This Article goes with this New VideO

So after the 4/6 New Black Moon in ScorpiO we had in France an attack 8th June as Moon was in Capricorn and Mars and Venus opposite in Cancer 69/96/Mother 6/9 9/6 after the 6/6 D Day flooding in Ukraine of the DAM now the children attacked.. in a Childrens Play Ground by a Syrian Man CYRUS keeper of the 4 Corners in Annecy Alpine Town near LYON/LeO/Lion France Near the Alps
Full Moon on ANTARES HEART of ScorpiO 4/6 Prince Charles in Romania and Kate and Will I AM in JORDAN ..

Early risers should look south this week for a nice view of blood-red Antares above the horizon. Often referred to as the heart of the scorpion, Antares is the brightest star in the constellation Scorpio, the scorpion.
The star is a red supergiant about 12 times the mass of the sun, 750 times the diameter of the sun, and more than 75,000 more luminous than the sun. Despite being 550 light years away from the sun, its huge luminosity still makes it the 15th brightest star in the night sky.
Its name derives from the ancient Greek word meaning “rival to Ares” where Ares is the planet Mars. This is because the star appears similar in colour and brightness to Mars in the night sky.
Silvio Berlusconi, scandal-ridden former Italian prime minister, dies aged 86 MILAN: Silvio Berlusconi, the former prime minister who reshaped Italy's political and cultural landscape while fending off multiple legal and sex scandals, died on Monday (Jun 12) aged 86.

Annecy in shock after knife attack 8/6 Age of Italian MAFFIA death is all 41 For/One and One/Four all and 14 all Pieces of OS/IRIS SIRIUS CYRUS
On the morning of June 8, a man seriously injured four pre-schoolers and two adults in Annecy's Pâquier park. After the initial shock, local residents are now trying to understand what happened.
This Chart is 8th June Date of Attacks 8/6 Moon in Capricorn Opposite Cancer/Mars/Venus ... 69/96 AXis

Front Page news Paper camne out 10/6

The HERO Back Packer The NINJA Turtle PlutO retrO back to Sagittarius the HERO

The backpacker who attempted to stop the knife attack has been dubbed the “backpack hero” locally. He identified himself only as Henri to French media.
“I tried to act as every Frenchman should act. Or how every Frenchmen would act,” the young man told BFMTV on Friday, adding that he “did not even think.”
“It was just impossible to leave defenseless people to be attacked like that by someone who seemed to me effectively to be a maniac,” he said.
Pluto retrO to Sagittarius HerO..Jupiter 24/42 A 24-year-old man has been hailed as a hero for chasing a man suspected of launching a knife rampage in Annecy, which left six people injured including four toddlers.
Two young children are still in intensive care following Thursday’s knife attack in southeast France, when screams rippled through a playground in the small Alpine town during the brutal assault.
A 31-year-old Syrian asylum-seeker was detained on suspicion of carrying out the attack, French media and CNN affiliate BFMTV reported Thursday. The suspect is being held in custody at a police station in Annecy, according to BFMTV.

Videos filmed by bystanders show Henri confronting the perpetrator and swinging his bag to fight him off.
“Our eyes met and I could feel that this was a guy who was not in a right state, that something evil was in him,” Henri added. HENRY 8th RED/HARRY MARS/JUPITER RED/YELLOW makes ORANGE ....
Orange Code for the Next 9/11
OonaO VideO
Yup Clock WORK O/Range Tick Tock TinTin/TT/20/20 CATCH 22 .. Orange/Jupiter/SUN/SON /Desire GREED EXpansion GOLD .. JAFFA MaFFia FF/66 Jaffa is a 2009 Israeli film directed by Keren Yedaya. A joint Israeli, French and German production, it was given a special screening at the 2009 Cannes Film Festival.Bataclan 11eme Orange district November 2015 Paris attacks were a series of coordinated terrorist attacks that took place on Friday, 13 November 2015.. OR/AGE OR/ANGE .. ORangatun King Louis and the swingers Sultans of swing.. Orange is the new Black,, Pierre Paul et JACQUES the JOKER the JAY/JOUR G ... Diana Nickname was known as DUTCH/ORANGE New York began by the DUTCH is COCK/KNEE for WIFE To GO DUTCH each person Pay's his own WAY.. Pay Your BILL to open the GATE .. Golden Cock Sun RISE ApollO or Dionysus??? New York City traces its origins to a trading post founded on the southern tip of Manhattan Island by Dutch colonists in 1624. The settlement was named New Amsterdam (Dutch: New Amsterdam) in 1626 and was chartered as a city in 1653....Apollo, son of Leto, is the god of the sun, art, music, poetry, plague and disease, of rational thinking and order, and appeals to logic, prudence and purity and stands for reason. Dionysus, son of Semele, is the god of wine, dance and pleasure, of irrationality and chaos, representing passion, emotions and instincts.

