This is what we live right now... we passed the MO MO gates 9/28 And 10/28 black moons in Virgo... here we see Virgo Greta Mary Magdalene high Priestess of material Alchemy posing as the FAKE virgin Mary Cancer/Kali .. the TRIP LLL 777 MMM EL goddess giving birth to Peter Pan the Gemini Mercury Twin of Virgo DNA strands birthing the antiChrist Child.. to keep us locked in the triad so we don't enter the twin peaks... look at the feet it's the FFF LLL 777 cock Sportif bird of MOMO... the Phoenix BJ Babylon Judaism becomes one and gives birth to the Beast... under the ARC of the Jupiter 42 Rainbow... the four corners look on when we are the four TUNE spin.... 11/11 Moon on Alpha Omega..
12/11 Full Moon Alpha Omega Alef Tav Sun on Libra on the Snake on Pole and Moon on ALGOL MEDUSSA Aries Alef Alpha .... 26/12 they crown their FAKE Lord of the Flies... to keep us closed in the 3 6 9 triangle you need the 12th door out to spin free..
11/11 They Crown MJ Mercury/GEMINI 39 3/Gemini 3rd house and 9/Sagittarius 9th house Jupiter/Sagittarius Positive Positive They killed the Girl VirgO 6th house.. the new KING of the JUNGLE Trip LLL Crowns The 4 Tune stands behind ..... Back to BLACK ... 11/11 mercury combustion Sun in Libra/OMEGA/TAV Crowning of Gemini/SIRIUS MERCURY Child Alpha Omega Sun/mercury on Omega/Libra Scales of Wisdom the SNAKe tribe of DAN/DNA TAV 22 is V for their fake vicTORy and Moon in Aries conjunct Alpha Alef on Sheraton 33 degrees and Uranus.....

11/11 mercury combustion Sun in Libra/OMEGA/TAV Crowning of Gemini/SIRIUS MERCURY Child Alpha Omega Sun/mercury on Omega/Libra Scales of Wisdom the SNAKe tribe of DAN/DNA TAV 22 and Moon in Aries conjunct Alpha Alef and Sheraton 33 degrees and Moon Conjunct Uranus and Uranus opposite MARS/WARS Chaos ClockWork Orange SETH OFF ..... Order out of Chaos ...

Mars RA Conjunct Spica The Star of Wealth from the harvest Success Fortune .. Sun Combust Mercury on Scales of Snake Alpha Omega Takes over and RR Romulus and Remus Become the new Roman Republic, Venus conjunct Antares...

N is TAV or V Catch 22 Alef/Tav Alpha Omega Full Moon on Aries Sun on Libra ... Fake Twin peaks TRIBE OF DAN/DNA

Fixed star Sheratan is of the nature of Mars and Saturn. It causes bodily injuries, unscrupulous defeat, destruction by fire, war or earthquake. [1]
33 Degrees Sheraton

El-Sheratain in close conjunction with Gamma Arietis, Mesarthim, both in the left Horn of the Ram, combine Martian and Saturnian powers, and this makes their nature into a violent one. In relative connections, danger is indicated when acting impulsively and in a foolhardy fashion. [2]
Sheratan, from Al Sharat, The Sign, was the marker of the vernal Equinox at the date it was so named, so that is what is ‘signed’. In Ptolemy’s list, it is another Mars-Saturn type, and it does indeed show similar qualities in people to those of Hamal. [3]
Sharatan and Sheratan are from Arabic Al Sharatain, the dual form of Al Sharat, a Sign, referring to this and gamma (γ Mesarthim), the third star in the head, as a sign of the opening year; Sheratan (β) having marked the vernal equinox in the days of Hipparchus (c.190 – c.125 BC), about the time when these stars were named. [4]
11/11 33 degrees Sheraton Fake twin Towers Ritual

33 Scottish Rights
33 is 8 Front to Back to Black and 369 is 39 is 12 is 3 is ONE The Sol O Mon SEAL

Lord of the Rings

The Scottish Rite is one of the appendant bodies of Freemasonry that a Master Mason may join for further exposure to the principles of Freemasonry.[2][3] It is also concordant, in that some of its degrees relate to the degrees of Symbolic (Craft) Freemasonry. In England and some other countries, while the Scottish Rite is not accorded official recognition by the Grand Lodge, only a recognised Freemason may join and there is no prohibition against his doing so. In the United States, however, the Scottish Rite is officially recognized by Grand Lodges as an extension of the degrees of Freemasonry. The Scottish Rite builds upon the ethical teachings and philosophy offered in the Craft (or Blue) Lodge, through dramatic presentation of the individual degrees.

33 Cruci FICTION

Full Moon in Aries Alpha Conjunct ALGOL MEDUSA and Sun in Libra Omega Conjunct mercury, Venus on Antares ... Jupiter on the knee of Ophiuchus 13th sign Stuck in the Wheel

Moon on Medusa

Algol Medusa and Pegasus

31/10 we had Venus/Heart and Mercury/Feather Conjunct on the scales JUDGEMENT 13/11 is Death Jupiter Conjunct Crescent Waning Moon on 13 Sign Ophiuchus

North Node RAhu on Sirius ...

Sirius Judgement Venus mercury on the Scales of Libra Omega

13/11 Death of the Girl/VirgO Birth of PAN the Jolly Green Joker Giant

Jupiter on 13th sign Ophiuchus They make 39 Their Fake 12th door into the twin peaks 9 is Jupiter MJ inside JOB ....

