When Muhammad Ali came to London: rarely pics of the boxing legend in the Big Smoke see 18 Pics RAHU/KETU cycle here.... Old Article here ... https://www.alchemyaccordance.com/post/mohammed-ali-is-momo
Please go through previous few articles for full story of VIRGIN GRETA Never has a time been more important than the FAKE 007 L 77/LL ELLE Dark side of the MOON as MOMO DOUB EL Black Moon in Mutable EARTH Virgin VIRGO VV is Catch 22 2020 .. 28/9 and 28/10 BABA Black Sheep Mary mary had a lil HIS Lamb ISLAM or we mary POPin into Capricorn High Cardinal EARTH 2020
You've probably heard the term "once in a blue moon" to refer to something that doesn't happen very often, and that isn't just a random idiom: It's actually based on astrology. A "blue moon" is what we call the phenomenon of two full moons taking place within a single month. Conversely, when we have two new moons taking place in a single month, we call it a "black moon." And just like blue moons only take place once in a while, black moons are pretty uncommon too: According to Farmer's Almanac, black moons only take place every two to three years.
MOMO is WWII MM/WW DOUBLE Black Moon in VirgO the 28/9 TONIGHT and 28/10 still in VIRGO on correct constellations thats the TWO sides of Mary Mary quite contrary these TWO double OO 7L eLLe Moons are the one that make Mary Mary lil LAMB you Pop it or Live it ....

Ohh Boy i have a video to make MOMO Ritual Tonight 1st Black Moon in Virgo 28/9 2nd BLack Moon in Virgo 28/10 Mary Mary had a lil LAMB with JESUS The TRUE Virgin Mary had a baby with GOD she is CANCER ruled by the MOON she is MARY... Mary Magdalene is the MOMO GRETA The VIRGO WHORE of BABY LEON that's why they use MOON SEX magik to Keep you in the LEO ELON LEON BabyLON DEN Thats why the MOON was on the feet of JESUS REGULUS LEO the day Nortre Dame DAN DNA came down its all written above what happening below and this is the WISDOM they NEVER want you to hold that I SHARE with you.... Jupiter is Jesus and he rules the age of PISCES WHITE WATER EUROPE opposite Black MM Mary Magdalene BLACK EARTH AFRICA VIRGO As we pass onto the twin peak equinox Aquarius opposite LEO LEON ELON NO EL no MID EL EVEN 11 Twin DNA strands towers peaked or Fell like jack n jill...Double OO7 DOUBLE BLACK MOONS IN VIRGO is MOMO ... https://www.facebook.com/victoria.cotton.923/posts/10156261397761036

we enter the KINGDOM of the LAMB RED/AQUARIUS/AMERICA/AIR Thats the FOURTUNE the 4th MUSK MOSQUE ELON MUSK TRUE entry into the LAMB the LION lies down with the LAMB not HIS LAMB but YOUR INNER LAMB CHILD!!!!

Fomalhaut is the Stone the philosophers JUPITER/JESUS rejected and SATURN rules the TWIN PEAKS our ThaLAMBus Thalim BRAIN ROW Rain BOW arc of the convenant MERGED as ONE we forgive thy Ma and Pa and we become heaven on Earth we MARY POP our 3rd EYE when we merge duality MUTABLE CROSS transmutation and we see BOTH sides of the COIN

Aquarius Capricorn RED/Black NASA North South America The Stone the Philosophers rejected NORTH STAR Fomalhaut... Ruled by Saturn Lord of the Rings ...