Hiroshima and Nagasaki ENOLA N/OLA JAY/GAY Jour G NIck/OLA/OLE 69/96 KALI destruction 6 and 9th August 1945 Mars on BULLS eye Aldebaran as for death of QUEEN 8/9 2022 as For falling of NOTRE DAME 15/4 2021 as for NZ Floods 13/2 2023 as for 21/4 2019 sacrifice of my Dog Easter day HAPPY APPI BULL GOD .. MOON/SATURN conjunct Gemini POLLUX/SIRIUS Lord of the RINGS BOXing RING ..... Uranus in Taurus as Uranus enters Taurus again MAY 2024... SUN conjunct PlutO in CANCER Jupiter/Neptune in VIRGO/CORONA Birthday 9th August .. Venus on wandA of MERLIN/LION On 6 and 9 August 1945, the United States detonated two atomic bombs over the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, respectively. The aerial bombings together killed between 129,000 and 226,000 people, most of whom were civilians, and remain the only use of nuclear weapons in an armed conflict
TWIN/Gemini event 6 and 9 August Hiroshima and Nagasaki
The OMD (Orchestral Manoeuvres in the Dark) -
N/OLA NIC/OLA O/LAIT/MILK WAY GAY NIQUE NIKE NIK Ta MER/CANCER N/Olé Bulls Eye Bulleye Olé is a Spanish RAIN in SPAIN/SAPIN Pompiers Olé is a Spanish interjection used to cheer on or praise a performance commonly used in bullfighting and flamenco dance. Olé
6/August 6/8 QUEEN Died 9/8 Both Times MARS on BULLS eye Taurus Breast Beast Simply the BEST VENUS Olé Olé O/LAIT O/LAIT On 6 and 9 69/96 KALI CANCER where Mars/Venus are NOW.. August 1945, the United States detonated two atomic bombs over the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, respectively. The aerial bombings together killed between 129,000 and 226,000 people, most of whom were civilians, and remain the only use of nuclear weapons in an armed conflict.

The Tropics change every age .. and 6x6x6 is 216 the last 3 degrees makes the GAP the sun moves 1 degree every 72yrs and 72 degrees per age and 72+72+72 is 21/6 the MidSummer dream or Midnight Express.. 216 is the last 3 degree shift.. Its the NILE/LINE Jordan Spine Whore eyes ON V's vertical Ur CRaine/v's Pute/In every time we shift this time the Box closes, Lord of the Rings is the BOXING RING is a square and the Pool table is a Rectangular BOX .. Obviously, They call it CC/33 Climate Change so to close you in the GAP ..
This happened 8/6 D DAY AGAIN 8/9 Queen Died 2022 This is NANTES Brittany where the ZAD Notre DAM des Landes was created then we had Gillet Jaunes 2018 GJ/JG JOUR G D DAY as Uranus entered Aries and where Uranus prepares to leave Aries as in WWll 1st Uranus will retrograde 9/11 as PlutO is retrO grade and will return to Capricorn as in 1766 Revolution and VEnus Neptune and Saturn is retrograde.. The revolution has been planned and it begins here... Fossil of LUCY FER/MARS Mad Hatters T Party begins.. the GAP JULY 2023/January/2024
Anger as pre-historic stones destroyed for French DIY store
Rennes (France) (AFP) – Around 40 standing stones thought to have been erected by prehistoric humans 7,000 years ago have been destroyed near a famed archaeological site in northwest France to make way for a DIY store, an angry local historian has revealed.
Issued on: 08/06/2023

