Monday's COBRA meeting will assess whether the UK should officially move from the "contain" to the "delay" phase of the government's plan to deal with coronavirus. Cottonopolis was a 19th-century nickname for Manchester, as it was a metropolis and the centre of the cotton industry....

The Manchester warehouse which we lately visited, was a building fit for the Town Hall of any respectable municipality; a stately, spacious, and tasteful edifice; rich and substantial as its respectable proprietors, the well-known firm of Banneret and Co. There are nearly a hundred such buildings in Manchester; –not so large, perhaps, for this is the largest; but all in their degree worthy of Cottonopolis. — Lowe J, A Manchester warehouse, Household Words 9 269 (1854)

Latest VideO Half Way through on the above Topic Video done 3 Months agO

VALENTINE - Lupercalia

This Valentine Chat is with Lars Pascal Jacob and myself. Lars will open the show with celestial goings on Then Pascal will introduce us to the power of language. Pascal Alegre-Suhr Horanyi Aloha All of One! One is known by the genus-name; Pascal Alegre-Suhr Horanyi; when emanating through this Organic-Spacesuit; whom is flowing Hapi of the invitation and hence the chance to have to honor to share with ye. One wish to reap the time to share Ones perspective based in savvy, about; Basic-Alkemic-Techniques to support in the (con)Tinuous rising through Daily-Cycles. Victoria will take us down the path of How TAMMUZ aka Mr TUMNUS became LUCY FER the Tinker bell fairy That stands as the Victoria memorial at Buck in the HAM palace The RR Romulus Remus Rolls Royce Spirit of Ecstasy Victorious and Glorious That is the Root Of Cupid and valentine. Love Lars, Vicky, Jacob and Pascal.

The Irish Slave Trade



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