The Virgin Child becomes WHOLE Male and female DNA tribe of DAN DAN T divine comedy healed within LEAD to GOLD not led into the DEN of LEO/YELLOW/FIRE/ASIA ... TWO realities are being created those not ready to see through the CRAP TRAP and those ready to enter the true KINGDOM of GOD when heaven Aquarius FIXED AIR and Capricorn High cardinal EARTH... Two ages of the suns moved of 72 degrees makes 144 that is the amount of people able to get through the narrow gate way 72 +72 is 144,000 that follow the LAMB the true LAMB not the ISLAM about to HIT humanity GLOBALLY Saturn is CONTRACTION FEAR DENIAL COLD ICE QUEEN I SCREAM if you havent Pulled your self together you will LIVE the FEAR that's why so many of us have faced fear these past 20 yrs so to PREPARE and only those able to remain mind over MATTER will cope and not fall further into Sodom and Gomorrah Fear creates our FEARS ... Black and WHITE moves into RED that's why Black and White and Red are used in SO much COM ... BUT NO they twist the beauty of the true ONENESS when the FOUR TUNE four continents merged LOVE is found within we become The WHOLE spinning labyrinth we become an electro magnetic FORCE spinning wheel that goes RIGHT n LEFT and we are the TORUS TORAH FIELD of LOVE HEART/EARTH/BLACK/CAPRICORN as it is above in HEAVEN/AIR RED/AQUARIUS Europe/White Africa/Black America/Red and Asia/Yellow is the FOUR TUNE ... ISLAM is the Copy paste version of the TRUE KINGDOM of oneness we are herded as SHEEP ...Alchemy is the true religion of humanity we are connected all of us we are ONE and religions are for those still stuck in BELIEF programs RISE MARY POPPINS out of the Black / White Cinderella complex and be the WHOLE MARY JESUS so we leave the 3 6 9 12 and become the 13th sign the eye of the BEHOLDER and the Bulls EYE of eternal life and merging of Spirit heaven and Matter EARTH...
Black White is MOMO Pisces jesus WHITE Europe and VirgO Black earth Africa

MOMO 1st Black Moon 9/28 in VIRGO

2nd Black MOON MONSTER MOON STAR ... VV is W Catch 22 Virgo Virgo Mary Mary had a Lil ISLAM or you follow your inner LAMB HOME and Mary POPin your 3rd ThaLAMBus OPEN POPEYE .....

Through the MIR ANDA DAN T DNA Divine Comedy MIR AGE

(And mention) when the angels said, ‘O Mary, indeed God gives you the good news of a word from Him, whose name will be the Christ, Jesus, the son of Mary, held in honor in this world and in the Hereafter, and of those who are near to God.’ ‘He will speak to the people in the cradle, and in old age, and he will be of the righteous.’ She said, ‘My Lord, how can I have a son when no man has touched me.’ He said, ‘So (it will be,) for God creates what He wants. When He decides something, He only says to it, ‘Be,’ and it is. And He will teach him the Book and wisdom and the Torah and the Gospel. And (will make him) a messenger to the Children of Israel (saying), ‘Indeed I have come to you with a sign from your Lord. I make for you out of clay the likeness of a bird, then breathe into it, and it becomes a bird by the permission of God. And I heal the blind and the leper, and I bring the dead to life by the permission of God. And I inform you of what you eat and what you store in your houses. Surely, there is a sign for you in that, if you are believers. And (I have come) confirming the Torah that was(revealed) before me, and to allow you some of what was forbidden to you. And I have come to you with a proof from your Lord, so fear God and obey me. Indeed, God is my Lord and your Lord, so worship Him. This is the straight path.” -Holy Quran sura 3 ayat 45-51.
Like Rome, the Koran (invented by Rome) declares Jesus “the Son of Mary” and NOT the Son of God. The Church’s relationship with the Muslims “The plan of salvation also includes those who acknowledge the Creator, in the first placeamongst whom are the Muslims; these profess to hold the faith of Abraham, and together with us they adore the one, merciful God, mankind’s judge on the last day.” -Catechism of the Catholic Church #841 Just as Roman Catholic Emperor Adolph Hitler hated blacks, the Vatican controlled Islamic people hate blacks because THEIR KORAN SAYS THIS… “In the great and final day of redemption, only white faces will be saved, and all blackened faces will be condemned. -3rd Sur 105,160
🤣😃😅😂😉🤔😏 yes His Lamb Isalamb cause Mary Mary has a lil Lamb Virgo into Aquarius 9/11 7/11 SEPT SEVEN EMBER and that's when Mary POPins Her 3rd Pop eye the hypo ThaLAMBus DUHHHH the Lion Leo Sphinx lies down with the lamb new Equinox North/SouthAquarius Giza Lamb water bearer AquaMan.. it's a divine comedy... it's a freak show.. you create your own monsters of the ID forbidden planet.. watch 1956 film.... https://amredeemed.com/end-time-headlines/pope-is-right-now-working-hand-in-hand-with-islam-to-create-one-world-religion/?fbclid=IwAR3e-mAwJjG2nmjgixGoQdz3BHCAxpLqkLou1vwaikW86EsjQCRTaCwnjNk