Plane Crash... Jungle BOOK Amazon South America Sagittarius/Jupiter PolO Passage 7/3 3/7 Full Moon in Sagittarius 3773/ELLE DUB LL O7 n PlutO in Sagittarius/T POT retrO 7/7 from 10/Capricorn to Sagittarius/9 till 1/3 3/1 2024 Last CORNER/7 Vesica Pisces passage English Patient Little Prince PLANE/AIR Crash.. LIl PRINCE PP PETIT PRINCE Le PINCE a ONGLES/NAIL CLIPPERS the CLAWS of the CRAB/SCorpiO VeriCocha Keeper of the FOUR CORNERS THE JUNGLE BOOK LOrd of the FLIES Will I AM GOLDING .. 40 days and 40 Nights is journey of VENUS retrO she does between LeO/Cancer SUN/MOON from 7/7 to 10/6 Viracocha, also spelled Huiracocha or Wiraqoca, creator deity originally worshiped by the pre-Inca inhabitants of Peru and later assimilated into the Inca pantheon. He was believed to have created the sun and moon on Lake Titicaca. Matthew 4:1-11
40 days and 40 nights 4x4 wheel Venus RetrO a head...

At that time Jesus was led by the Spirit into the desert to be tempted by the devil. He fasted for forty days and forty nights and afterwards was hungry. The tempter approached and said to him, “If you are the Son of God, command that these stones become loaves of bread. He said in reply, “It is written: One does not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes forth from the mouth of God.” Then the devil took him to the holy city and made him stand on the parapet of the temple and said to him, “If you are the Son of God, throw yourself down. For it is written: He will command his angels concerning you and with their hands they will support you lest you dash your foot against a stone.” Jesus answered him, “Again it is written, you shall not put the Lord, your God to the test.” Then the devil took him up to a very high mountain and he showed him all the kingdoms of the world in their magnificence and he said to him, “All these I shall give to you if you will prostrate yourself and worship me.” At this, Jesus said to him, “Get away Satan! It is written: The Lord, your God, shall you worship and him alone shall you serve.” Then the devil left him, and behold angels came and ministered to him.

New Black Moon is on the WandA of Mer/Lion the MetA D,OR Matad'OR D'Orion Gray 18th June Before MidNight Mid Summer Express 21/6 .. So SUN/Moon Conjunct in Taurus on WAndA is a NEW Black Moon on the Wand or ORion still just in TAURUS .. Venus Ruler of SON/SUN in Taurus in Cancer and Moon Ruler of Cancer in Taurus, this is all about the MOTHER DIANA MOON Goddess and her SON/SUN.. For the 216 Summer Solstice Sun in GEMINI and Ruler MERCURY on the WAndA of Mer/Lion for New Moon 18/June .... Saturn now retrO with PlutO and will be square Mercury on the Wand of Merlin for this Solstice LINE/NILE Saturn still at home on Fomalhaut retrO .. PlutO still retrO between Capricorn and Sagittarius PlutO enters Sagittarius 7/8 until his return in Capricorn 1/3 2024.. and Jupiter still conjunct Head of Snake Rahu in Aries ruled by MARS in Cancer and Tail of snake KetU still in Libra ruled by Venus in Cancer .. Neptune in Pisces ..

PlutO still in Capricorn retrO to Sagittarius

New Black Moon On WAND of Mer/LIon in Taurus Mercury on Aldebaran Venus/Mars in Cancer

Saturn RetrO at Home on Formalhaut

Sky watchers: Planet parade visible in mid-June
Mark the calendar sky watchers. A five-planet parade will occur on June 17 when Saturn, Neptune, Jupiter, Uranus and Mercury line up just hours before the new moon then the summer solstice will follow in the northern hemisphere on June 21, according to StarWalk.
The rare planetary alignment is visible approximately an hour before sunrise, the report said, adding that Neptune and Uranus will be challenging planets to spot. The report also noted that June 17 is the best day to observe the five planets' alignment; however, the planets may be visible several days before and after June 17 in some locations.
To see the planetary alignment, SkyWalk recommends finding a place in the dark sky without light pollution and with a clear view of the horizon, meaning a view without obstacles such as trees or tall buildings. "It’s essential for observing the planetary alignment on June 17 because Mercury will be close to the horizon, and two other planets, Uranus and Neptune, will be dim," the report said.

