23/10 Last of 8 phase Moon between black MOMo pillars GIBBOUS MOON on REGULUS LEON LEO ELON SOL O MON SEAL ...
Two towers Dragons holding EGG Saudie Arabia From Tunisia To Somalie to Egypt Holding Egg and from Instanbul to Sri lanka Iraq Holding EGG SAUDIE ARABIA is OZ Disney land ZiOn .. Istan BUL and BUL bi BULL EL LL Bulgaria 369 39 is 12th Door of the 3 6 9 12 322 Skull n Bones Cross 23/32

Then 28/10 2nd MOMO catch 22 into 2020 BLACK MOON STAR Back to Black and 31/10 mercury FEATHER and Venus HEART on Libra/Omega the SCALES of the Snake Tribe of DAN/DNA JUDGEMENT and Moon Crescent on Jupiter on the 13th sign Ophiuchus as Mercury begins a 4th RetrO from 7/11 2018 to imitate the 28 cycle of the MOON to attempt to create ORDER Fraternity Equality Liberty out of CHAOS to CLOSE you in the TRI ANGLE 3 6 9 the line Broke the Monkey GIBBOUS Moon got Choked... We enter High cardinal EARTH end of 2020 you just gotta get through the next 14 Months of the TEMPEST to come

The Jolly Green Giant Since i did this video a few hrs later today 23/10... 39 people dead in Lorry from Bulgaria where the Statue of the TWIN DRAGONS comes from Bulgaria East S SEX ESSEX in GRAYS Forgot to put Video as Public OK 369 39 is 9/6 The Line broke the Monkey Got Choked 3+9 is 12 You need the 12th door to spin left right out of the CRAP TRAP ....23 today thats 23 TWIN DNA strands 32 state of GRACE makes 5 for 5G VENUS HIVE FIVE B G pointed STAR ... Gibbous Baphomet Moon on REGULUS LEON ELON NO L/7 NOEL SKUM MUSK Square to EAST ANTARES ... BULGARIA EAST ESSEX WW Wicked Witch After this MoMo Black Moon 28/10 The 3/10 we had the first Baphomet crescent moon 4 Killed in Paris and P4 Came out Google...
39 6/9 is 369 TESLA MM WW Wilde is Dorian GRAY Oscar WILDE is the WIND of the TEMPEST ... Wicked Witch of the EAST ANTARES MOMO
DRIVER ARRESTED AFTER 39 FOUND DEAD IN TRUCK NEAR LONDON The discovery of the bodies - 38 adults and one teenager THAT MAKES 111 LLL TRIP LLL 777- was made in the early hours after emergency services were alerted to people in a truck container on an industrial site in Grays, about 32km 322 223 SKULL n BONES Wicked Witch Antares ScorpiO EAST east of central London. My last video part 111 is about the fourth corner ANGLE LLL L 111 1 is 11/11 FULL MOON

MM is the 3 6 9 TRIP EL LLL 777

we then have a Crescent moon 31st Halloween JUDGEMENT ..

That will be the WEST WAY Alderbaren Closing in on the ENGLISH ROSE ... cause ROSEMARYS BABY is the EGG of the BULGARIAN DRAGONS 50 shades of Fade to DORIAN GRAYS between the black Babylonian and White Judaism Pillars ... Saudie Arabia is the new Is RA EL L/7 LION KING ...
Full Moon 11/11 Alpha Omega Moon on 33rd degree CRUCI FICTION mercury becomes Sirius Pan BAPHOMET and 26/12 Black moon Eclipse baphomet saudie Arabia ROSE MARYS baby is Born 9 Months after 14 February 2019 we had Trip eLLe LLL 777 Goddess RR Roman SEX RITUAL VALENTINES DAY and after the S SEX The BEAST is Born Takes 9 Months for Venus to do a cycle 9 Months to have a baby it should be 12 I will do a proper videO on this this is just letting out the importance of the crowing of PAN the GREEN Man the EGG is saudie Arabia

makes me laugh how it right in our FACES and No one can join the dots Orange phone number is Customer service: 09 69 36 39 00 but all those of us who KNOW how the chess game is played how we are wound up and TRANS muted like lil DuraCELL piggies .... ORANGE is NOT gonna be the new BLACK ORANGE OR/RO ROW RO RO your lil boat or SAIL to AWE OR ORE GOLD is when we hit Red Aquarius and BLACK CAPRICORN TWIN PEAKS they wanna keep you stuck in the 3 6 9 TESSLA ELON NO L NO EL LEON LION LEO LINE BROKE the monkey got Choked ... You need the 12 to make the 4 TUNE pot of GOLD ... Red Aquarius is Opposite LEO YELLOW ELO FIRE Red + ELO is ORANGE you will become the 5g 5 pointed STAR Energy supply MANS RED FIRE ORANG a TANGO Takes TWO sides of the coin to TANGO lead to GOLD or ATE 8 in the gate by KING LOUIS The SUN FIRE GOD when you dont search for your true mission and reason and what this whole Earth Game is really about