And HERE is RASTA GRETA and BJ Bob a BLOW JOB Boris John'SON in SION ZION ... Here is VIRGIN VIRGO Alice in Wonderland MM Wild is the Wind Marilyn Monroe Micky Mouse Mary Magdalene The whore of Babylon https://www.facebook.com/victoria.cotton.923/posts/10156258893216036

LEON LION LEO IRON is RA MARS/WARS ARIES is V Cach 22 VV VIRGIN VIRGO 2020 The HIGH PRIESTESS of Physical ALCHEMY Bel-Shalti-Nanna or Bel-Shalti-Nannar, named also Ennigaldi-Nanna, Peau D'ANE Tribe f DAN DNA INANNA ISHTAR EASTER BUNNY was a Babylonian princess who flourished around 554 B.C.E.. She was the daughter of Nabonidus (Nabu-na'id), the last Neo-Babylonian king and ruler of the city of Ur (modern Tell el-Muqayyar, Iraq),[1][2][3][4] and sister of Belshazzar.[5] She served as a high priestess in Ur.[6] She was called the "priestess of Sin" (the god of the moon).[7] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bel-Shalti-Nanna?fbclid=IwAR2W_vlgXSp5w9v97huFO07NQGxaOxQ1PVyxHTGpxoH0gAB8cXMR7VQDWxQ you have to get to Opposite HER to Spiritual Transcendence Pisces to make the 12th door OUT back to Spirit into the GIZA Aquarius/Capricorn TWIN PEAKS ... Only 144.000 make it through into the true Kingdom ... Same RITUALS age after Age after AGE we are Just Living it AGAIN cause they wanna keep you STUCK between The FAKE twin Pillars of BLACK BabyLon and WHITE Judaism The Babylonian captivity or Babylonian exile is the period in Jewish history during which a number of people from the ancient Kingdom of Judah were captives in Babylonia.
Mary Mary Quite GRETA Contrary had a Lil ISLAM BabyLEOn ELON Judah BJ Blow Job Wind in the Willows Boris John SION Mary Magdalene 369 the line broke and the Monkey got choked ... 1968 ROSE MARY NOTRE DAME BABY's MONKEY generations MM ♒️WW FAKE TWIN PEAKS ...... ISLAM is your Mary POPins POP eye thaLAMBus 3rd 👁🎯 https://warlockasyluminternationalnews.com/2012/02/21/babylonian-origins-of-the-islamic-religion/?fbclid=IwAR3VGDBNuOYB-WmIRwjrXfLDbrvD-X_7IP6RNMTu1XKtlIWjknYAFDqVxzk