VENUS goes REtrO grade From REgulus/LeO/SUN to Cancer/MOON 7/21 aka 7/777 for 40 days and 40 Nights
Completing her 5 pointed star 2017/2023 The FLOWER between the 2017 and 2024 GREAT ECLIPSE .. aka ROSE of TEXAS .....

7/11 777 111
Here we go 7/11 POWER CUT in LUPIAC home of D'artagnan/EMPIRE SAGITTARIUS as Saturn sits at Home the TRue D'artagnan in 11th sign AQUARIUS/FATHER AIR 11 House its L/EVEN time MID EL PATH Aquarius.. SATURN on the true 3rd EYE opposite Regulus/Leo where MARS/VENUS sit War/PEACE the LION lies down with the THALAMUS LAMB .. LUPIAC LOUP/LOOP of the ZODIAC home of DART in AIGNAN D'ARTAGNAN AUCH Capital is the LION GATES Enedis vous informe d'une coupure d'électricité programmée le 11/07/2023 sur la commune de LUPIAC Electricity CUT on 7/11 aka 9/11 as SEPT is SEPTEMBRE just after Full Moon 3/7 7/3 ELLE HELL HAINE/AIGNAN LN/HELEN de TROY and PARIS .. PLUTO REtrO just back in Sagittarius from CAPricorn/Black to Sagittarius/YELLOW the CAPE HERO Makes BLACK/YELLOW the BEE right under Summer Triangle DENEB/VEGA/ALTAIR on the WOLF/LOUP Sagittarius is D'ARTAGNAN the 9thn House the MUSKateers the MOSQUE MASK MUSK ELON HELL ON L/ON AIG pronounced N HAINE is HATE and Sagittarius is the T POT Constellation of the MAD HATTERS/HATERS T PARTY ... Venus/Mars on REGULUS LIONS GATES SUN in Gemini POLLUX the BOXER Lord of the RINGS the last L/CORNER ANGLE Last Muskateer SUN on/SIRIUS CYRUS KEEPER OF THE FOUR CORNERS ... When the CAT on a HOT tin ROOF kills the AIG/L EAGLE AIG/EGG/LEGG The VERTICAL LINE so the NORTH/EAST SOUTH/WEST is the new ANGLE
DART in AIG/EGG AIGNAN 32290 D'Artagnan

News Letter i sent Out 8 June 86
We had the Full Moon in ScorpiO on Antares 3/6 and 4/6 360/Wheel and 46/Chromosomes .. When I AM 64 the age of Madonna the Medusa MEDULLA Passage of the 3rd eye…

