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Writer: Victoria Vibes CottonVictoria Vibes Cotton

My Heart is so full of Gratitude to be living these Wild is the Wind changes LIVE with all Humanity at my side ... There is No climate CHANGE but CHANGES of TRANSHUMANCE when the sheep are moved from one pasture to another.. through the gateway into a whole new DOUBLE STRAND TWIN AGE Our Temperatures are boiled on the Bunsen Burner to sway our Thermometers our TEMPERAMENT TEMPO Transmutation we are the TEMPEST and You are the sWORD in the sTONE we find the MID EL EVEN within and YES we are all the riders on the STORM the rest is simply about getting FIXED through the Tides of CHANGE ...

I know Climate Change CRAP has hit heights in media well obviously Sun just moved into VirgO with venus and mercury in exaltation in VirgO communication VirgO is about Holistic Healing she is a Mutable Earth SIGN CHANGES the changes will come in THICK and FAST between now and 2024 next year is the STORM Pluto Saturn and JUPITER in Domicile in Mutable FIRE Sagittarius and MARS enters VirgO too on the 24/9 SHE is the Feminine Sign ruled by mercury and Gemini is the masculine sign Air They think Gemini Air and VirgO earth can take over Aquarius Heaven and Capricorn Earth the true twin peaks !! Gemini also Virgo ruled by mercury Jack and JILL 9/11 and Notre Dame the caduceus twin Dna Strands she is MM Mary Magdalene opposite the age we end Pisces Jesus JUDE Jupiter rules Pisces MJ MERCURY jUPITER rules the Mutable cross and they would keep you as her the forlorn damoiselle in distress who wipes the feet of Jesus in the age of BabyLON she is the WHORE or the high Priestess of ALCHEMY so that why CLIMATE CHANGE is in the news Mary Magdalene is with PAN The GREEN MAN Mercury rules Gemini and VIRGO its all a CRAP TRAP we are at the height of TRANSMUTATION of DNA merging we are moving into the TWIN PEAK age but we have to get through the TEMPEST first the rest is all symbolic of as above so below its time to get self educated and to see how you are LED into the DEN of FLESH its an inside job to become Spirit and Flesh merged as One is GOLD you are a reflection of what you believe only you can KNOW you KNOW

SEVEN is SEPT EMBER .. 7/11 is 9/11 When VIRGO SEVEN SEPT EMBER becomes 11 AQUARIUS FIXED 🎯🐥🔥♍️MM/WW♒️

The TRIP ELLE LLL/777 7/11 UP or DOWN or in the MID ELLE EL EVEN L/7 11 Twin peaks FOUND its an Inside JOB

This Morning RA MARS/WARS moved into Mary Magdalene VIRGO opposite Pisces Jesus.

.We have Sun mercury in exaltation and venus and now mars all on the Mutable pre Sexual adolescent Mary Magdalene Also known as Laura Ingalls Heidi..

Greta and every presexual Ripe Pure Virgin Girl but she is also the WHORE of BABYLON she was not married and she was as Red Hot Sexy as that Virgin was Pure, she is the High priestess of material Alchemy as Jesus Pisces opposite is Spiritual Transmutation.. The SKULL n BONE Cross is the Pi RAT Pippy Poppin Long Stockings Notre DAME DAM DNA DAN 3 Gemini Air masculine ruled by mercury...

6 VirgO earth Feminine ruled by mercury... 9 Sagittarius Fire masculine ruled by Jupiter BORIS JOHNSON and.... 12 Pisces Water Feminine Ruled by Jupiter... Jack and Jill Greta and Trump Twin Towers and notre Dame .. Brad and Janet Miranda and Prospero, They are our Twin DNA strands we have 23 twin pairs and 322 is 32 x 2 is when I am 64 BIARRITZ G7 Sword in the stone where Miranda Mary looks out to the Atlantic Ocean as Lots Wife turned to Salt.. She looks out to NASA North South America is the twin peaks Opposite Asia Down Under OZ in ZiOn ...

Biarritz When I AM Microsoft 7 322 Skull n Bones 64

BJ BLOW JOB BORIS JOHN SON is JUPITER wild is the WIND TSAR WINDSOR Greta is MM ♒️ WW Wild is the Wind and Mary Mary quite Contrary ... Alice in WONDERLAND White Rabbit LAMB Boris Greta Is Mary Magdalene MM and Jew Peter JUPITER will FALL in Capricorn 2020 Catch 22 is V for Victorious Trump JOKER card and Boris are the FALL of JUDE and JESUS MJ mercury VirgO gemini and Jupiter Sagittarius Pisces .. Next year is the TEMPEST The Good Jupiter The bad Saturn and Pluto the Ugly ALL in Sagittarius...hold on tight this is gonna be NO ordinary BLOW JOB into the WIND TSAR FAKE Twin Peaks ...

Miranda DAN T DNA Picnic at hanging Rocky Horror Show...Climate Change is mercury Greta VirgO Rosemarys babies With Jupiter TRUMP BORIS MJ mercury Jupiter MUTABLE AGE ends we go onto the FIXED Cross...Its all a Divine Comedy ALL OF IT they are playing out the as above so below to herd you into the new Age but first we will live the TEMPEST Riders on the Storm

His LAMB IsaLAMB ISLAM you all fell for IS RA EL CRAP ... ISLAM was always ready to become the fake LAMB ... The lamb is your 3rd eye HY PO THAL A MUS THALAMUS THALUM RULES OUR THERMOMETER TEMPERAMENT TEMPERATURE TEMPER TEMPO TEMPLAR TEMPEST when you see through the CRAP TRAP you break the spell You POP EYE or you are Mary POPPED in ZiOn OZ

Through the Storm Tempest From Pisces Jesus / VirgO Mary Magdalene to Aquarius/LeO LEON ELON Babylon when the Lion EGO lies down with the LAMB ThalaMus 3rd EYE Mary POPins POPEYE ... WW Willy Wonka Will I AM LAMB HIS LAMB ISLAM WINDSOR WIND TSAR The LAMB Aquarius Fomalhaut MM/WW Mary Magdalene Mickey Mouse 7 Sept EMBER Virgo into 11 Aquarius 9 is SEVEN September VIRGO Transmutable WIND into AIR WIND TSAR Aquarius/AIR Capricorn GOAT BILLY EARTH William Windsor may refer to: Prince William, Duke of Cambridge, elder son of Prince Charles and Diana, Princess of Wales. William Windsor (goat) (known as Billy), a military mascot goat, retired Lance Corporal in the 1st Battalion, The Royal Welsh

His LAMB IsaLAMB ISLAM you all fell for IS RA EL CRAP ... ISLAM was always ready to become the fake LAMB ... The lamb is your 3rd eye HY PO THAL A MUS THALAMUS THALUM RULES OUR THERMOMETER TEMPERAMENT TEMPERATURE TEMPER TEMPO TEMPLAR TEMPEST when you see through the CRAP TRAP you break the spell You POP EYE or you are Mary POPPED in ZiOn OZ



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