After the Battle of Carchemish in 605 BCE, King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon besieged Jerusalem, resulting in tribute being paid by King Jehoiakim.[1] Jehoiakim refused to pay tribute in Nebuchadnezzar's fourth year, which led to another siege in Nebuchadnezzar's seventh year, culminating with the death of Jehoiakim and the exile of King Jeconiah, his court and many others; Jeconiah's successor Zedekiah and others were exiled in Nebuchadnezzar's eighteenth year; a later deportation occurred in Nebuchadnezzar's twenty-third year. The dates, numbers of deportations, and numbers of deportees given in the biblical accounts vary.[2] These deportations are dated to 597 BCE for the first, with others dated at 587/586 BCE, and 582/581 BCE respectively.[3]
After the fall of Babylon to the Persian king Cyrus the Great in 539 BCE, exiled Judeans were permitted to return to Judah.[4][5] According to the biblical book of Ezra, construction of the second temple in Jerusalem began around 537 BCE. All these events are considered significant in Jewish history and culture, and had a far-reaching impact on the development of Judaism.
Archaeological studies have revealed that not all of the population of Judah was deported, and that, although Jerusalem was utterly destroyed, other parts of Judah continued to be inhabited during the period of the exile.[6] The return of the exiles was a gradual process rather than a single event, and many of the deportees or their descendants did not return, becoming the ancestors of the Iraqi Jews.https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Babylonian_captivity
SIRIUS DOG or GOD DOG is babyLON LEON ELON SOUTH SOL O MON SEAL GOD is NORTH Twin peaks aquarius/Capricorn not JACK n JILL!!!!! Boris and GRETA Not for Nothing that RAhu RASTA RA North Node was on SIRIUS for 9/11 and again for Notre DAM Peau d'ANE DNA ADN TWIN PEAKS Jack and Jill FELL DOWN UND UR in OZ ZiOn After the fall of Babylon to the Persian king Cyrus the Great in 539 BCE, SIRIUS exiled Judeans Babylon Judah BJ Boris John SION 5 is LEO LEON LYON FALL OF BABYLON 539 becomes 639 369 the line BROKE the mokey got CHOKED.. 6 VirgO 3 Gemini 9 Sagittarius Mercury rules jack n Jill and Jupiter rules sagittarius where the good the bad and the ugly are NEXT YEAR!!! The TEMPEST 3 6 9 is Mutable CROSS that we end now MJ Jack SON were permitted to return to Judah.[4][5] According to the biblical book of Ezra, construction of the second temple in Jerusalem began around 537 BCE. All these events are considered significant in Jewish history and culture, and had a far-reaching impact on the development of Judaism. https://astrologyking.com/fixed-star-sirius/?fbclid=IwAR0HAR278iSJSXc5OjF9uRGi33mE20GpSgujsu9SmieJOv3VMI8FDkGG6kE

Mary Mary Quite GRETA Contrary had a Lil ISLAM BabyLEOn ELON Judah BJ Blow Job Wind in the Willows Boris John SION Mary Magdalene 369 the line broke and the Monkey got choked ... 1968 ROSE MARY NOTRE DAME BABY's MONKEY generations MM ♒️WW FAKE TWIN PEAKS ...... ISLAM is your Mary POPins POP eye thaLAMBus 3rd 👁🎯
Yup Mary Magdalene Virgin Virgo Greta double 007 Black Moon MOMO goes under whirl to come out Capricorn High Cardinal Woman Earth... we transmute Virgin Mutable adaptable Earth into her full blossomed grand Master beauty or stuck in the den of Leon Hades... double 00 7 black moon in Virgo 28/9 and 28/10 Mary Mary had a lil Lamb she PoPs her 3rd Eye or is Mary His Lamb ISLAM POP Pinned

Ennigaldi lived in the 6th century BCE. She had 3 careers. One was as a school administrator, running a school for priestesses that was already over eight centuries old when she took over. Another was as a museum curator. And still another was as a high priestess (the en-priestess).[3][4] Archaeologist Sir Leonard Woolley notes in his work that her father king Nabonidus called her Belshalti-Nannar when she became the High Priestess of Nannar at Ur.[8] Ennigaldi became high priestess in 547 BCE. Her grandmother (Addagoppe of Harran) was also a high priestess, but was at this time already deceased.[3]
Ennigaldi received her additional name of Nanna because she was a high priestess of the male god Nanna (equivalent to the Old Babylonian moon deity Sin).[3] She devoted much of her religious time in the evenings to Nanna in a small blue room on top of the Great Ziggurat of Ur.[3] This worship temple at Ur for Ennigaldi, the high priestess, was called Nanna-Suen and was rebuilt by her father (it was originally rebuilt by Enanedu in the reign of her brother Rim-Sin I).[9] This temple is also referred to as the "giparu" for the entu-priestess (high priestess) and was considered a sacred place for "private cultic use."[10]
The "giparu" was for the high priestess only (moon goddess) and men were strictly forbidden to enter it. The "giparu" was built and rebuilt several times following Early Dynastic times. Ennigaldi's father, King Nabonidus, rebuilt the "giparu" for Ennigaldi around 590 BCE, not knowing at the time that this would be the last time it was rebuilt.[10][11] He recorded on brick tablets https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bel-Shalti-Nanna
The 3 Stages of the MOON New, Half and FULL The Three Mary's 3 6 9 Red White and Greta GREEN MAN