Prince Charles was in ROMANIA where he gave a speech, for the Full Moon in ScorpiO on Antares, the HEART of scorpiO, energy of Mars and Jupiter St MARTIN de TOURS The Caped HerO Kills the spiritual passage, the Dragon the Milky Way snake, St Martin kills St Saturnin behind a BULL/Taurus .. Sun in Taurus and Moon in ScorpiO..
Romania/SCORPIO is just next to Ukraine, where on the Black SEA the passage from GeorgeIA/Gorge/Throat to Europe is opened.. the Nova Kakhova Dams Broke fully on 6/6 D DAY JOUR G NRJ/G and ScorpiO is the J for Joker Judas betrayal. Will I AM and Kate were in Jordan/ARIES also for the Full Moon.. Islam and Greek/Russian/Romanian RR Romulus Remus 4x4 wheel drive a head.. GR NRG Orthodox merging. Between Full Moon in ScorpiO and in Sagittarius, we pass through the Galactic GAP
No one knows who or how? the Dams broke, its a Mystery/ScorpiO .. Mars ruler of ScorpiO and Aries is in Cancer with Venus ruler of Taurus/Torah .. That lunar energy dominates as the gates to the NORTH EAST are prepared .. The GREEN GOD/ENVIRONMENT rising out of Saudi Arabia with the merging of the eastern powers. The collapse of the Dam is a massive environmental damage FLOODING/CANCER/KALI destruction before rebuilding.. The new Kingdom of Allah/Aries
Jupiter conjunct Rahu head of snake/North node in Aries and Mercury Conjunct Uranus all in Aries and all 90 degrees square to every cardinal sign, making a GRAND CARDINAL CROSS 4 x 90 degree angles to Mars/Venus in Cancer/Water to PlutO still retrO in Capricorn/EARTH and to head of snake Rahu conjunct Jupiter in Aries/FIRE lastly Tail of Milky Way snake in Libra ruled by Venus currently in Cancer .. That is some cardinal PUSH and direction to be reckoned with. Its so powerful its a sign for us to take direction and for the birth of the new Fertility God, normally the passage of the keeper of the four corners BES/Cyrus Viracocha or at each change over of AGE, This time Jupiter has prepared to make the JOKER ScorpiO is the J of Judas the betrayal into the Fertility King that takes scorpiOs life death portal as his own.
Saturn sits on the THIGH of Aquarius conjunct that last fixed Royal star Fomalhaut, Jupiter normally rules the Thigh so another great opportunity for Sagittarius to birth his version of Aquarius as Saturn sits on the true awakening of our third eye passage. Saturn is also Square to the Sun in Taurus the WEST and to the Moon in ScorpiO the EAST merging of the PAGAN Celtic's with The Sultans of SWING.. Charles is Related to Dracula Romania, see my new blog post here ..
and the doors to BOHEMIAN RHAPSODY are opened. The Cobra Gypsy's the Gypsy Kings, Sultans of Swing, The Shakers of the Spear, a time of dancing chaos Violence and facing the Snake .. JUDGEMENT .. North Node in Libra.
Harry's Chart is completely a reflection of this JUSTICE Injustice happening and the size of the revenge that will come.. He has Mars/Uranus conjunct on Antares in ScorpiO and Moon on Algol Taurus with his NORTH NODE between Algol/MEDUSA/MEDULLA and Chiron on Aldebaran. Harry has Sun and Mercury in LeO in 8th House/scorpiO NRJ/G he has Saturn and PlutO in Libra/JUSTICE and south node currently on his PlutO , Jupiter/Mercury and North node opening his 4th House as Saturn opens his 10th house .. he has MOON in Aries and Sun in LeO.. Charles has Sun in Libra and Moon in Aries where the Aries/Libra Axis where Head/Tail of snake currently is. This is the Fiery serpent on the LIBERTY POLE time, preparation for crowning Paris Olympics 2024 and crowning the red haired King as Henry Vlll .. Will something happen to Harry? Will MM Meghan Markel become a force? Will something happen to Royal family in England and will Harry rise? Or fall? Harry also has Jupiter in Sagittarius conjunct Neptune.
I see Shakes Spear T Rex Scotty Mad Max T cosy Party, Lawrence of Arabia Knights in shining armour, I see Bohemian Rhapsody sweeping over Europe and Mad Max life on mars in America, William does not have the herO energy nor does Charles. Is Harry being prepared for playing a big role outside Great Britain?