Trapped in the CircEL Circueil Ophiuchus 13th sign 31st L/7 00 7

MOMO Same FEET of the COCK as Cover Photo above

Federation Francais Foot BALL FFF LLL 777 Crowned by the 5 pointed star

we passed the MO MO gates 9/28 And 10/28 black moons in Virgo... here we see Virgo Greta Mary Magdalene high Priestess of material Alchemy posing as the FAKE virgin Mary Cancer/Kali .

This is the Fruit of the West East gate DRAGONS Their will be no need of the Sun and the Moon in the True Kingdom Jack was 9/11 and Jill was Notre dame Jack is gemini and Jill is Virgo mercury rules Gemini and Virgo 9/11 North node was in Gemini on dog star Sirius as it is now 18 yrs later for Nortre Dame Virgo, They kill the DNA strands so to crown Mercury aka Sirius as the owner of our children and DNA strand twins the TRUE TWIN PEAKS is 12/21 2020 Aquarius is AIR Fixed and Capricorn is Earth High cardinal They USE MERCURY because its the only other planet to rule Earth Virgo and Air Gemini 11 11 they crown mercury/Gemini PAN the JOLLY GREEN GIANT the fake king and 26/12 eclipse Lord of the rings JUPITER becomes The Baphomet FAKe King entry of the TEMPEST starts this solstice and 12/11 full moon on alpha omega and 31/10 Halloween the Beast ROSE MARYS Baby is born made on 14 th Feb for the RR Valentine ritual SEX magick takes Venus 9 months...

T for the Dan T DNA Notre DAME Fallen Divine Comedy .... sWord in the sTONE

Crowning of Peter PAN P/P Fake Twin peaks Gemini Symbol

T for Tea for TWO for GEMINI JUPITER JM Fake Twin peaks

ICH DIEN JM Jupiter Mercury Fake twin peaks BAG DAD

3 6 9 ICH DIEN Crowned ONE NINE 9

Trapped in the CircEL L/7 Circuil The TRIANGULATION 3 6 9 becomes 39 is 12 12/11 Full Moon Alpha Omega Alef Tav Sun on Libra on the Snake on Pole and Moon on ALGOL MEDUSSA Aries Alef Alpha ....

JJ/10 10 XX

11/11 mercury combustion Sun in Libra/OMEGA/TAV Crowning of Gemini/SIRIUS MERCURY Child Alpha Omega Sun/mercury on Omega/Libra Scales of Wisdom the SNAKe tribe of DAN/DNA TAV 22 and Moon in Aries conjunct Alpha Alef and Sheraton 33 degrees and Uranus..... 11 11 ⚔️⚔️🎯✂️☠️ The heart of the ElectrO magnetic SPIN of MATTER to SPIRIT mercury DNA/DAN combust SUN ... it takes 4 corners to spin out of the STORM to be the eye of the beholder ...
Pan The Baphomet Sun King Louis SOL O MON MERCURY/JUPITER Crescent Moon 31/10 Conjunct Jupiter on 13th sign Mercury/Venus Conjunct Scales Libra Omega....

Back to Black Fake Singularity

....."Its secret resides in the eye of the storm, calm and clear as the chaos of desire and fear whirl all about . . . The principle of justice or balance is thus applied constantly to a lop-sided world, one interaction at a time. Those who enact this formula successfully emanate an aura of order and are themselves a walking corrective . . . The power of this face is to equilibrate unbalanced forces as they are encountered, and to maintain connection to the unmoved center. It offers the formulae by which equipoise may be maintained in any circumstance- shelter in any storm."

You need the fourth sWORD 4 TUNE...369 777 LLL is the Tri Angle TRAP Riders on the STORM of the TEMPEST who can stay centered and cool .... Tempest gates are opened catch 22 2020 26/12/2019 TAV V for vicTORy
V is ARIES RAM RA TAV Catch 22
Mesarthim and Sheratan are in the horns of the Ram. They have a spectra that would indicate a Venusian nature. Mesarthim marked the beginning of Aries, and the vernal equinox in the days of Hipparchus when the twelve signs of the zodiac were finally given their present designation. [5]
Sheratan star rules the throat and the connection between the throat and the head and the tonsils of the human body. [6 ]
The Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry (the Northern Masonic Jurisdiction in the United States often omits the and, while the English Constitution in the United Kingdom omits the Scottish), commonly known as simply the Scottish Rite (or, in England and Australia, as the Rose Croix[1] although this is only one of its degrees), is one of several Rites of Freemasonry. A Rite is a progressive series of degrees conferred by various Masonic organizations or bodies, each of which operates under the control of its own central authority. In the Scottish Rite the central authority is called a Supreme Council.

Trip LLL up You need the 4th L Angle sWORD Corner to spin out the 12th Door into the True twin peaks... or Closed in the sTONE circEL Circuil Cercuit Coffin ....

Riders on the STORM of the TEMPEST who can stay centered and cool .... Tempest gates are opened catch 22 2020 26/12/2019 TAV V for vicTORy ....."Its secret resides in the eye of the storm, calm and clear as the chaos of desire and fear whirl all about . . . The principle of justice or balance is thus applied constantly to a lop-sided world, one interaction at a time. Those who enact this formula successfully emanate an aura of order and are themselves a walking corrective . . . The power of this face is to equilibrate unbalanced forces as they are encountered, and to maintain connection to the unmoved center. It offers the formulae by which equipoise may be maintained in any circumstance- shelter in any storm."

The West is the EAST BEST BEAST ... Crowning Sol O MON Seal 3 6 9