The Babylonian captivity or Babylonian exile is the period in Jewish history during which a number of people from the ancient Kingdom of Judah were captives in Babylonia. After the Battle of Carchemish in 605 BCE, King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon besieged Jerusalem, resulting in tribute being paid by King Jehoiakim.[1] Jehoiakim refused to pay tribute in Nebuchadnezzar's fourth year, which led to another siege in Nebuchadnezzar's seventh year, culminating with the death of Jehoiakim and the exile of King Jeconiah, his court and many others; Jeconiah's successor Zedekiah and others were exiled in Nebuchadnezzar's eighteenth year; a later deportation occurred in Nebuchadnezzar's twenty-third year. The dates, numbers of deportations, and numbers of deportees given in the biblical accounts vary.[2] These deportations are dated to 597 BCE for the first, with others dated at 587/586 BCE, and 582/581 BCE respectively.[3]
After the fall of Babylon to the Persian king Cyrus the Great in 539 BCE, exiled Judeans were permitted to return to Judah.[4][5] According to the biblical book of Ezra, construction of the second temple in Jerusalem began around 537 BCE. All these events are considered significant in Jewish history and culture, and had a far-reaching impact on the development of Judaism.
Archaeological studies have revealed that not all of the population of Judah was deported, and that, although Jerusalem was utterly destroyed, other parts of Judah continued to be inhabited during the period of the exile.[6] The return of the exiles was a gradual process rather than a single event, and many of the deportees or their descendants did not return, becoming the ancestors of the Iraqi Jews. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Babylonian_captivity

Rose REd and Rose White become RED WHITE and GREEN ... GREEN MAN CLIMATE CHANGE is PAN Fake Baphomet FAKE Twin peak for those who choose to remain in the FLESH CRAP TRAP ... ROSE MARYs Babies 1968/1986 ITS YOUR TIME to make the change outside of the HYPE 3 6 9 the line broke the monkey got choked is The ELON LEON NO EL TRAP you dont want to be in a BRAIN ROW Rain BOW ROW BOAT but SAILING through in your own VESSEL

New FAKE Biarritz 64 Flag originally RED and BLACK now White Red and GREEN

Rose Marys Babies 1968 3 6 9 The line broke the Monkey got Choked THREE MARYS is Red White and GREEN GRETA ....

A Green Man is a sculpture or other representation of a face surrounded by or made from leaves. Branches or vines may sprout from the mouth, nostrils, or other parts of the face and these shoots may bear flowers or fruit. Commonly used as a decorative architectural ornament, Green Men are frequently found in carvings on both secular and ecclesiastical buildings. "The Green Man" is also a popular name for English public houses and various interpretations of the name appear on inn signs, which sometimes show a full figure rather than just the head.
The Green Man motif has many variations. Found in many cultures from many ages around the world, the Green Man is often related to natural vegetative deities. It is primarily interpreted as a symbol of rebirth, representing the cycle of growth each spring. Some[1][2] speculate that the mythology of the Green Man developed independently in the traditions of separate ancient cultures and evolved into the wide variety of examples found throughout history. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Green_Man

32 +32 is 64 Biarritz is RED Aquarius Black Capricorn now its RED WHITE and GREEN G7 ends the holy grail Mary Magdalene into the Twin peaks

MOMO MM/WW DOUBLE Black Moon in VirgO the 28/9 TONIGHT and 28/10 still in VIRGO on correct constellations thats the TWO sides of Mary Mary quite contrary these TWO double OO 7L eLLe Moons are the one that make Mary Mary lil LAMB you Pop it or Live it ....

RA RASTA GRETA leads us into the BABYLON DEN DAN down Und UR in ZiOn OZ ASIA Opposite NASA North/South America Twin peaks GIZA opposite SphinX FaKe PHOENIX

MOMO dark side of the MOON .... Mary POP In your 3rd EYE follow the LAMB of GOD your inner child EYE not HIS LAMB Islam

WW II MM II MOMO Wind in the Willows Mary Magdalene WHORE of Babylone V is 22 VV is W catch 22 2020

1968 to 2018 CROSS OVER Rose Red and Rose White