PlutO will return to Sagittarius after the next Full Moon in Sagittarius Sun in Gemini the 3/7 7/3 is ELLE GG Galactic Gap 77/GG passage HELL L Hell hath no fury than that of a scorned woman. The 8/7 Pluto is back in the T POT Arabian Nights T COZY constellation in Sagittarius, and will return to Capricorn for 3/1 1/3 that's the B/13th sign Diana died 31st So between now and January 2024, major changes will come. Venus enters LeO at the end of this Month with Mars and then goes retrO from Regulus opposite Aquarius/Saturn Fomalhaut, back to Cancer, return of Harry/Megan HOME? Cancer. Venus is marking SolOmon’s temples as she goes RetrO over The Sun/LeO Moon/Cancer BJ Blow Job Pillars and makes the 888 Sun/Leo Analemma/8 Moon/Cancer 8 phases of the Moon and Venus closes her cycle of 8yrs making the five pointed flower/star petal the new ROSE is born.. Elizabeth LINE Plasma Event?.. is there going to be a KALI ATOM ATUM ADAM Electrical Universal kali Dance?? Nuclear PopOV event? We know we can't be touched, we will pass through the cloud.
Cobra Gypsy's ScorpiO should rise again as an Eagle, when North Node enters ScorpiO in 2030.. everything is prepared for the time Peace is brought to us in the Middle east.. the New Europe is born and the rise of the Cobra gypsy's with the wings of Charlie's Hells ELLES L’s ANGELS, the outlaws, the Gangsters, the Robin Hoods and the Bohemian May Pole dance of the Liberty Pole, Eiffel Narnia Lamp is lit to Light the WAR/D ROBE GAP.. the revolver solution revolution is being pushed now into full view. Will the Royal family live the same fates as the French and Russian? Will a new Empire be born with Harry in America?
So today's Chart 8th June, I will include below with Harry's Chart AND the D DAY DAM Collapse too.. .. Today we have Moon in Capricorn and the grand cross is made more potent as the cardinal cross is complete.. the only planets NOT in High Cardinal energy is Sun in Taurus square to Saturn in Aquarius and Neptune all alone in Pisces. As in Rocky Horror show, we are in a state of ANT ICIP ATION
I'm just a sweet transvestite From Transexual, Transylvania, ha ha Hit it, hit it, I'm just a sweet transvestite (sweet transvestite) From Transexual, Transylvania, ha ha
So, come up to the lab And see what's on the slab I see you shiver with antici- -Pation But maybe the rain Is really to blame So I'll remove the cause But not the symptom
The weather is ELECTRIC heavy spraying, Hot Dry and only spurts of Pathetic rain drops after waiting for promised rain, nothing falling where I am.. Spouts of Grail and flash Floods in certain areas. The sky is purple and that Purpel haze is calling for ultra Violet/Violence Lana Del RAY.. yet in Mexico the whales Tail, there are big floods and downpours.. Mexico where ScorpiO was 1st split and fell from being the Eagle to a scorpiOn and the wisdom was lost from the scales of Libra, there is risk of Volcano ..
There is certainly that feeling of waiting, for something big to happen.. There are no MUTABLE energies but Neptune and Chiron in Pisces.. everyone has to rise to their highest position now, Crown their own passage. We all have a Bonnie and Clyde within us and those that can speak the lingO of both sides of the coin will have the ability to be GRAND MASTER as many will fall for the trap of Anger/Aries Destruction/Cancer Power/Capricorn and the dark side of Catch 22 INJustice/Libra… Release will come as Pluto enters Sagittarius Sparks will fly, from 8th July, V for Vendetta scenarios spreading? Sagittarius is the masked herO and Zorro was always going to be that shining caped Knight Batman and Robin full Moon 3/7 Sun in Sagittarius/Merlin Moon in Gemini/Arthur
Viracocha is the position we want to hold all 41 and 14 all complete, in full Cardinal jackets and CAP’s finding our 5th element, HIGHER GAS Consciousness using this cardinal energy and transmuting the Chaos to find Calm.. Cardinal is GAS and a nuclear popOV can not happen if we hold the Gas Lighting at arms Bay, we are the neutron the proton and the elctron we are the 3 crosses in one, keeper of the four Humours, Corners and Keeper of our own TEMPLES as they merge into one force, and we can pass through the PRISM of fear to ignite our own Kingdoms above the Sun the Moon and Venus Evening Morning TSAR 888 …
Viracocha, also spelled Huiracocha or Wiraqoca, creator deity originally worshiped by the pre-Inca inhabitants of Peru and later assimilated into the Inca pantheon. He was believed to have created the sun and moon on Lake Titicaca.