OK 369 39 is 9/6 The Line broke the Monkey Got Choked 3+9 is 12 You need the 12th door to spin left right out of the CRAP TRAP ....23 today thats 23 TWIN DNA strands 32 state of GRACE makes 5 for 5G VENUS HIVE FIVE B G pointed STAR ... Gibbous Baphomet Moon on REGULUS LEON ELON NO L/7 NOEL SKUM MUSK Square to EAST ANTARES ... BULGARIA EAST ESSEX WW Wicked Witch After this MoMo Black Moon 28/10 The 3/10 we had the first Baphomet crescent moon 4 Killed in Paris and P4 Came out Google... we then have a Crescent moon 31st Halloween JUDGEMENT .. That will be the WEST WAY Alderbaren Closing in on the ENGLISH ROSE ... cause ROSEMARYS BABY is the EGG of the BULGARIAN DRAGONS

50 shades of Fade to DORIAN GRAYS between the black Babylonian and White Judaism Pillars ... Saudie Arabia is the new Is RA EL L/7 LION KING ... Full Moon 11/11 Alpha Omega Moon on 33rd degree CRUCI FICTION mercury becomes Sirius Pan BAPHOMET and 26/12 Black moon Eclipse baphomet saudie Arabia ROSE MARYS baby is Born 9 Months after 14 February 2019 we had Trip eLLe LLL 777 Goddess RR Roman SEX RITUAL VALENTINES DAY and after the S SEX The BEAST is Born Takes 9 Months for Venus to do a cycle 9 Months to have a baby it should be 12 ... 26/12/2019..

LOOK at MAP of Saudi Arabia its the EGG The new Green DRAGON Golden EGG between TWO DRAGONS Look at the MAP of Saudie THE EGG MAN its between 2 DRAGONS holding EGG So Black Prince White Prince swap over as MERCURY DNA GREEN PAN MAN Is crowned King .. Disney Land SAUDI is the EGG between TWO TOWERS DNA merged Red Fire RA and White ICE Become the ONE DRAGON RED/WHITE and GREEN ....26/12 Solar RING eclipse Sirius becomes the GREEN MAN PAN .....

Its not that complicated EARTH is a MIR ROAR of as ABOVE A RING holds the T Cosy on the HEAD Thats a RING..... so we the orchestra are Conducted until we become responsible CONDUCTORS of as above so below There is NOTHING BAD happening as above its how we are caught in the NET FLIX that is the problem... We enter the land of SATURN TWIN PEAKS 21/12/2020 Ruler of Aquarius RED AIR and Capricorn Black EARTH ... This Winter Solstice Jupiter and Mercury Sun Moon Saturn Pluto and South Node Ketu all in Sagittarius Lawrence of Arabia BLACK MOON ECLIPSE 26/12 Open the black Lodge...

Its the STORM TEMPEST so to unbalance us catch 22 2020 Saturn Pluto and Jupiter Good bad and Ugly, in Sagittarius Jupiter will FALL in Capricorn from winter Solstice end of 2020 and this is the Final Curtain you will be led to think we are the HEROES .. we are count down to 2024 now .. Times will change dramatically in the year to come and Jupiter and his merry baphomet team Boris mac RON and TRUMP will fall too..Venus Five pointed Star Mercury Fake DNA Mercury caduceus Twins played by SIRIUS Black Prince Sun as RA MARS and Moon in her Three Phased Trip L / Goddess disguise ... LORD of the RINGS is SATURN and Mohammed bin Salman MO MO will play the role of the Fake Black Prince ... Go watch the LION KING we are told .

11/11 22 2020 Gates to the Shakes SPEARS Tempest open Full Moon in Alpha OMEGA MOON is on 33rd Degree Star SHERATON

Then 26/12 Solstice Black Moon Eclipse a Golden RING CROWN goes to the BLACK PRINCE MOMO MO HAM MED BIN SALAM ... The Chart is on The Aldebaran Antares Equinox not soltice as i say That is on Alpha Omega Aries Libra From Alef TAV to Sirius takes the VIRGIN to become Red Fire Ice Water and GREEN mercury crowns
